View Full Version : Martini Enfield shooting high

Titan 303
02-01-2013, 02:17 PM
This is my first post so ....Hello!

My new to me Martini Enfield 303 carbine is shooting 1 foot high at 25m with gallery loads.

I saw some time ago a fix for the foresight that involved wrapping wire around the barrel and foresight. I cannot now find a link.

Has anyone seen this fix or have a link? Perhaps there is a simpler option?

Any help most welcome...

Thank you....


John Taylor
02-01-2013, 07:50 PM
Higher front sight.

02-02-2013, 07:14 PM
move your target out another 75 meters

02-03-2013, 02:25 PM
What do you mean by Gallery loads. That in itself could be the problem for the difference. Have you tried standard 303 loads?


02-03-2013, 03:06 PM
if you are shooting a pipsqueak load, the bullet remains in the barrel longer and allows the recoil to raise the muzzle before the bullet exits. see where it shoots with a standard load before you do anything else.

herbert buckland
02-03-2013, 06:55 PM
Matini 303s were sighted for the early 215gr bullets at avelocity of about 2000fps ,any other rounds will not shoot to the sights even with the early rounds the were ment to shoot 6inches high at 100yds,if you wanted point of aim you used a fine sight picture to 100yds

Titan 303
02-04-2013, 08:02 PM
What do you mean by Gallery loads. That in itself could be the problem for the difference. Have you tried standard 303 loads?


These loads were 115gr cast .312" with 5gr bullseye and 180gr cast with 11.5gr unique.



Titan 303
02-04-2013, 08:10 PM
if you are shooting a pipsqueak load, the bullet remains in the barrel longer and allows the recoil to raise the muzzle before the bullet exits. see where it shoots with a standard load before you do anything else.

Hello flounderman

I have not tried standard (modern factory?) - not being sure that an old rifle would be up to the pressure.


Titan 303
02-04-2013, 08:13 PM

Thank you


Cactus Farmer
02-04-2013, 09:26 PM
"I have not tried standard (modern factory?) - not being sure that an old rifle would be up to the pressure."

Martinis are way strong.......Shoot it with a string if you are unsure but "I ain't skeered" ! They will hold a lot. Like 25 Krag loads....
Have a local smith check it out if you need to be reassured. Or,sell it to me. ;>)