View Full Version : I'm such an MORON sometimes!!!

02-02-2013, 02:07 AM
I was using my brand new Chrony for only the second time today. It was cold and it was windy but I was having a bad bout of cabin fever. I thought it would be a good idea to go out for a short time and check my recently loaded 10mm rounds. Here's how it went. The chrony wouldn't fit the threaded screw on my tripod so I used a couple of cable ties to hold it down. As I was adjusting the legs I tipped it sideways and it slid off and landed upside down in the snow. Back to the shop to dry it out. With that done I went back and continued setting it up. That's when I realized one of the rod ends was missing. Well after five minutes of kicking snow I was back to the shop to get the metal detector. I found the rod right under my tripod. Finally! I was setup and ready to shoot. I decided to start out with my Shield 40. That damned little barrel puts out so much smoke when shooting lead that I had to keep backing away from the chrony to get a reading. By now my eyes were watering from the cold and the wind was shaking my arms when in my shooting stance. I'll bet you can guess the rest. Yep, my second shot hit a rod. After finding it in the snow and straightening out as best I could I felt pretty good. I thought well I got that out of my system, it could never happen again. My next shot, SNAP. There went another one flying. Again I tried to straighten the rod. I am a persistent SOB. I wasn't going to let mother nature and this thing get the best of me. I ended up getting off five good shots and recording the data. OK it was time for the Glock 20. It just wasn't my day. The first shot went wide and hit a rod for the third time!!! That was enough for today.....Anyone want to buy a lightly used chrony?


02-02-2013, 03:02 AM
LOL I'll give you $10 shipped

Ive heard it more than once, 2 types of chrony shooters

02-02-2013, 03:04 AM
I feel your pain. I claim the record for the closest recorded Chrony kill. I have hidden my embarisement by putting this info in my signature. The 38 caliber hole adds character to the still functioning Chrony.

02-02-2013, 03:07 AM
snicker..... think you used enough dynamite there butch?....snnnnch.

02-02-2013, 03:22 AM
I feel your pain. I claim the record for the closest recorded Chrony kill. I have hidden my embarisement by putting this info in my signature. The 38 caliber hole adds character to the still functioning Chrony.

One thing to say for Chrony. They're built tough.

02-02-2013, 03:25 AM
snicker..... think you used enough dynamite there butch?....snnnnch.

Love your pic. Only real men have Shih Tzu puppys.

BTW my brother in Soda is taking one of mine.

02-02-2013, 03:29 AM
sorry man. but I need this laugh. its 2/30 am here and now I feel I can get to sleep.. (when I stop laughing) not at you.with you. its good to know I'm not alone. thanks. Tom/gandy

02-02-2013, 08:07 AM
My chrony has a nice little half dimple where I shot "a little too close" to the back end of the casing.

02-02-2013, 09:22 AM
Ski I can feel your pain. Every time I fire over my chrony I cringe.

02-02-2013, 09:30 AM
Rods. Who uses rods? I can't remember the last time I used rods on my chrony. Shot them? nah not me, I'm alot better shot than that.

02-02-2013, 09:50 AM
My suggestion, aim for the rods. No way in He@@ are you gonna hit them if you aim for em.

02-02-2013, 10:53 AM
Nicked a couple myself. Replace them with wood dowels of the same size. If you hit them they just break and you don't jerk the whole thing down.

02-02-2013, 12:59 PM
Nicked a couple myself. Replace them with wood dowels of the same size. If you hit them they just break and you don't jerk the whole thing down.

Great advise rex, I'll do that. - Btroj, you're right. What are the odds of hitting those thin rods three times out of 15 shots. - Thanks everyone for sharing my pain, hope you got a good laugh too.

02-02-2013, 01:34 PM
My Chrony and me have a love/hate relationship. I love the data it gives me but hate knowing that when I bring it to the range hoping that I don't do as you did, or worse have some ask to use it and me having to be rude and say no.
I did get to shoot a 45-90 sharps rifle at the range once because of my chrony. I really wanted to shoot it and he really wanted to know the velocity, it was a fair deal.

mold maker
02-02-2013, 01:37 PM
I've only hit the rods once, but it wasn't my crony. It sure was embaressing.

