View Full Version : Memories...

02-19-2013, 12:52 AM
I was over at my Father's place tonight to take him over to the diner as is our Monday habit. Pop turned 85 last December and no one knows the day or the hour, if you know what I mean. All of his brothers and his sister passed at 85 and sometimes it's tough to see the iron man that raised me turning frail. :sad: Anyway, after dinner we went back to his place and were talking a bit. We got on the subject of his basement, which he is having parged. Suddenly he brightens up and says that while the workmen were cleaning out and moving 55 years of accumulated stuff they found some lead and would I like to take it. Well sure I would! So we talk a little longer and I'm ready to head on home so I pop down to get the lead. It was just a little pile, but the memories it brought flooding back...

Pop got out of the Navy in 46, married my Mother in 48 and bought that house in 57, closing on it while my Mom was in the hospital after giving birth to me. Pop was on the line gang for Ma Bell at the time and they both shot on the Bullseye team at our local range along with my Grampa and Aunt Jessie. Well a telephone man with 3 kids doesn't have a whole lot of spare cash and having access to a bit of cable sheath, he started casting. By the time I was old enough to help he had a huge pile of sheath under the back porch. There was so much lead coming in that he had to tell his buddies to stop dropping it off. We poured literally tons of it into H&G 50s to keep the family shooting through the 60s. We shot up a bunch ourselves and traded still more for powder and primer. Then in the early 70s job pressure and another expensive kid added to the clan made him give up competition and we drifted away from shooting and into scouts and camping and other family activities. We still shot some, but not like the 60s and the casting gear got put away as we had plenty to last us already cast. Time marches on...

About 25 years ago, Pop built an addition on the back of the house and that pile of sheath under the porch had to go. I took about 600 pounds of it home with me and the construction guys carried the rest of it, way over a ton... maybe over 2 tons, into the dumpster during the demolition. Now I know what you're all thinking. But 25 years ago, 600 pounds was a lot of lead to me. I didn't shoot competitively, and frankly that cable sheath wasn't as good for my use as the WW that every gas station in town was more than happy to have Bob carry out to my car for me. It was a different time and I never gave building a stockpile a thought. Free lead was everywhere. Fast forward 15 years and I'm an action shooting junky casting a couple hundred pounds a year to feed my habit and free lead is getting more than a little scarce. I've scrounged a fair pile since then, but I sure would like a 2nd chance at Pop's back porch.

So here we are back to tonight and 29 pounds of 1960s cable sheath has me getting all misty and thinking of times past and a future not far off...

02-19-2013, 08:08 AM
is2 - Great story, thanks for that. Consider yourself lucky. My Dad, while a great Dad, never shot anything, fished, hunted or anything else outdoor related, except golf. I got him to go fishing with my son and me once, for trout. We had a great time. Oh, the memories. I often wonder what it was that made me decide I had to shoot, hunt & fish.. Mike

41 mag fan
02-19-2013, 09:27 AM
Cherish the memories. The lead is a bonus.

Charlie Two Tracks
02-19-2013, 10:56 AM
What great memories! Thanks for sharing that. If it was me (and it's not) I would put that lead up on a shelf where I could see it for those days that are not so much fun. 29 dollars will replace that lead but seeing that lead (knowing your dad collected it) is priceless.

02-19-2013, 04:59 PM
Good post. Thanks for sharing.

02-19-2013, 06:02 PM
Great post. Where's that "like" button again?

02-19-2013, 07:31 PM
Thanks guys. I've been very lucky to have my Pop as long as I have. A lifetime of dedication, teaching and love. It's just bittersweet remembering what was and realizing at the same time our Mondays are going to end sometime not nearly far enough in the future.

04-03-2013, 01:09 AM
Last Monday Pop had another present for me. 2 rolls of rosin core 50/50 and this bar:


This one goes on the shelf for lookin' at... I've got plenty of tin to melt.

04-03-2013, 01:15 AM
Last Monday Pop had another present for me. 2 rolls of rosin core 50/50 and this bar:

This one goes on the shelf for lookin' at... I've got plenty of tin to melt.


Bad Water Bill
04-03-2013, 02:19 PM
My dad was a very quiet man. Never talked about his growing up and we never went on a single vacation, Mom till the day she died in her own home and bed never said much. We never missed a fresh home cooked meal and sometimes there was a rabbit dad had snared at one of the homes he helped build. We never lacked for decent clothes even tho mom sewed many a shirt out of grain sacks. We got the sacks for free from a neighbor that worked at the elevator.

Looking back I wonder how they were able to pay all of the bills and feed 3 kids but they did and always held hands where ever they went. Yes even after 60 + years of married life there was ALWAYS a kiss for each other and a smile even if they had only been separated for only 10 minutes to the store.