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02-07-2013, 05:50 PM
I've been in a flux the last couple weeks. I haven't been able to get myself in gear to do anything.

I have got boolits cast ahead for the next year or so, and all my brass is loaded-up and ready to go.
Finished up swaging 2000+, 62gr. .224 caliber bullets.
The wife says l have cabin fever. But I don't think so, if I had cabin fever, I'd want to be out and doing something. I just don't want to do anything. I am content to just set and do nothing.

I thought I might be depression, but I don't feel depressed.
Depression, is as I see it, is an overwhelming sense of despair or defeat, I feel neither.
I'm not upset with anyone or anything. Not even Obama or the government.

I don't know, maybe I'm waiting for spring to arrive. For warm weather, and to get into the garden and work the ground and make it ready to plant. Maybe that's it. Maybe some warm weather and sunshine to spur me into action.

02-07-2013, 06:03 PM
The February Gray Blahs, to be followed by the March Tan and Green Hopefuls, thankfully leading into the April Color Riot and Happy Dance Time. (Fishing and Turkey hunting!)

Hang on brother, sometimes our joy seems a little faded, but it can't last.

02-07-2013, 06:18 PM
thanks dr i wondered what illness i had,seems like theres still hope.

02-07-2013, 06:30 PM
My wife thinks I'm depressed too. Here in Oregon we have a preponderance of grey days without sunshine or warmth. I keep the wood stove going and usually take a two hour nap every afternoon in my recliner. I seem to have no ambition but I don't think I'm clinically depressed, bored is more like it. Need some seventy degree days with bright sunshine and I'll be up on my tractor again grading our driveways.

02-07-2013, 06:34 PM
Yep, kinda got the same thing going, almost Steelhead season, lotta grey and a lotta mud now though.

02-07-2013, 06:56 PM
If it is possible to get into the range, regardless of weather------do so!

02-07-2013, 06:59 PM
The range is 80 steps from the back door.

02-07-2013, 07:00 PM
It will be there soon guys!!
Hate to say it, but it's been in the 70's here the past couple of weeks, and the bass are moving up for the spawn. Been catching White Pearch, and Bass good for the past three weeks. I really feel for you guy's, but Spring is coming, just hold on for a few more weeks.
Bo 8-)

02-07-2013, 07:06 PM
I'm not upset with anyone or anything. Not even Obama or the government.


Sumthin seriously wrong wid ya, Hickory! Run, don't walk to a psych.

02-07-2013, 07:16 PM
sometimes we just need to sit awhile and do nothing. nothing wrong with it. enjoy it. pretty soon, you will be up and getting into all kinds of things!

02-07-2013, 07:40 PM
Sumthin seriously wrong wid ya, Hickory! Run, don't walk to a psych.

Where's Wayne Smith when you need him?

02-07-2013, 08:15 PM
I get really stir crazy this time of year. I packed up and went to the range today and now I feel much better. Dropped the brass in the tumbler and now I have some reloading to do.

02-07-2013, 08:19 PM
I'm not upset with anyone or anything. Not even Obama or the government.

It can only be one of two things, severe depression or brain dead.


02-07-2013, 08:52 PM
It can only be one of two things, severe depression or brain dead.


No, I don't thing I'm depressed or democrat, oh, you said brain dead, same thing I think.
Sometimes I need to remove or divorce myself from politics to save my sanity.

02-07-2013, 09:08 PM
I've had a bout of depression for about 40+ years. Mine isn't sevier, considered mildlin'. I have some new drugs now and am much better. Here are some of the things I expirenced. I had to be reminded (now don't laugh) of what honeydo's I should be doing because I was sort of hiding. I didn't want to go out, even just to shop a bit. It was really hard to do a bunch of things I normally had to do. Instead of doing them and getting past them, I procrastinated a lot. I really didn't want people around, they might drag me out of the 'hiding place' I was in. It wouldn't hurt to check with your family doctor and have a talk with him. Please, do it, it might help.

02-07-2013, 09:26 PM
Vitamin D. You get it from the Sun. If there is a lack of sunshine, you can get it in a pill...

Wayne Smith
02-07-2013, 09:35 PM
Vit D and sun. Vitamin D - the primary source, believe it or not, used to be your milk. It has been fortified with Vit. D all my life. We stopped drinking milk and now over half of the adult population is low on Vit. D.

SAD = Seasonal Affective Disorder - or the winter blahs. Get yourself a SAD lamp, they are readily available on the internet and not expensive. Use it starting late December through about the end of March. It is caused by not enough sun temperature light hitting your eyes. The further north you are the more prevalent it is.

02-08-2013, 12:57 AM
People are animals, and have seasonal pherenome changes. Same thing that affects deer and elk. They change from grazing to browsing in the fall and winter, and change thier habits. Nothing strange about people storing energy and fat during the cold season.

02-08-2013, 01:17 AM
Get to the range and send some rounds down. Leave the paper targets at home- just shoot the gongs. That cures a lot of ills.


