View Full Version : Pimento Cheese Spread

02-16-2013, 12:26 PM
While growing up back in the 50's on occasion Dad would make up a spread that we all really enjoyed. Got to looking for it not too long ago and found out it is a staple in the south. Dad was from Kentucky so I guess it just stands to reason. It might be that everyone already knows about this but for those who dont -- here go's.

Take one half block of Velveta or any other kind of processed cheese ( about 2 cups ) and let it come fully to room temp.
Put into a bowel and mash well with a heavy fork.
Add one half cup of mayo and from 1/2 to a full teaspoon of garlic powder to taste, mix.
Then add a four oz. jar of pimentos well drained, mix and salt and pepper to taste.
Put into refrigerator and chill for a few hours or let set overnight to allow flavors to mix.

Excellent on any kind of cracker or put on celery.

I also remembered he would take left over roast beef, grind it up, add mayo and sweet pickle relish for a meat spread. He might have also added garlic powder and I bet salt and pepper.

Also he made up some kind of liverwurst but can't remember just what he did.


02-16-2013, 01:08 PM
Re: "Put into a bowel and mash well ...." Hog? Goat?

My sainted mother made pimento cheese all the time. Wow, it was good, and I still like it today.

02-16-2013, 01:13 PM
Grated Cheddar instead of Velveta is how my Dad made it.

02-16-2013, 06:55 PM
I am addicted to pimiento cheese- but ya gottta make it with sharp cheddar!! it is great on toast in the morning, with crackers, on hamburgers....oy!!

Rick N Bama
02-16-2013, 07:31 PM
Pimiento cheese is a southern thing? I thought the world over made it:)


The Dove
02-17-2013, 11:48 AM
My Mom uses American cheese (yellow). Love those sandwitches.....

The Dove

02-17-2013, 11:56 AM
Grandad used to make it using velveta, but used one of the hand grinders to grind the velveta/pimentos. I buy it at the store (Prices) and eat it on crackers, probably every other day, at least

02-17-2013, 01:34 PM
Sounds odd, gotta trust me on this one. Had an ounce or two of leftover creamed cheese and decided to make some kind of spread or dip. Threw in a big handful of grated Mexican cheese blend and dribbled a brave helping of Srirachi hot chili sauce (look in the Chinese food section), stirred it awhile and spread it on a cracker. :-D Tasted for all the world like a very good pimento cheese spread. Not normally a pimento cheese spread fan but I really like this stuff.

02-17-2013, 04:37 PM
Well, that sure didn't last very long.
Thought I had this hidden in the back of the refrigerator but no such luck.
Wife , daughter and granddaughter are up in the sewing room making a quilt, came down for a snack and a cup of tea. Found my stash !!!!!
So much for that one but ah ha !!
Still had a half block of cheese left from the first run.
I starts to make another batch and gets pushed aside right now.
Cant use a fork, have to use the food processor, Ok with that one. Needs cayenne pepper, sounds OK but didn't have much left in the can. Red pepper flakes ? That will do.
How about a good shot of mustard-- that worked. Worcester sauce -- NO, I want to eat it too.
Not sure what they did as had to make a run to the cellar to get the canned pimentos but when I got back up they were all grinning and not saying much.
Drained and dumped in the pimentos, mixed lightly, still needed salt and pepper. Voted down on the pepper but did it anyway.
OK, first taste ??? Not too bad really !!!! Needs to sit over night and chill to bring out the real flavor-----------------wonder if it will make it ?

This stuff is good !! Don't ever recall Dad having this kind of help though !!


02-18-2013, 01:50 PM
Made some this weekend, we use shredded sharp cheddar and Monterrey jack in equal proportions with mayo, garlic powder and some cream cheese and pimento, great stuff.

02-18-2013, 02:43 PM
I too am an addict.....Hopelessly Addicted, ain't no cure for me. My job , when mamma made it, was to grate the cheese for her. Been grating ever scince, I still make and love it. Tried it with crumbled , crispy fried bacon mixed in...that jacks it up a notch or two. What's not better with bacon?

02-18-2013, 09:38 PM
Pimento cheese is something I had all the time at the house when growing up. Mom loved it and made it very similar to the OP recipe. I buy the "store bought" stuff. Sandwiches, stuffed celery, on crackers, it's all good. One of the things I overlook or forget to buy, but when I have it, it's a daily/nightly delicacy. Yum, good. I'll put it on the shopping list for tomorrow. Thank you Reg for reminding me to get some.

Bad Water Bill
02-19-2013, 04:20 AM
I have not had any since I was a kid.

That was about 6 mo after folks learned how to make cheese.:)

I don't remember if it was store bought or home made.

Just checked and Wal mart near me is SUPPOSED to stock it.

Looks like a trip to Wally World is in order.

02-20-2013, 12:23 AM
I made a batch of our recipe (sharp cheddar, cream cheese, Duke's mayo, green onions, etc) tonight. Thanks for reminding me how good it is! I also bought a dozen jalepenos to stuff with it and put on the grill with steaks later in the week.


02-22-2013, 03:46 PM
A Holiday staple at our home was the storebought stuff, mixed approximately 50/50 with Underwood Deviled Ham, plus a little squirt each of mustard and mayo, then "stuffed" into celery sticks. It was also utilized as a cracker dip. Mom's grandkids still demand it today. When I mix my own, I add, to all of the above, a couple of healthy dashes of "Try Me Tiger Sauce!", which is a hot sauce, similar to Scirracha, but with a definite sweet bend to it.
For stuffing jalapenos, it is definitely better to mix your own out of grated block cheeses, as the mix will stand up to the heat of the grill or fryer way better. Sharp cheddar and pepper jack are my goto's! And just a sniff of minced garlic really works well!!!

03-13-2013, 01:03 PM
Yes, very popular in the South. About every church eating we have some little old lady always has a platter on pimento cheese sandwiches. I like them on occasion not all the time.

Rick N Bama
03-13-2013, 03:06 PM
PC is one of the staples in my house, more often than not, used as a dip or spread for crackers. One of my favorite snacks! My wife has made it a few time, but we just normally buy it at the grocery.


03-16-2013, 09:31 AM
Same recipe my mother used. 50's also. I still eat bologna and pimento cheese sandwiches