View Full Version : Selecting a scope for my new VEPR Super .308

02-06-2013, 07:01 PM
Got a new VEPR Super .308 Winchester on the way to the house and need to find an optic for it. It comes with it's on side mount weaver rail and I've been looking at Russian/Soviet optics for it and I found one I like the reticle, but those soviet scopes have some serious weight on them. Here's the Soviet Scope I found:


This scope weighs in just shy of a pound.

I am reconsidering getting a different type of scope (Hopefully a bit lighter.) for this rifle and a set of low rings to go with it. The general concencus is these rifles shoot 1-2 MOA at a hundred with ammo they like and the caliber is .308 Winchester, so fine tuning a load shouldn't be too bad.

My original plan was to shoot for ranges up to 600 yards, because the barrel is 1 in 12" twist and I doubt the rifle is capable of accuracy out to a thousand. In the event I'm lucky and the rifle will reach out past that, I want to get a reasonable decent scope.

If anyone has some suggestions of scopes I should be looking at, please post.



Love Life
02-06-2013, 07:22 PM
If I may ask what is your price range?

02-06-2013, 11:33 PM
Don't really have a specific range, just don't want to get too crazy.

Love Life
02-07-2013, 12:04 PM
A 4-12X or a fixed 10X would be my choices. Maybe one of those Leupold AR scopes set up for 308 winchester.

02-07-2013, 05:33 PM
Man, I am jealous. I want one of those vepr rifles too. Did you see promag has 20 rd mags for it? Looks like you can buy them off their website.

Did you get the Super vepr? That one is my favorite, kind of looks like an M1a with that stock. Sorry, I can't give much advice on the scope, but I do think the Russian scopes are appropriate on that rifle. Once you get used to them they are pretty nice scopes.

Edit- just saw your other post and see you got the Super. Good choice!

02-07-2013, 08:55 PM

Answers in red in the quote.

Man, I am jealous. I want one of those vepr rifles too. Did you see promag has 20 rd mags for it? Looks like you can buy them off their website. No, I chose not to go with promag mags, even though they've worked on the QC some. I found a small outfit that makes Saiga and VEPR mags and does an excellent job according to all reviews: http://stores.csspecs.com/-strse-Vepr-308/Categories.bok I got 4 of their 20 rounders heading my way and may buy some 10 rounders if they come out with any. They're not cheap, but they are top notch quality from all reviews. Which is great for a niche market rifle magazine.

Did you get the Super vepr? That one is my favorite, kind of looks like an M1a with that stock. Sorry, I can't give much advice on the scope, but I do think the Russian scopes are appropriate on that rifle. Once you get used to them they are pretty nice scopes. Yes, the Russian scopes are interesting, but weight is an issue with those things.

Edit- just saw your other post and see you got the Super. Good choice! Thanks, I plan on taking some pictures and posting them. Picked it up today.

02-07-2013, 08:57 PM
A 4-12X or a fixed 10X would be my choices. Maybe one of those Leupold AR scopes set up for 308 winchester.


I tried to look at the Leupold scopes and ran into a plethora of choices, enough to get me lost. Do you perhaps have a specific model you've had experience with in mind? I couldn't sort out so many models and features just in the scope magnification range you mentioned. Too many choices for me.

Love Life
02-07-2013, 10:55 PM
That is a hard question to answer.

Are you looking for a hunting type scope or something more tactical?

Do you prefer first or second focal plain?
Are you used to using mil-dots or hashmarks? Do you plan to use them?
Are you looking for finger adjustable target turrets or tactical turrets?

I prefer the Mark 4 LR/T line with the M5 turrets which are .1 mil per click adjustments. They can be large scopes though.
I also like the MK4 MR/T. I had the 2.5-8 and liked it, but ended up wanting more magnification for longer range.

Also check out the vortex line. I have played with their Viper PST FFP scopes and they are a ton of scope for the money. They'll probably shoot through the roof in price in the next couple years. They are just very solid scopes. Very rugged.

Sightron makes good stuff as well, but I prefer scopes with a zero stop.