02-02-2013, 01:38 PM
Feel your pain....mine was DOA with my first shot. I did have to chuckle at your telling of the story. You can call the chrony co., but be warned, the person that answered the phone did laugh when I ask for parts. You're not the first, or last that has done this.

John Allen
02-02-2013, 01:42 PM
Well no one ever said a man was smarting Amusing of course but never smart. I have a whole list of stupid things I have done just this winter!

02-02-2013, 01:57 PM
Nope, none of us can call you a moron, we all shoot our cronys eventually! Something about it must make a guy nervous, because we go from shooting a steel plate at 30 yards to not being able to hit a 2' hole at ten feet! But that just keeps Chrony in business!

02-02-2013, 02:36 PM
Working on my second one now.

The first was taken out with a AR-15.After it was hit the first time well i did have some left in the mag.

The second one has been hit with a 40S&W and so far it still works.

I put the first one on a plaque on the wall,what a trophy.

02-02-2013, 03:27 PM
I didn't realize it, but I put a 6.5mm hole in the front plastic encased sensor on my Pact one system, the first day out. I thought I wasn't doing something right, since it was new to me, after the first two shots, it was only giving me error messages.

a week later when I took it out to the range and after reading the entire manual ...when I set it up, I seen the 6.5mm hole, and loose piece of glass inside...DUH !!!

02-02-2013, 03:54 PM
HA HA HA HA I love all the stories. I feel a lot better. I think I'll mount the rods like a set of antlers and hang them on my wall.

02-02-2013, 04:00 PM
Hello, my name is Bob and I'm a Chrony shooter. I dead centered mine with a scoped 30-06. I had been shooting old black powder rifles, revolvers & pistols and I forgot to account for the higher line of sight when using a scope. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who does stupid things.


02-02-2013, 04:03 PM
Hey Ski, are those fellas on your avatar looking for some chrony pieces?lol I never shot a chrony but last year took a quick shot across my pick up hood and thought alot of something blurred past in the scope at the shot. No hole in target and went back to truck to find a windshield wiper laying on the ground kinda twisted, yup that was the blur and amazingly no broken windshield.

02-02-2013, 04:13 PM
just sub the metal rods with a cheap thin wooden one, heck leave them off totally you don't really need them.

02-02-2013, 08:09 PM
Most days the screens aren't necessary, as Blammer points out. Around here they just make it easier to blow over. My rods have a few nicks and dings but they straightened out OK. Saving the screen shot for another day, mine's quite the survivor after over 15 years....of very limited use.

02-02-2013, 09:34 PM
Hey Ski, are those fellas on your avatar looking for some chrony pieces?lol I never shot a chrony but last year took a quick shot across my pick up hood and thought alot of something blurred past in the scope at the shot. No hole in target and went back to truck to find a windshield wiper laying on the ground kinda twisted, yup that was the blur and amazingly no broken windshield.

That made me laugh so hard. It reminded me of a hunt 25+ years ago. We were road hunting and saw an elk off in the distance. My bro-in-law had a late 60s Chevy pickup. They had a ridge that ran down the middle of the hood. He was leaning against the pickup and had his 7mm mag resting on his hand and flat on the hood. He got the scope on the elk and fired and it made one hell of a strange sound. The bullet had pierced the ridge and ricocheted through the air cleaner cover , the filter, and out the side of the air cleaner. We were all laughing so hard we couldn't stand. Everyone except my bro-in-law that is. I had forgotten all about that until I read you comment.

02-02-2013, 09:51 PM
I got a brand new CED M2 sitting in the cave and now I'm scared to take it out and shoot through it. At least I can't hit the electronics.

02-02-2013, 11:30 PM
After my second Chrony died, I tried the wood sticks. . . . after the third one died, I went to using soda straws. After that, I bought a Pact.

And the rule now is that no one but me shoots over my chronograph.

