View Full Version : Smoked/Canned Trout

02-16-2013, 09:12 PM
The local lake should be stocked with legal rainbow trout next week.
I talked to a buddy who guts and cuts off the tail and head for these fish.
He smokes them for 3-4 hrs. and cans them. Sounds good to me. I need to try it.
Anyone here tried smoking and then canning trout?....dale

Love Life
02-16-2013, 10:14 PM
I tried smoking trout once, but it wouldn't stay lit...

L Ross
02-17-2013, 12:00 AM
I brine white bass filets with skin and scales left on over night, then rinse thoroughly the next day. Lay them on the racks in the smoker skin side down and smoke for an hour at 160 degrees over hickory saw dust. Then the skin just peels off and I scrape the mud line off with a plastic knife. Cut/break up the filets into chunks that'll fit in a pint jar, add a tablespoon each of catsup, vinegar, and canola oil. Process in a pressure canner at 10# for 90 minutes. Should work with about any good smoking fish. Keeps sealed without refridgeration and tastes great. Refridgerate after opening the jar.

02-17-2013, 12:27 AM
I don't know beans about smoking/canning fish, but it sure sounds yummy to me!

02-17-2013, 12:32 AM
I don't know beans about smoking/canning fish, but it sure sounds yummy to me!

Same here.

Jim Flinchbaugh
02-17-2013, 12:35 AM
its REALLY good, my adviceis to smoke it much lighter for canning than if you where to just eat it.
I did my first attempt last winter, and smoked them as I usually do and the smokey flavor was way more intense
after canning

02-17-2013, 12:51 AM
Ya'll must have either a better way of cooking trout or different tastebuds....I tried trout once & it tasted like someone wiped a sardine's behind with a cotton ball. Course it could just be the trout we got around here, they're planted in cold months by the wildlife dept for winter fishing opportunities & come from hatchery.:mrgreen:

Lloyd Smale
02-17-2013, 06:54 AM
my hunting partners brother cans smoked fish all the time. I dont know how he goes about it but it sure is good.

02-17-2013, 12:45 PM
Somewhere I have an awesome canned fish recipie we got from a friend.
Too bad I dont know where it is now. I dont think he smoked the fish, just added liquid smoke to the jar.

Man, it was gooooood. We've taken jars along to hunting camp, add a little Miracle Whip and make sammiches. MMMMM

02-17-2013, 08:16 PM
I have smoked fish for canning before. Albacore and salmon.
I know what you mean about smoking it light.
No brine and smoke it for 1-2 hrs.....dale

MT Gianni
02-18-2013, 12:38 AM
I brine trout for 8-12 hours with a mix of salt, garlic and brown sugar. The traditional need for salt is 1 cup per gallon, I rinse in fresh water after as it is too salty for me. I do about 1/2 that amount if the fish is to be refrigerated or eaten with in 24 hours. I smoke over low heat >120 F for 3-5 hours, bone and serve.
I also can trout with a recipe from the Blue Book of Canning adding salt, garlic and onion to cut fish. I neither skin nor bone but process in a steam pressure canner containers no larger than pints. IIRC it is 10 lbs psi for 30 minutes then let it cool but I always check the book so do not trust my time.
I have never brined smoked trout but would smoke for no more than 30 minutes if I did as flavors a stronger when processed.

03-14-2013, 02:08 PM
I have had no luck with the farm rainbows here in Oregon. The fish is just mushy, and white...gross.
Now, If I am out at the coast sometimes I get a few of those wild cutthroats, and those are worth doing something with, but my brine needs some work. Do great jerky, but my fish is hurtin.

03-14-2013, 03:07 PM
I don't know about the fish where you are, but I've had rainbow trout from the streams west of Denver--Central City and Leadville areas-- and rainbow and brown trout from just below the hatchery near Lebanon, Mo and all I can say is that they are scrumptious.

03-14-2013, 03:38 PM
I have had smoked salmon....and I liked it.

Lloyd Smale
03-15-2013, 07:26 AM
stealhead out of lake superior arent the best eating. Small rainbow out of the local lakes are pretty good and brook trout out of the river are excellent eating. I usualy throw back any trout bigger then 15 inch, only exception are lake trout caught in superior. Its a bit differnt with them. theres spots on the lake on certain reafs where the fish must eat differnt and we call the fats. the meat is about white with fat and they arent good for anything. Catch them somewhere else though and there about as pink as salmon. Even the really big ones. Ive seen some huge lake trout that were still good to eat. After saying all of that ill admit that trout isnt my favorite fish. Id much rather have pike, walleye, perch or whitefish.

04-19-2013, 12:46 AM
I thought I was good at smoking trout/salmon/steelehead. My wife smoked the first trout for me, and made my best smoked fish amateurish. The key is brining no more than 4 hours and smoking less than 4 hours.