View Full Version : Drop Tubes

02-23-2013, 06:17 AM
Just want to get an idea on how many people use a drop tube for pouring powder. I shoot at the range in order to practice for the woods. Obviously, I would not be taking one in the stand for any second shot. But seeing as how it is the first shot that really counts I just wanted to see what you guys do.

02-23-2013, 11:58 AM
I shoot a Gibbs in LR competition and I made my drop tube up from some 1/4" ID aluminum tubing and put an MTM funnel on the drop end with a nylon bushing that has a screw in the side for adjustment of height. You want it to be somewhat off of the breach face. Cooper tubing form Lowe's or Home Depot would work as well.


Doc Highwall
02-23-2013, 12:54 PM
Aluminum arrow shafts will work also.

02-23-2013, 01:03 PM
Duly noted. That will be my next project.

02-23-2013, 09:15 PM
what is the reason for a drop tube?

does rifling affect the drop that much? is this to bypass any oil/lube in the bore? to protect from a spark still inside?

02-23-2013, 10:26 PM
what is the reason for a drop tube?

does rifling affect the drop that much? is this to bypass any oil/lube in the bore? to protect from a spark still inside?

Having a drop tube puts all of the powder that it can in the breech area. Your assumptions are correct as to lube/oil in the bore, as well as byproduct of combusion. For hunting its less of a consideration because generally you're not concerned with 10ths of an inch where you might be for burgers or gold. However it should be, and whatever you can do to minimize variation you should adopt, in my opinion. Little things can make differences in Muzzleloader shooting.

Weighing your powder before heading to the range makes a difference as does tapping your powder into a volume measure. In an experiment that was conducted amongst a half a dozen or so participants, it was determined that you could get as much as 4 grains difference either side of a volume charge. 4 grains between loads over a shot string is noticeable, so having consistency matters. Drop tubes offer another step in this practice.

The foregoing are the opinions of the resident 3 present here at the keybored...

Aloha... 8-)

02-28-2013, 04:59 PM
I never used one till I bought my Gibb,s.Since I started using the one I got with the Gibb's,
I never leave home with out it.I just think they help with accuracy.


DIRT Farmer
03-08-2013, 07:00 PM
The Bevel Brothers did a test in chunk guns using PRBs and found no improvmennt in the chunk gun. Apperently the barrel itself casses the powder to settle uniforimly. In a paper patch gun, a few grains of powder cling to the bore can tear the paper patch or remove it. and cause leading of the barrel and also an errent round.

03-09-2013, 09:50 PM
I've used one on a small-bore rifle (.32), but I think I used it as much so I had an excuse to use a funnel as anything else.