View Full Version : Dehydrator Recipes?

07-21-2007, 03:22 PM
Anyone have some simple favorites?

07-21-2007, 04:55 PM
If you have shaggy mane mushrooms, clean them, and give them a quick cooking in some wine, and garlic. Let drain, and place on the shelves. Good to add to winter soups and stews.

07-22-2007, 04:06 PM
If you have shaggy mane mushrooms, clean them, and give them a quick cooking in some wine, and garlic. Let drain, and place on the shelves. Good to add to winter soups and stews.

Dang, Ric. I never would've thought of drying shaggy manes after cooking. I know you have to have the butter hot before cooking, almost, to avoid the black goo.
We go so far as to buy boxes of grocery-store mushrooms and slice them and dry them. When you dry them, the flavor intensifies tremendously. Use the water you reconstitute them in for gravies and sauces.
Try under-ripe pears in the dehydrator. The end product is sweet-tart like a Jolly Rancher candy.
Don't try bananas, they don't dry well. The kind you buy in the store are actually fried, not dried.
You can make a fair jerky in the dryer by brining (add liquid smoke to the brine) and drying. Make sure your brine is strongly salted and trim ALL fat or it will sour quickly. Don't use a marbled meat like chuck.
Fruit Roll-ups:
Put fresh fruit in a blender, add a bit of corn-syrup. Spread it on saran-wrap and put in dehydrater.
Put the last of your herbs of the season in the dryer to keep for the winter.
Morels are custom made for the dehydrater. Just clean them and put em on the rack until crispy-dry. No slicing neccesary.

07-22-2007, 05:49 PM
Anyone have some simple favorites?

I have tried a mess of recipes for jerky. I settled on this one several years ago, and use it 95% of the time. Quick, easy, no fuss.

For meats, all I use is one bottle of MOORES ORIGINAL MARINADE with one quarter cup of ketchup, and one heaping tsp. of ground red pepper. Blend these well. Marinate meat strips 45 minutes to one hour, no longer...and dehydrate.

We dehydrate a lot. Meats, vegetables, fruit, seasonings, etc. There is an excellent book available here:


Just my 2 pennies!

07-23-2007, 10:50 AM
I use my wife's dehydrator for making jerky and it does a dandy job. For brine, I use soy sauce and I spice with black pepper, that's all there is to it! Trim the meat of all fat, and slice 1/4" across the grain. Use enough soy sauce to cover the meat, and add finely ground black pepper to taste. Marinate overnight, then put the meat in the dehydrator for 5-6 hours and you'll have world class jerky!

07-23-2007, 01:00 PM
Habanero chilies dry very well. Remove the seeds and veins (latex glove on the knife hand, TWO gloves on the other. Heed this warning!) and dry them crisp, then grind in an electric coffee mill or spice grinder. This stuff will provide a really clean, intense heat to any dish. I use a quarter-teaspoon in a one-cup batch of popcorn for a great hot snack.

MT Gianni
07-23-2007, 08:46 PM
My wife drys bananas and most fruits with a spray of lemon juice to prevent browning. I like to dry shredded potatos, green beans, carrots, peas and cut corn to make backpacking food. Reconstitute in a 1qt plastic thermos by preheating in the AM, adding food including jerky then boiling water and when you open it at supper time you are done cooking. Tomato leather is also good for packing and making a sauce without cans. Gianni

08-03-2007, 12:11 PM
Soy, worchesterchire, brown sugar, ketchup, hot sauce, sea salt, black pepper.
For about a half lb of meat I mix the above ingredients in this ratio: 1/2 cup soy 1/2 worch, 2 tbsp br sug, 2 tbsp ketch, 1 tsp hot sau, 1 tbsp sea salt, 1 tsp pepper. Alter the amounts to taste and you got a winner! It does not last long in our house. i have to keep it a secret when I make it or my whole family will clean me out! Oh yeah let the stuff marinate over night. I cut my strips 1/4X1/4X 4 in. with the grain. They look kinda like a jerky "pencil" when done.:-D