You can't go wrong with the MK4 line from leupold, Vortex PST viper, or sightron. All depends on what you want the scope to do.

Hope fully others with more experience with different scopes will chime in. All the brands above have life time warranties. They can also be heavy.

Lloyd Smale
02-08-2013, 07:12 AM
I had two 308 ars. One set up with a trijicon accupoint 1x4x30 which i love and did keep when i sold that gun. Did i say i love that scope! only downside is its a bit heavy and is costly. the other one i had i put a 1x4x30 millet lit reticle scope on it. Optics were near what the trijicons were but were still decent and for the 600 dollars less it cost to buy were darned good. It was heavier yet though. I like a lit reticle on a battle rifle and its tough to find one in a light package. My ars that weight is a big consern get aimpoints. i guess if i wanted a scope and weight was the game breaker id look at a 1x4 vx2 leupold. Notice in all of this i like low end variables. they give you 4x that is adequate to hit a man sized target at very long ranges and 1x to make then near as quick as a dot sight. Anyone of my ars might be called on to defend my family and i sure dont want some 10 or 16x sniper scope on them. Ill leave the 1000 yard stuff to the bolt guns.

02-09-2013, 01:56 AM

Answers to your questions in red below.

That is a hard question to answer. I'm learning that, we are suffering from our own success here in this country.

Are you looking for a hunting type scope or something more tactical? Leaning towards tactical, but want something fairly simple to use.

Do you prefer first or second focal plain? I don't have enough experience with scopes to know the practical difference.

Are you used to using mil-dots or hashmarks? Do you plan to use them? I'm used to using iron sights and movements of plant material to estimate wind effects. Shot a good bit of high power and preferred irons, but I've just gotten too old to see them, so want to take advantage of the new scopes available. I'm pretty flexible from a mental standpoint. I am the type that if a system isn't working, I tend to replace the system, but have learned to "KISS" over the years for more dependable performances. That said, I'm plenty bright enough to learn any system.

Are you looking for finger adjustable target turrets or tactical turrets? Most of the scope experience I have is with Weaver scopes on .22 rifles shooting real small groups at 50 to 100 yards and varying "unknown" ranges in between 0 and 100 yards. I know I liked fine reticles for that application, because they didn't cover the target. Those scopes had adjustable target turrets and I liked them, but know tactical means more speed and probably coarser adjustments, up to a point. The rifle probably isn't capable of better than 1-3 inches MOA at 100 yards, so I don't want to "over scope" the rifle from a magnification standpoint. I am thinking in the range of 3 or 4 X to 10 X max and only because I know you can see .30 caliber holes at hundred with a 10X scope. Having the ability to range in the scope would be good, a lit reticle would be nice as well, for low light with old eyes. Not sure what else. Good glass, simple adjustments, not overly busy reticle. For example, I really like the SVD reticle with it's little ranging graph and reticle that functions somewhat like a iron sight post in use.

I prefer the Mark 4 LR/T line with the M5 turrets which are .1 mil per click adjustments. They can be large scopes though. This rifle is pretty heavy and so is the side mount. I'm thinking somewhere around a pound for the scope before adding rings. I'm pretty sure I'd be happy with a 4-10X40MM or so size wise. Possibly even a 32 or 33MM.

I also like the MK4 MR/T. I had the 2.5-8 and liked it, but ended up wanting more magnification for longer range. I suspect I'd end up the same way. My reading indicates these rifles, while not sniper grade, are capable of minute of deer/hog/man right up to and at 1000 yards if tuned right and scoped right.

Also check out the vortex line. I have played with their Viper PST FFP scopes and they are a ton of scope for the money. They'll probably shoot through the roof in price in the next couple years. They are just very solid scopes. Very rugged. Thank you for the information. I'll take a look.

Sightron makes good stuff as well, but I prefer scopes with a zero stop.

You can't go wrong with the MK4 line from leupold, Vortex PST viper, or sightron. All depends on what you want the scope to do. When I think on it, here's what I want it to do: 1. Provide me with a fun range toy out to as far as I can shoot the rifle accurately. Pow ding is something I love to listen to. 2. It's too heavy to run around a lot with, but in a crisis, would make a potent DMR type rifle. It's simple, parts are rugged and not likely to fail if kept clean and lubed. I originally planned on an AR308, but the current political climate has put those out of range, so this will have to fill the gap until times are better.

