View Full Version : Finally got to shoot it

02-07-2013, 01:52 AM
Finally got to shoot my C Sharps 1874 45-70 today and here is the group...not too bad but I hope to refine the load and tighten the group a bit. Load was Lee 458-500-3R with 65 grains Goex FFg fired at 200 yards. 60621

The hole at the bottom center was the first shot through a clean bore. I pulled the shot on the far left...if that had been steady I think the group would be very impressive! The dark spot at the lower left is actually one of my wood screws holding the paper down.

02-07-2013, 07:15 AM
1st time out with the new gun, You did pretty good to me.

Don McDowell
02-07-2013, 10:06 AM
You might want to give due consideration to bringing that charge right up to 70 grs. Be mindful of shooting that bullet in a crosswind, especially at distance, it doesn't particularly do well in those conditions.

02-07-2013, 11:03 AM
I want to bring it up to 70 grains but the charge already gets compressed about a 1/4 inch in order for the round to chamber in my rifle. Do you think 70 grains would be compressed too much? I know black powder likes to be compressed but is there a max compression? Thanks Don McDowell for posting... you reminded me to ask that question!

Don McDowell
02-07-2013, 12:11 PM
No 70 grs won't be compressed to much, many of us that shoot Goex use anywhere from 68-75 grs of 2f, depending on what case brand,primer , bullet,lube and rifle all have to say about the accuracy.
Just be sure to use something other than the bullet to compress the powder. I have found that for most 500ish gr bullets simply setting a lyman M die to just gently flare the case will also provide the right amount of compression for a 70 gr charge with a fiber wad over the top.

02-07-2013, 02:34 PM
Thanks...I'm going to try that this weekend. I actually have a compression die for black powder.

02-08-2013, 01:51 PM
I've yet to try it myself but most everyone uses a drop tube to aid in getting the powder to pack and sit more compactly. From THERE they compress.

Nice shooting by the way. With my old guy eyes I'd be happy with those results at 200 even with my final refined loads.

Idaho Sharpshooter
02-08-2013, 06:57 PM

if you are looking for a "witty saying to be..."; how about "Wherever you go, there you are!"

02-09-2013, 04:43 PM
Yeah I use a drop tube ...its amazing how much of a difference that makes. If I can find a Farmer that will let me use his field... I will try it out to 4 or 5 hundred yards! Its hard to find shooting distances past that in eastern North Carolina but I do know of a field that has to be at least 1000 yrds. Gonna sweet talk that guy soon !

I'll Make Mine
02-09-2013, 06:25 PM
There's a range in Ramseur with pop-up targets to 500 yards -- it's the home range for Project Appleseed. You have to be a member or guest of a member to shoot there if not part of an Appleseed shoot, but I hear that's not hard to manage. Alternately, if you register for an Appleseed, and qualify as "rifleman" on your first day of the two-day event (210 score out of 250 possible on an Army Qualifying Test simulation shot at 25 meters), you get to shoot a big bore on the long range on the second day (one shooter, out of 60 or so attendees, managed it when I was there in October) -- and don't have to be a member or guest of a member.