View Full Version : ??? on Lee Safety Prime

02-16-2013, 02:24 PM
I am considering a Lee Classic Turret and would need the Safety prime unit. Just how durable are all those plastic parts? I know Lee sells a bunch of them but I can destroy a 50# anvil with a cotton ball. I do handle stuff with care, but. The bracket attachment that bolts onto the press and the clip that is on the prime unit is my concern. thanks

PS Paul
02-16-2013, 02:33 PM
You know, I had concerns too. I've now probably loaded 2,500 rounds with the large and small combined and they've stood up well. I am a little "ginger" with it when taking off and putting on the bracket, but I've found the system works surprisingly well after figuring out some little "tricks" to putting the primers in the cup consistently. I am still having issues getting the very LAST primer to feed from the dispenser, but otherwise it has been durable and worked as described.

Now I do get the feeling that it will NOT stand up to much abuse though, so taking care when loading the primer tray is required. I've taken to removing the tray from the feed assembly (as it shows in the instructions) when loading since I think that reduces some of the potential for breakage. Otherwise, I'm really happy with the durability and performance.

Hope that helps, but I suppose you'll find out soon enough!

02-16-2013, 03:09 PM
1+ with Paul. I havent had a problem with breakage, and I am like you. Anything that can go wrong will. But not so far.
It might be a little more expensive but I would suggest in getting 2 safety primes. I did that so I wouldn't have to keep switching primer types into different containers. That way I have 3 dedicated flipper for just 1 type of primer, with a spair that can be used as a backup when doing larger loading quantities. Just my 2 cents Kevin

02-16-2013, 04:30 PM
I haven't had a problem and use it on the Classic Turret and the Classic Cast. I've been using it now for over a year, with no idea how many times but I do load 4 calibers with a couple hundred each month. Mine still looks like brand new. It does take a bit of practice when you first get it however it is easy once you get the hang of it.

02-16-2013, 10:04 PM
Probably five, maybe six, years and many thousands of primers and it's still working great.