Hope fully others with more experience with different scopes will chime in. All the brands above have life time warranties. They can also be heavy.

02-09-2013, 02:26 AM

Answers in red in the quote.

I had two 308 ars. That's what I wanted, but politics and the current political situation blew that plan out of the water. This rifle is a "gap filler" until such time as things settle down, if they do.

One set up with a trijicon accupoint 1x4x30 which i love and did keep when i sold that gun. Did i say i love that scope! only downside is its a bit heavy and is costly. Looked those over and liked the one with the cross hairs and the amber colored reticle, but they're a bit out of where I think my cash point is right now. Wife just decided she wanted a Galaxy Note II cell phone thingie.

the other one i had i put a 1x4x30 millet lit reticle scope on it. Optics were near what the trijicons were but were still decent and for the 600 dollars less it cost to buy were darned good. It was heavier yet though. I like a lit reticle on a battle rifle and its tough to find one in a light package. I'm finding that. Batteries just add a lot of weight.

My ars that weight is a big consern get aimpoints. i guess if i wanted a scope and weight was the game breaker id look at a 1x4 vx2 leupold. Notice in all of this i like low end variables. When you say low end, do you cost or scope power? they give you 4x that is adequate to hit a man sized target at very long ranges and 1x to make then near as quick as a dot sight. A basic, but very important observation. Do you think going up to a 1 x 6 gains you much in this type of application?

Anyone of my ars might be called on to defend my family and i sure dont want some 10 or 16x sniper scope on them. Ill leave the 1000 yard stuff to the bolt guns. I should note I have a 16" carbine gas AR with a dot sight and a 18 inch mid length gas AR I'm planning on add either a 1 X 4 or a 1 x 6 to very soon. Low end was DMS 1-4 and high end was Vortex HD 1 X 6 they have out now for three gun.

02-11-2013, 07:32 PM
dave: I just got a Leupold VX-R 3-9x40 with the mildot retical and adjustments, for my RGS 77. It is called the Mil-Mil model. It is the most expensive of that particular line at $600 everywhere. The basic version with the Duplex retical, MOA adjustments and the firedot starts at $479. It has a 30 mm tube. and there is also a 4-12x version.

It has the mil dot retical and in the center it has a "firedot" that can be turned on for a red dot aiming point. It also has a motion dector that shuts the dot off if the scope is not moved for 5 minutes so the battery doesn't get drained. The adjustments are in .1 mil and the knobs are exposed.Matte Finish

It's a Leupold so you pretty much know it a good product. The Leupold product number is 113771

Since the side mount you have has a Weaver/Picatinny Rail I would recommend a one piece mount for the scope, the less number of peices you have to contend with the better. This will also help you return to zero if you remove the scope. Most of the good ones will repeat fairly well. No need to go ape on this part there are several made right at $100 and they have names like Burris, and Bushnell on them so have to be decent. Paying $2-400 for a one piece mount and finding out it is exactly the same as one costing $100 is not what you want.. I assure that rebranding happens with these parts alot. No need to get hurt on the deal. Midway has these mounts for sale right now on the Feb flyer.

You should be good to go with 9X at 600 yds, You should also be able to stretch it out to 800yds with a little practice. I am replacing a 1-5x Leupold Hunting scope with this new scope, and I was shooting long range silhoutte with it at 550 yds. Offhand.


02-12-2013, 07:24 PM

Answers/comments/questions in red in the quote.

dave: I just got a Leupold VX-R 3-9x40 with the mildot retical and adjustments, for my RGS 77. It is called the Mil-Mil model. It is the most expensive of that particular line at $600 everywhere. Not a bad price for a tactical type scope from a known quality manufacturer though and lesse expensive than the rifle, which is good.

The basic version with the Duplex retical, MOA adjustments and the firedot starts at $479. It has a 30 mm tube. and there is also a 4-12x version. I would lean toward the 4-12 version. It's that 10X "see the bullet holes at 100" that I like.

