View Full Version : ruger bisley vaquero 44 mag

02-06-2013, 03:52 PM
I have a ruger bisley vaquero in 44 mag . I CCW wear it in a pancake holster for self potection with 44 special hornady bullets. Is that a good practice.

02-06-2013, 04:04 PM
Should be. The special is a proven man stopper and might be better then the magnum.

02-06-2013, 06:21 PM
i was envisioning this as a ccw for a minute.
the 44 special is plenty good enough for self defense.
think of it as a 240 gr 44 acp.

02-06-2013, 11:18 PM
For 'back-country' wear, I've packed either an S&W M24 or an OM Vaquero (with 'Elmer's Loads') for many, many years and never felt under-gunned.


Lloyd Smale
02-07-2013, 09:02 AM
It may not be everyones choise and may not be the best ccw gun on the planet but i sure wouldnt want to go up against you with it.

02-07-2013, 12:35 PM
My only question is whether you are concealing the weapon, or merely covering it. Many people, including some well known instructors, fail to make the distinction, and it can be a critical one. A hankerchief layed over a grape fruit does not conceal it: it merely covers it. A weapon that can be recognized as such may result in a nervous nelly calling the cops on you. They will likely not know who you are, nor will they be sure you are a law abiding citizen legally carrying a fire arm. To them, you may potentially well be an armed felon casing a bank job and their approach may not be as polite as you may think it ought to be.

In 1979 I was a U.S. Customs Inspector. The District Supervisor had recently issued a stern edict against purchasing alcoholic beverages in uniform. So, being thirsty one hot afternoon, I took off my gun belt and uniform shirt, stuffed my 38 into my waist band and pulled my Tee Shirt over it. Ta Da! Concealed.

On the way home I pulled into a Circle K and went inside, where I bought a six pack of beer, a cold fountain drink, and the latest isuue of some gun magazine. I went back to my car, sat down in it, and started drinking my soda as I read the magazine. A few minutes later a booming electronically amplified voice came telling me "In the car" not to move. I ended up on the hot asphalt being hand cuffed before I could prevail upon the arresting sheriffs officers to check my I.D. I was released and helped up, but reminded that the clerk was justifiably nervous, because there had been " a lot of robberies" recently. No harm, no foul, Right? Maybe, but suppose I had made an inadvertent false move. There were two shoguns and two revolvers pointing my way, a nervous rookie might have punched my ticket before I had a chance to explain, all because I failed to conceal my gun, and merely covered it.