View Full Version : Jordan Trooper

02-22-2013, 04:55 PM
Hi Folks,

Who uses the Jordan Trooper by Herrett's Stocks? Does anybody use the Roper? What can you tell me about them? I'm considering one or the other for an N-Frame S&W.

Thanks, Tom

02-22-2013, 07:32 PM
I tried a set of Jordan Troopers, but they are not for me. The N-Frame is right at the point of being too large for me to begin with. The Troopers exacerbated that condition. I sold them when I sold my model 27, and while I miss the gun on occasion, I never miss the grips.

02-22-2013, 07:33 PM
I have the Roper style on several of my N-frames. I find that most of the time they need to be thinned somewhat in order to make them fit my hands. I have a wide palm but short, fat fingers. It is for that reason I cannot shoot Jordan Trooper grips well at all. Bill Jordan developed that style of grip to accomodate his huge hands. We met a long time ago, and his hand swallowed mine when we shook.

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical" ~ Thomas Jefferson

Green Frog
02-22-2013, 08:34 PM
[QUOTE=DaveCampbell;2073982][FONT=Times New Roman] I have the Roper style on several of my N-frames. I find that most of the time they need to be thinned somewhat in order to make them fit my hands. I have a wide palm but short, fat fingers. It is for that reason I cannot shoot Jordan Trooper grips well at all. Bill Jordan developed that style of grip to accomodate his huge hands. We met a long time ago, and his hand swallowed mine when we shook.

+! to that. I thoroughly enjoyed the one conversation I was privileged to have with Bill Jordan and totally respect his opinion on all things firearms related (as well as dining in New Orleans where we were :wink:) but I have normal sized hands, and anything that was a good fit for his outsized mitt would be way too big for mine. I did try one of the plastic copies he sanctioned for the K-frame Model 19, but it just wasn't right for me. More's the pity. :(


FN in MT
02-22-2013, 08:39 PM

Heres a set of K frame Troopers from Herrett.

FN in MT
02-22-2013, 08:41 PM

Heres a recently acquired set on a M-627 N frame. I have big hands and have found the Troopers to be near perfect for me. Though I have them scale my K frame Troopers down about 20%. They simply do not need to be that big on a K-22 or K-38.

02-23-2013, 02:44 AM
I prefer the Shooting Master on my N frames.

02-27-2013, 07:42 AM
Have five Ruger Redhawks and they all wear them.
Wish Herrett's made them for the big Dan Wessons!!!


02-27-2013, 07:46 AM
Thanks for the information folks. I sent an inquiry to Herrett's last week and am waiting on a reply. Take care, Tom

02-27-2013, 09:25 AM
Thanks for the information folks. I sent an inquiry to Herrett's last week and am waiting on a reply. Take care, Tom

It's best to call they if you can. They answer e-mails but they are slow at it, at least that's what I have found.


Larry Gibson
02-27-2013, 10:56 AM
Unless you have large hands with longer fingers you will find the Trooper stocks to be too large on an N frame S&W. I have smaller hands and found them a bit large on the K frame S&Ws. Once I thinned them down they worked fine.

Larry Gibson

02-27-2013, 01:59 PM
Tatume -

Howdy !

I've had 2ea "Jordan Trooper" stocks made for me by Herrett's. They were both for a square-butt .357Mag 4" "N"-frame.

The first ( abused ) stock lasted me 32yr. I just screwed on the new pair, last year. After trying walnut on the first stock,
I went w/ Concalo ALves for the most recent ones. I really like the look/color/feel/texture/surface finish; et al.

For my hands, the Jordan Trooper is about the only readily-available "grip" that will work. I don't have/don't want to go w/ a round-butt "N"-frame.

I used a Dremel to give the original stocks a better reliefe for speed loader work. I sent the original set back to Herretts, when I ordered the replacement stock. They dulicated ( even better than mine ) the extra speedloader access reliefe.

Check-out their website, to view and read differences in "Roper" vs "Jordan Trooper".

With regards,

02-27-2013, 03:56 PM
I thought Herretts had you send a tracing of your hand with your order and they sized them to fit. They may not do that anymore. I remember that from the 70's.

02-27-2013, 09:29 PM
Tatume -

My initial brief reply came while I was writing from work @ lunch time.

The "Roper" style stock features an exposed backstrap, whereas the "Jordan Trooper" ( at least mine ) have thebackstrap covered in wood.
The Roper does not appear relieved on the upper Lt side for speedloaders, while the "-Trooper " is.

They also vary in the treatment of the upper stock. The Roper style has wood that is arcing toward the cylinder/backplate. On the "Jordan Trooper",
the wood is cut the opposite, and is curved down and aft as towards the heel of the grip.

My first Jordan Trooper stock was noticeably narrowed beneath the palm area and on down to the bottom of the frame/stock ( viewed looking toward the gun from
normal hold ). My second "-Trooper" stock is not narrowed ( or tapered ) as much. I like the second iterration, better.

A superb product !

With regards,

02-28-2013, 03:24 PM
Hi Folks,

Today I heard back from Herretts. Since I plan to conceal the N-frame S&W in a belt holster, they recommended the Jordan Trooper if my gun has a round butt. If it has a square butt they recommended the Detective stock. I think I'll get a Jordan for my M629. As they will size the grip to suit my hand, I think it would work out well.

Thanks for all the help. It is appreciated.

Take care, Tom

02-28-2013, 09:32 PM
I have a 629 mtn pistol with Jordon Troopers, it is my favorite pistol, those grips really tame the hot 44 loads.