It has the mil dot retical and in the center it has a "firedot" that can be turned on for a red dot aiming point. It also has a motion dector that shuts the dot off if the scope is not moved for 5 minutes so the battery doesn't get drained. The adjustments are in .1 mil and the knobs are exposed.Matte Finish Sound a lot like what I'm looking for and this is the second time I've gotten the name Leupold mentioned.

It's a Leupold so you pretty much know it a good product. The Leupold product number is 113771 I'll have a look for it and it's brethren online.

Since the side mount you have has a Weaver/Picatinny Rail I would recommend a one piece mount for the scope, the less number of peices you have to contend with the better. This will also help you return to zero if you remove the scope. Most of the good ones will repeat fairly well. No need to go ape on this part there are several made right at $100 and they have names like Burris, and Bushnell on them so have to be decent. I've seen the Burris PEPR mount going for $81.00 (fixed) at Midway right now. They also have a AR Stoner $56.00, Leupold MkIi $102.00, Millett $60.00, Model 1 $65.00 and a plethora of others ranging from cheap as dirt to several hundred dollars.

Paying $2-400 for a one piece mount and finding out it is exactly the same as one costing $100 is not what you want.. I assure that rebranding happens with these parts alot. No need to get hurt on the deal. Midway has these mounts for sale right now on the Feb flyer.
Thanks for letting me know. Do you have a recommendation from among those I listed above? I agree about not spending any more for these rebranded things than one has to.

You should be good to go with 9X at 600 yds, You should also be able to stretch it out to 800yds with a little practice. I am replacing a 1-5x Leupold Hunting scope with this new scope, and I was shooting long range silhoutte with it at 550 yds. Offhand. The only thing the 9X won't quite do is show me the bullet holes at a hundred, but I do have a spotting scope and a good one. It's just heavy and bulky and I'm old and lazy.


Thank you for your post.

02-12-2013, 07:50 PM
After a little looking on the Midway website and a little reading, I've come up with a couple potential candidates:



Both scopes seem to be well reviewed in general on the web. I am also looking at other scopes in the Vortex PST line that SWFA sells and Midway doesn't.

Love Life
02-12-2013, 09:27 PM
Mil/Mil is the bee's knees. If you are hitting 2 mils low then just dial in 2 mils into the elevation. The VXR are second focal plane (as is the Vortex you have lined) so make sure you are at the right magnification when using the mil system.

Second focal Plane and first focal plane seem to be user preference. I'm fine with either, but prefer FFP for ease of ranging at any magnification setting.

I don't think you'll be disappointed with either scope. They both have outstanding warranties and are made by reputable companies.

02-13-2013, 12:05 AM
LL, see the red in the quote.

Mil/Mil is the bee's knees. If you are hitting 2 mils low then just dial in 2 mils into the elevation. The VXR are second focal plane (as is the Vortex you have lined) so make sure you are at the right magnification when using the mil system.

Second focal Plane and first focal plane seem to be user preference. I'm fine with either, but prefer FFP for ease of ranging at any magnification setting.This is the part I didn't know about.

I don't think you'll be disappointed with either scope. They both have outstanding warranties and are made by reputable companies. I wonder if they have similar scopes that are in FFP.

02-13-2013, 12:22 AM

After seeing your commentary on the FFP, I went back and took another look at the Viper PST FFP scopes and found two:


And this scope, which isn't out yet, but may be worth waiting for, as it sounds like the perfect scope size wise for this rifle:


Love Life
02-13-2013, 12:26 AM
I know the vortex PST line has FFP models. I don't know about the Leupold VX-R series. When using mil-dots or a tactical scope FFP is the way I lean with Mil/Mil or MOA/MOA. Makes life easy with no converting.

With a SFP and mil-dot reticle it will be correct at one magnification setting and take some memory power to remember the measurements at different magnification. It is usually the highest magnification setting, and on a 3-9 that isn't bad. Now on a 4-12 or 6-24 it is a pain in the backside.

