View Full Version : Making boolit cutters

01-31-2013, 01:58 PM
I have been experimenting with different types of cutters for taking the boolit out of the pan lube. Made one based on one I saw here with the nail and spring assembly to pop the boolit out of the cutter, made others with a brass spent case and cut off the primer end. If you use the cut off spent case- how do you make it comfortable to handle when cutting the boolit out of the pan? I am thinking about glueing a cork around the case to be able to grip it better or taping around the spent case for a grip. Any other ideas? Pictures would help too. Thanks.


01-31-2013, 04:19 PM
Just dril a hole in th back of he cartridge no need to cut the entire back off

01-31-2013, 04:19 PM
I make lube cutters for all my boolits with a spent case. Dont cut off the primer end drill a hole as large as can fit without taking off the top. Find a bolt that fits the hole and the threads dont go all the way up and cut it off so it is just slightly shorter then the case. Then I drill out a nut to the size of the case and use Gorilla glue to glue it to the case so there is something to hold on to. I made a video on pan lubing but its way to large to post on here so I took a screen shot of it to post for you.


Dan Cash
01-31-2013, 06:06 PM
Make your lube stiff enough to handle like a slab or cake but not brittle. Stack your bullets like Doc Holliday. Pour lube, let cool, invert pand and dump bullets and lube on table. Place lube cake with bullet base down on a piece of closed cell foam and press on the bullet nose. The bullets pop loose and then you can press them the rest of the way out into a storage box or other container. Nuts to cookie cutters.

Chill Wills
01-31-2013, 07:19 PM
I'm With Dan Cash on this.
This link might give you some ideas that do not use a lube cutter. Some riflemen like to do things as simple as we can. Or, it is about the enjoyment so you might like the lube cutter.

-Lots of right ways to do something.

01-31-2013, 09:48 PM
I found a good pic of the lube cutter I made for my .460 boolits.

I stack the boolits up in a pan and melt the lube until it fills where I want it to. Then after cutting the boolits out (usually in 10 to 15 minutes) I just put more boolits in the holes and pop the pan into a toaster oven I got at the thrift store for 1.98 and heat up the lube with the boolits still in the pan. Then I only have to add more lube when it starts to get too low. After 5 times doing that I pop the pan with lube in it (with all the holes from the boolits still there) into the freezer for 10 minutes and the lube comes right out of the pan. I scrape the bottom of the lube to get all the stuff that gets to the bottom until it is nice and clean again and then its back in the pan with boolits in the holes and it starts all over again.


02-01-2013, 08:37 AM
Here's what I came up with. 60018
From a 22-250 case slight flare. It picks up those little BOOLITS with no excess lube.

02-01-2013, 07:43 PM
Found something perfect for cake cutting .30 cal boolits.....a piece of 2213 aluminum arrow shaft is deadnut on for size. Just another cheap@zz "bubba-smithing tip".

02-01-2013, 08:47 PM
good thinking on that arrow shaft!

02-02-2013, 01:38 AM
you guy's know that a golf club shaft it tapered and 2' long right.

02-02-2013, 10:34 AM
Runfiverun is exactly right....golf club shafts can be fabricated into some dandy " Kake Cutters".


02-02-2013, 12:52 PM
I like the cookie cutters because sometimes my lubes are not really suitable for the pushout method.

I tend to use spent cartridges but glue them into a dowel with a hole through it then just keep cutting out boolits until the handle fills up then dump them out. I find this quicker than cutting and ejecting one at a time.

Whatever turns your crank. Like Chill Wills said above ~ "Lots of ways to do something right."


mold maker
02-02-2013, 12:58 PM
Runfiverun is exactly right....golf club shafts can be fabricated into some dandy " Kake Cutters".


I went to the local Goodwill and bought 19 clubs for $4.00. That will make a ton of cake cutters.