View Full Version : Corn Cob Media

02-13-2013, 03:49 PM
I purchased some corn cob media from my local Walmart today. (First time our store has ever stocked anything related to my reloading, other than black powder that is.) It is made by Hartz and is listed as corn cob bedding and litter and comes in an 8 lb bag. In the store it sells for $3.52 but is listed on-line for $4.17 (always thought it was cheaper on-line...hmmm). This media is somewhat larger than I'm accustomed to using (grit size is not listed), but I'm hoping it will do a good job. Do any of you use this particular media? Certainly can't beat the price ANYWHERE!!!

02-13-2013, 04:24 PM
You can beat the price and get great corn cob a www.drillspot.com. They ship in a day or two, price for shippng is included in the price of the product. The 14/20 won't get stuck it your primer flash holes- it goes right through them. Fourty pounds for just over $34.00 delivered to your door.



02-13-2013, 04:34 PM
the media from drillspot is a 40lb/$34.13, which equates to .85 cents/lb. the media at walmart is 8lb/$3.52, which equates to .44 cents/lb. not the same media, but it certainly beats the price.

02-13-2013, 05:21 PM
I just ordered from drillspot on Monday afternoon. Tuesday afternoon I had my corn cob media. Holy cow, that was fast! Especially for free shipping.

I've tried some of the animal bedding before and had bad results. I think the problem was that it is a variety of different size pieces. In a batch of 223 brass I was using, about 50% got media stuck in the case neck and I had to use a small dental pick to get it out. The drillspot media seems to be more uniform in size, but I haven't tried it out yet.

02-13-2013, 07:25 PM
Yes, the Drillspot cob is excellent. I've been using it for quite a while now. The 14-20, as noted, will not hang-up in flash-holes or pockets.

Each time I fill my Midway machine, I add a "shpritz" (highly scientific term) of Turtle Wax's "Scratch and Swirl Remover". I went to this stuff because I hoped it would have a somewhat more aggressive polishing action than the simple Turtle Wax, and I believe my hope was fulfilled. My brass shines BRILLIANTLY, to the point that looking at it in the Nevada sun is painful to the eyes. Also, the time-in-process is rather short for the results achieved.

I find that , with normally-cruddy brass of my own, I can run at least four or five loads through the tumbler before changing to new cob. The S&S Remover is a huge help in getting quick processing, and I add a bit more of the goop each time I put in another load of brass.

02-13-2013, 08:02 PM
this bedding material will definitely present a problem for .223, but should be alright for my other large rifle and pistol casings. I'll probably order a bag of media from drillspot also. This will give me options for whatever I want to tumble.

02-16-2013, 09:26 AM
I have always purchased my corn cob media from the local "The Andersons" terminal here in Webberville. See if you have one in your area. It's been awhile and I am down to my last 10 pounds or so out of a 50# sack. Last time I bought it it was only like $15 for a 50# bag of 1014 (This size will plug flash holes) 1420 is smaller.


02-16-2013, 09:32 AM
this bedding material will definitely present a problem for .223, but should be alright for my other large rifle and pistol casings. I'll probably order a bag of media from drillspot also. This will give me options for whatever I want to tumble.
I use the Heartz for large brass and like you said 223 is a problem. I made that mistake once. Anyway, I prefer the Zilla snake bedding over the cob media.

02-16-2013, 10:55 AM
Been playing with this stuff ( Hartz ) for a few weeks now. Seems to work OK but only in large pistol and long tapered cases such as the 32-40, 45-70 etc. Any kind of bottle neck case it jams up tight and has to be removed one at a time with some kind of pick.
If you could come up with some way to grind it smaller without producing a lot of fine powder you might have a usable product.
Have put a lot of time into this and have accomplished little or nothing. Time should have been better spent fishing.
Don't like to give up but think I am going to give drillspot a call.


02-21-2013, 01:36 AM
You can beat the price and get great corn cob a www.drillspot.com. They ship in a day or two, price for shippng is included in the price of the product. The 14/20 won't get stuck it your primer flash holes- it goes right through them. Fourty pounds for just over $34.00 delivered to your door.



Thanks for the information. I just placed a order. It may not be the cheapest but after you include my time and gas money looking of the 14/20 this is a bargain. I forgot to mention I spent about 30 bucks buying stuff from pet stores that did now work.

02-22-2013, 09:11 AM
if you like walnut like me just go to your local petco or any other local pet store.
in the reptile section they carry walnut reptile bedding. they go by volume not weight.
last time if i recall it was 5 qts for $7.

02-22-2013, 12:41 PM
Pet store walnut is definitely more useful than their corn cob. That's what I use when I decide to use walnut. I tried to grind coarse corn cob in a food processor once. Good thing I was single and the food processor was old. Corn cob is way tougher than a food processor or blender and I couldn't see that the size had been reduced. I used Wal-Mart corn cob ONCE on .223 and vowed to not repeat that mistake after having to pick it all out of every case.

Reg, hope you've ordered from Drillspot. It's way easier on the soul than fighting that which doesn't work so well. If you'll put a little (2 tablespoons or so) Nu-Finish in with the corn cob and you'll get well polished, tarnish resistant brass. The Nu-Finish polish also helps speed up the polishing. A tablespoon or 2 of mineral spirits also helps the polishing action and keeps dust to a minimum. Replenish both when you can't smell them or the polishing slows down.


02-23-2013, 08:05 PM
I just bought a 50# sack of crushed walnut from a local sand blast supplier. $10.