Using a mil-dot scope in SFP is not that bad though, and much easier in a Mil/Mil scope instead of a Mil/MOA or vice versa. Once you learn how to use it and practice it will be second nature. On the correct setting with a SFP in Mil/Mil your adjustments are simple. Hit 2 mils low, dial in 2 mils of up and fire. Now where it is a pain in the but is on different mag settings.

FFP once again makes life easy. If I am maxed out on magnification and I impact 2 mils low then I dial in 2 mils and shoot. If I am on mid mag and hit 2 mils low then I dial in 2 mils.

I have a hard time putting all the information down in a logical and easy to follow order. I will snoop around and find some good links for you that will explain it much better and easier.

Love Life
02-13-2013, 12:36 AM
That 2.5-10 FFP Vortex looks perfect for a bunch of applications. I have a couple friends who run the 4-16 and 6-24 FFP Vortex scopes on their long range tactical rigs and have no problems hitting the steel way out there. Looking through them and the Leupold MK 4 I prefer (and own) the difference is hardly noticeable at all. The leupold is clear (and dang well better be for what they run) and so are the vortex. The vortex have crisper adjustments than my Leupold, I like the illumination better on the vortex, I like the vortex zero stop better, and overall I wish I had got a vortex in the first place.

I need to get my hands on the new Leupold MK6 and MK 8 scopes to see how they are. Unless Leupold steps up on their tactical scopes I see vortex kicking them out of the market over the next decade. The tactical scope arena is getting a bit crowded right now. Schmidt&Bender still rule the roost in the high end area, but Steiner is closing in on their heels. Vortex has surpassed Leupold for now and is actually giving Nightforce a run for their money.

Leupold fell asleep for awhile, but they have come out swinging with the MK6 and MK8 lines of tactical scopes.

I am actually waiting for Sightron to build a Mil/Mil, FFP tactical scope with a zero stop. Their glass is second to none.

02-13-2013, 01:38 AM

Sounds like for me, the Vortex may be the biggest bang for the buck and since I'm buying scopes for this Vepr Super and a 18" mid gas 1:8 twist/5.56 chamber AR, if I can get two for the price of one more or less, I'm all in. From pictures I've seen around, the Burris PEPR mount fixed may be the mount for the Vepr and a QD version for the AR unless there's some reason not to.

Love Life
02-13-2013, 01:00 PM
That mount looks a bit tall mounted on rifles. My rule of thumb is to mount a scope as low as possible. I don't know why high mounts have become so popular lately.

In the below link you can see how high the scope sits on an AR. If it is too high it will prevent proper cheek weld unless a pad is used on the buttstock.


FFP VS SFP: http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.sniperforums.com/forum/optics/18213-first-focal-plane-vs-second-focal-plane.html&sa=U&ei=X8YbUb_0HaOriQLP7oGYBw&ved=0CB8QFjAA&usg=AFQjCNEqypfkoaueF8FTL5zI7I4l-Trluw

02-13-2013, 07:46 PM
Yes Dave: I got mine from Midway and it was $599.99+ free shipping.

as far as the mount goes what Love life says is a definate consideration. Your gun has a conmventional stock(more or less) and so a mount for an AR might place the optic a little high.

You ought to have someone get a cursory measurement from your eyeball to the mount base on the rifle, with the gun mounted, or maybe tape a small scale to the rail and see where you line up. Then start looking at mounts. There are low medium and high mounts out there.

I decided to make my own mount, but I'm a machinist can do that type of work. I also haven't actually started making the thing, although I have got most of it drawn up on the computer. Then it's just about making parts to a drawing which is easier than engineering a part on the machine.


02-13-2013, 09:28 PM

Stuff in red again:

That mount looks a bit tall mounted on rifles. My rule of thumb is to mount a scope as low as possible. I don't know why high mounts have become so popular lately. I don't know either. I do know a lot of the Russian mounts/scopes I looked at have "chin" weld instead of cheek weld and I had about decided to add either a rubber cheek riser or a strap on cheek pad with some sort of storage pouch if I can find one I like (everything in the pouch), so I was mainly looking for a mount that will insure the scope clears the rear sight. There are several I mentioned in a price range I'm interested in, but I knew the Burris PEPR is a fairly popular AR mount in the bang for buck category and I'm all about getting as much performance as I can for my dollars.