02-08-2013, 07:50 AM
Long as you're cool with it, enjoy. (But you're not - is why you posted) Exercise (I know, I tried not to say that). Improve your diet. Anything that gives you energy will help out in the "gumption" supply area. I am depressed, have been since Metheuselah was in knee pants. For a long time it manifest as "lack of gumption". It coincided with aging, and lack of energy from diabetes (and some other thangs that I won't cry about here). I find that increasing the energy even a little gets me going some, and that equals a kind of "hope" in the future. Depression is a dead end, it doesn't come to a solution, just wastes your time. FWIW. When you get over it it hasn't accomplished anything. Getting into gear is the trick. Though I don't think this applies to your situation, just throwing it out there in case it can help someone.

02-08-2013, 08:22 AM
Hickory - You just need your recoil fix. Now, drag yourself that 80 feet out back and get a .45 nice and dirty. You'll feel better, believe me. Besides, then you'll have a gun to clean. And take completely apart - and clean again. By then, maybe we'll have a nice day. And you can "rinse and repeat".!! enjoy Spring's coming, man.... Mike

Wayne Smith
02-08-2013, 08:27 AM
If it is depression there are two soverign cures. 1) exercize - decent exercise increases seratonin in the brain and the opiate analogue in the body, both of which pick you up. 2) Find someone in worse shape than you and help them. It gives you a very different perspective on your situation.

Charlie Two Tracks
02-08-2013, 09:04 AM
Ya know.......... sometimes I have to get away from all the talk shows and talk about the government and just sit back and look at all the things that are right and good. I don't have a lot but what I have is mine and I appreciate having it. Never have cared a lot about February but before long Spring will be here.

02-08-2013, 11:22 AM
I've been in the winter blahs, myself. What's helped was to ignore the foolishness in politics, a re-read of Elmer Keith's Sixguns, a bunch of classic Western movies (Wild Bunch, John Waynes, etc.) and even watched Red Dawn re-run. Weather too bad for range time, so I stopped by WalMart and picked up a .177 pellet rifle and an indoor target trap. Yes sir, got me kick started again!

02-08-2013, 01:51 PM
If we don't get a LOT of rain soon there won't be any hope here. So far this winter less than an inch of moisture of any kind and less than 2 inches total from may to october last year. I am depressed, "Mr Taggart would it cheer you up if we was to'... no bad thought, sorry.

02-08-2013, 01:56 PM
If we don't get a LOT of rain soon there won't be any hope here. So far this winter less than an inch of moisture of any kind and less than 2 inches total from may to october last year. I am depressed, "Mr Taggart would it cheer you up if we was to'... no bad thought, sorry.

doo daa, doo daa! Yes I believe it would!

02-08-2013, 02:03 PM
Well, O'bummer depresses me. Sometimes a pipe and a glass of Bushmills Irish helps.

Where is O'Fallon, MO?

Love Life
02-08-2013, 02:15 PM
Take a walk. That's what I do when I get the blahs. I force myself to pack up my pack and hit the hills. By the time I am an hour into it I am so busy exploring and checking things out that I have forgotten about the blahs and feel much better. Or I'll walk for awhile pick a spot and sit for a spell around a fire while pondering the important things in life.

02-08-2013, 11:18 PM
When I get the blahs I like to just get out in the outdoors and watch God's creation. I have to go further these days with all the oil field activity around us. A friend has a ranch at the end of the road after the jumping off place that is great therapy. Nothing there but some cows and wildlife. Don't have to think, just observe.:-D

02-09-2013, 09:22 AM
Take a walk. That's what I do when I get the blahs. I force myself to pack up my pack and hit the hills. By the time I am an hour into it I am so busy exploring and checking things out that I have forgotten about the blahs and feel much better. Or I'll walk for awhile pick a spot and sit for a spell around a fire while pondering the important things in life.

I put together a pack last night and will hit the woods in a few minutes.
I'll take 2-3 hrs and just look around, make some tea and reflect on my youth, and my future. Later, I'll nail down the type of sweet corn I'll plant this spring.

Love Life
02-09-2013, 12:45 PM
Good deal! Hopefully it gets rid of the blahs. Do you have any creeks or rivers around? I like to take a gold pan when ever I head out. At the rate I'm finding gold I'll be able to retire in about 400 years.

Take care.

02-09-2013, 01:34 PM
Well, I'm back. Saw some squirrels, and rousted two deer from their bed, snow's on the melt, so it doesn't make hardly any noise walking through it.
Going to town later. Might check out the salvage yard for lead before they close.

02-09-2013, 03:45 PM
The reality is winter is a hard time. I struggle with the low daylight hour count in winter and how so much has to be done in so few hours and generally at the weekend. Go to work in the dark, come home in the dark. I try and take a week of holidays in the winter so I can spend a full week doing stuff that I perceive needs doing and that makes me feel good.

Excerise is always a good thing to beat the 'blahs'. I have a predispoition to depression exercise really helps. I have been running now for two years (not none stop......) and do 2 x 11km circuits a week. The sense of achievement and the physical feeling doing something are great. Not that running nearly 8 miles is for everyone but it's my 'reset' button.

Oh, and the other thing. The days that I don't feel like going for a run are the days that I now know I need to go for a run.