02-02-2013, 11:34 PM
I feel your pain. I claim the record for the closest recorded Chrony kill. I have hidden my embarisement by putting this info in my signature. The 38 caliber hole adds character to the still functioning Chrony.

If it is still functioning, you didn't kill it, just wounded it.

I haven't managed to hit mine, yet. But I did get to see it get blown over from the wind in Fallon just as I shot one time.


02-03-2013, 02:29 AM
So, how's that cabin fever now? [smilie=1:

02-03-2013, 11:46 AM
Been there, done that, It was a real blow to the ego. And why is it every time I step in it or on it there is always a great story teller as the eye witness. I now knowing that the weapon is sighted in have a new way. I made of white poster board a V that fits chrony. Sight weapon up on target with stand/bags, having installed el-stinko laser bore sighter and move tripod as needed. This so far has avoided any more fire stories. Gtek

02-03-2013, 09:39 PM
Never shot my Chronograph but did shoot my Johnny Stewart gamecaller speaker while huntin at night one time. Dang coyote musta been sniffin the durn thing when I shot at his eyes.

02-03-2013, 09:53 PM
I've hit the chrony rod a couple times before. I need to pick up some thin wood dowels, I've been using scrap metal pieces cut from those advertisement signs that get left on the side of the road. The second time, it was no big loss, the sign rod is cheap and easy to replace.

02-04-2013, 12:37 AM
So, how's that cabin fever now? [smilie=1:

Still there. I still want to get out and shoot more but I can't stand the anxiety of shooting over the Chrony right now! I have a buddy who is setting up an indoor range. I'm going to focus on helping him get it setup in my spare time.

BTW I bought some wood dowels!

02-04-2013, 04:36 AM
When not if you shoot the dowells, you can use the pieces to stir your smelting pot. You can maybe cut up the screens and use them for flux. This site is devoted to recycling.

02-04-2013, 05:07 AM
You don't start feeling extra stupid till your on your 3rd chrony. The muzzle blast on my 50bmg sent my first one 30yrds down range...

02-04-2013, 08:55 AM
Bamboo shish-kabob skewers. Cheap and effective replacements. GW

02-04-2013, 09:58 AM
I have never shot my Chrony directly; but, one did take some spall from the 3/8" plate in front of it when a 30-06 .22 cal sabot round at 4300fps nicked the plate and toasted it. Forgot about the scope to boreline difference. Had another one that a friend shot across with his 357 and nailed it. It was after that that I built the box with the plate. Haven't had any incidents in the last twenty years or so. Knock on wood.

02-04-2013, 09:55 PM
I have never shot my Chrony directly; but, one did take some spall from the 3/8" plate in front of it when a 30-06 .22 cal sabot round at 4300fps nicked the plate and toasted it. Forgot about the scope to boreline difference. Had another one that a friend shot across with his 357 and nailed it. It was after that that I built the box with the plate. Haven't had any incidents in the last twenty years or so. Knock on wood.
I've been thinking of something like that. Do you have any pictures?

02-09-2013, 02:31 AM
Oh my gosh, I just realized that I am still using an Oehler Mod 10 chronograph with sky screens that I purchased 40 years ago!! Only killed one sky screen many, many years ago when I agreed to chronograph a guys AR with open sights. I said "I will have to do the shooting, thank you" since I didn't trust him.
Well, I had never, at that time, shot an AR and did not compensate for the sights being so high above the bore. Yep, I drilled the first sky screen. Being a very frugal (read tight, tight, tight) person, I repaired that little puppy and have been very fortunate for many years now.
BTW, best heed the advice of Bwana in a previous post............fabricate something to protect your equipment from those high speed sabots.......those sabots will nearly bury themselves in a pine 2X8.......very, very impressive! Such shielding is also a good idea for poor fitting gas checks that fly off in the first ten feet.
I feel better now that I have confessed to this embarassing deed.


Dark Helmet
02-10-2013, 02:58 AM
+1 on the dowels/bamboo skewers. Sometimes a hit on a metal rod will damage the skyscreens/housings.