In the below link you can see how high the scope sits on an AR. If it is too high it will prevent proper cheek weld unless a pad is used on the buttstock. It really does sit highon that AR. I wonder if one of the other mounts performs as well and isn't quite so high. I'm like you in that I prefer a scope to be as low as possible, as long as you clear the "operating controls."

http://arealmansreviews.blogspot.com/2010/05/burris-ar-pepr-mount-review.htmlThanks for the link. The picture showed a lot. Have you found a lower/better alternative in a combination mount? If so, I'd like to see it. I could go rings as well, since I do have the "QD" side mount the rail of my rifle is actually attached with. This rifle is a lot like a AK from a side mount standpoint. I'm doing a pictorial tear down over on the an AK forum, may cut and paste it here as well. Interesting rifle in many respects.

FFP VS SFP: http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.sniperforums.com/forum/optics/18213-first-focal-plane-vs-second-focal-plane.html&sa=U&ei=X8YbUb_0HaOriQLP7oGYBw&ved=0CB8QFjAA&usg=AFQjCNEqypfkoaueF8FTL5zI7I4l-Trluw Very good simple explanation and I think FFP is the way I want to go for the longer range rifle. I'm thinking the 2.5-10X33 Vortex is what I'll end up with, if I can wait that long. Should gather more than enough light for my eyes. I remember reading the larger scopes actually gather more light now than a human's eye can use. I'd rather have a smaller, lower profile scope that weighs less anyways.

02-13-2013, 09:34 PM

Answers and stuff in red.

Yes Dave: I got mine from Midway and it was $599.99+ free shipping. That's pretty close to the going rate for that scope, though it's on sale right now.

as far as the mount goes what Love life says is a definate consideration. Your gun has a conmventional stock(more or less) and so a mount for an AR might place the optic a little high. Yes, it's nonconventional with a kinda low butt area, even with the thumb hole and to add to that, the AK style side mount for the scope mount is higher than on most AK's, so most standard AK mounts place the scope way too high. I'm moving the mount that came with the rifle to my AK, because it's lighter and better than my Belarus BP-02 low mount I had for my AK and it places the sight a bit more forward.

Then I'm buying the SKS mount Kalinka has, add some spacers to actually raise it 5MM and move it to the right about 5MM. That'll put it's rail about perfect to mount a scope. Gonna have to get a machinist to make the spacers for me though, they require some accuracy in drilling/shaping.

You ought to have someone get a cursory measurement from your eyeball to the mount base on the rifle, with the gun mounted, or maybe tape a small scale to the rail and see where you line up. Then start looking at mounts. There are low medium and high mounts out there.That's a great idea and I'll follow up on that, get a shooting buddy to measure the distance for me. Do you know of or came name or link low mounts out there? I haven't been in on the scope thing long enough to know/be aware of diddly yet.

I decided to make my own mount, but I'm a machinist can do that type of work. I also haven't actually started making the thing, although I have got most of it drawn up on the computer. Then it's just about making parts to a drawing which is easier than engineering a part on the machine. Wish you weren't so far away. I could get you to make the spaces for the scope mount I'm going to need.


Love Life
02-14-2013, 03:25 AM
On flat top AR rifles I get a set of rings that allows me to mount the scope as low as possible. For me though once I stick a scope on there it stays on there with the irons pulling backup in the rifle bag.

For a buttstock riser I like the hornady one. Has a nice pad, a zippered compartment, and 5 bullet loops. The thing with the high mount scopes is not only do you not get good cheek weld, but IMHO you don't get as solid of a prone position either. That is just one of my issues.

The russian weapons definately don't seem to take cheek weld into account.

As for scope size the 2.5-10 looks very nice. Sometimes you just don't need a scope that can read a newspaper on pluto. I like the higher mag so I don't have to lug a spotting scope around, but the majority of my shots I take below 20X magnification and I plan to move to a 4-16 or somewheres about there in the future to save weight since my current rifle already weighs 12 lbs naked. Sometimes I get twitchy and the high mag definately shows it more. Also some of the high magnification scopes are ridonkulously huge and overweight.

