View Full Version : Names I Don't See Much Anymore!

02-22-2013, 02:25 PM
In my shop/gun room, I have two large file cabinets. With all that room, I have a tendency to save too much paper. Over the past 15-20 years, I have printed and saved emails, articles, Cast Boolet posts/threads, CB-L, etc. and sort of filed them helter skelter. Last week I started to try to organize and throw away.

I got bogged down because I stopped to read everything I came across. One thing stood out. There were a lot of names on all these that I don't see much any more. One in particular was Bill Ferguson. I have many pages of his articles and emails that we traded as I was getting started in casting. I have not tried to contact him lately because he was always somewhat difficult to talk to on the phone and because of his age, I doubt he does much, if any, dealing in lead and casting supplies. The stuff I have is, to me, valuable because of his technical expertise and depth of knowledge. His use of the English language was also entertaining.

I'm not going to mention any other names because they may still be active and may not want their names spread around. Several of these I have found still post on the CBA Forum. I don't get there often but usually spend a couple of hours when I do. I still belong to the CB-L e-list. While not as active as it once was, it is still interesting.

Most of the documents are both interesting and valuable to me. So this long term project is more about organizing than throwing away.
The old catalogs/brochures are interesting too.

I'm sure many others here are pack rats too.

02-22-2013, 07:11 PM
I'm sure many others here are pack rats too.

Yep. There was a thread started here some time back about having too much junk.

Bob Krack
02-22-2013, 07:52 PM
Too much JUNK????

Surely you jest! :mrgreen:


02-22-2013, 10:01 PM
i just went through a box in the garage that had a bunch of literature and old notes and such.
i found my old reloading data book me and my dad worked on 25 years ago.
and some stuff from bill also,and art green who was in hollywood at the time running a small foundry.
i spoke with both of them on the phone several times also,and bill did talk like an old "cowboy" most of the time.
i could alway's see Art with a pocket protector and a calculator wearing his superman framed glasses.
i still have a couple of lbs of bill's antimonial ore here somewhere.

02-22-2013, 10:17 PM
I don't know about yall, but I have junk and Stuff. They are not the same and the junk is quickly discarded. The Stuff has all kinds of uses and is hung on to for a long time and rarely discarded.

02-23-2013, 12:29 AM
knowledge is never junk, and memories of friends past and present is never junk.

02-23-2013, 12:37 AM
There are some I miss, and others (banned that I don't)! Some on this forum tend to let emotion get personal and some feelings get hurt, and they leave or back away. And that is a loss for us all.

02-23-2013, 04:17 PM
That's not junk! That's projects that i haven't gotten around to yet! :)

William Yanda
02-23-2013, 09:25 PM
[QUOTE That's projects that i haven't gotten around to yet! :)[/QUOTE]

I tell my wife its a project that needs more priority. Sounds so much more positive.