View Full Version : New Bearcat Sticky Extraction Problem

Super Sneaky Steve
02-10-2013, 09:58 PM
I picked up a dandy little Bearcat Shopkeeper the other day. I took it to the range and most of the empty casings were a BEAR to get out! :)

In this short model I know the extractor won't go full length but even then I couldn't pluck them out with my finger nail or even my pocket knife.

After 12 rounds I said screw it and tossed it back in my bag. I had to unload it like a NAA mini using the base pin as a ram rod.

Any ideas how to fix this? I tried running some Mothers polish through the chambers to try and shine it up a bit. Not sure if this will do anything.

02-11-2013, 12:32 PM
check the cylinder for hits from the firing pin. as in dry firing. i had that problem with my super single six. brownells has an tool to take them out.

02-12-2013, 02:40 AM
Is this a BRAND NEW gun or a used Bearcat?

If used and if the chamber mouths are not peened from dry firing as suggested in bob208's post then try some different ammo. Also try using a bore brush on a hand drill to clean out the chambers. If someone before you was shooting a lot of shorts or CB caps or something like that there can be a crud ring that forms a waist on the LR empties which would make it a bear to get them out. So start by checking that the chambers are free from any such build up.

.357Mag revolvers get this when folks fire a LOT of .38Spl. A hard crud ring builds up at the mouth of the shorter casings. Then when they put in a .357Mag round, which has a longer casing, the crud ring can cause some troubles such as this sort of thing.

02-12-2013, 11:54 AM
I have a BearCat that was sticking empties in the chambers, VERY hard extraction, as posted above - even unfired shells were hard to chamber manually.

Switching to a different brand of ammo instantly cured it's probs. YMMV, of course.


Super Sneaky Steve
02-12-2013, 08:16 PM
It is a brand new gun. I'll try switching ammo, but I have a lot of Federal Bulk and as you know buying ammo is very hard to do right now. I'm more likely to find bigfoot surfing on the loc ness monster than a box of ammo or any reloading stuff.