One more thing. Once I get my 100 yard dope on a long range rifle I never shoot at 100 yds again intentionally. Just a waste of matchkings IMHO.

I'll see what the hot thing for AR detachable mouonts are this weekend when my buddies and me all get together.

02-15-2013, 12:10 AM

Thanks for that info and I'll be glad to hear about the AR mounts. I'm trying to find a decent scope for this rifle, an AR and then I'm going to be looking for another rifle range. The one I have been shooting at just doesn't have enough longer range shooting. I'd like a range out to 1000, but ranges of that length are hard to find anywhere near my neck of the woods, so I'm hoping to find something out beyond 500 yards within reasonable driving distance.

Love Life
02-15-2013, 09:42 AM
I'll look to see where Flowery Branch, GA is, but I believe there is a nice range somewhere about Elberton. I'll have to call one of my family members and see where exactly though. I have family in Washington and Aonia Georgia.

02-15-2013, 02:06 PM
Dave: When I wrote about the high medium and lo mounts I was referring to Weaver style rings which would work, also the Warne QD rings will work well. they jsut aren't one piece setups and require just a little more finnese in installation.

I have seen some one piece mounts of different heights, I just don't recall where. If you start searching Tactical Websites you'll quickly see there is a lot of places to buy this stuff. When I am searching for something and really looking at a lot of places I usually write down the websites so I can find them. I even did this with the mounts, however I also threw the paper away when I cleaned off my desk last week so it is in the Landfill in Oxnard now.


02-16-2013, 12:12 AM
I'll look to see where Flowery Branch, GA is, but I believe there is a nice range somewhere about Elberton. I'll have to call one of my family members and see where exactly though. I have family in Washington and Aonia Georgia.

All them places are a long drive from here. I'm due north of Atlanta and about 45 minutes North of the Mall of Georgia, just off I-85.

02-16-2013, 12:13 AM

Stuff in red.

Dave: When I wrote about the high medium and lo mounts I was referring to Weaver style rings which would work, also the Warne QD rings will work well. they jsut aren't one piece setups and require just a little more finnese in installation. Ah, okay, that makes better sense. I knew I hadn't seen any of those one piece mounts that looked real low.

I have seen some one piece mounts of different heights, I just don't recall where. If you start searching Tactical Websites you'll quickly see there is a lot of places to buy this stuff.This will probably be where I find the stuff. Any tactical website/forums to suggest?

When I am searching for something and really looking at a lot of places I usually write down the websites so I can find them. I even did this with the mounts, however I also threw the paper away when I cleaned off my desk last week so it is in the Landfill in Oxnard now.I used to do that, but found it frustrating enough I finally got to where I keep such things in specific folders in my bookmarks, so I can find it a year or two later.


02-18-2013, 02:01 PM
Oh I have the sites bookmarked,,, All 75+ of them! I just don't know who had the good deals on what was cool.

A google search will yeild many pages of options. Literally hundreds of retailers out there for this stuff.

Take notice of things other than scope mounts at these sites as well. Slings, mag pouches, muzzle attachments, etc. Always looking for things that will work on your gun.


02-19-2013, 12:33 AM

It's almost like an addiction these days when one buys a rifle. By the time one gets mags, bags, doodads, ammo, reloading gear, etc., etc., one is at about 2-3K for the entire bunch of stuff.

For this rifle alone, I've already bought four 20 round mags, a bag to carry ten rounders in (if I can find some) and am waiting on pouches for the 20 rounders. Have yet to buy a scope and rings or any reloaing equipment. Thank God it's in a caliber I already have reloading stuff and molds for.

02-19-2013, 01:07 AM
Yes Dave: it is kind of a black hole. I also have Jeeps which are black holes as well. I used to own an Airplane! more of the same. I'm pretty locked into the whole cycle.


02-19-2013, 09:29 PM

If you have a Jeep, there's no need for me to mention my aluminum bass boat and it's restoration, is there?