View Full Version : No wonder an AR is hard to find : )

01-29-2013, 10:34 AM

01-29-2013, 11:26 AM
Yeah, they are good enough for them, but not for us.
Dang hypocrits.

01-29-2013, 12:19 PM
It is Obuma's private army that will come after citizens and destroy the Constitution. I understand he is looking for military top brass that will shoot citizens and trying to get rid of those that will not.
Homeland security only finds a few terrorists so why do you suppose they need all the guns and ammunition they are buying? The ammo is all destructive HP ammo.
They train out here in the eastern panhandle of WV and have built a huge facility.
Obuma is preparing for civil war and developing his green shirts and gestapo.
He is even trying to eliminate the terms he can be president so he can be dictator for life.
Am I paranoid? Not on your life, it is happening.

41 mag fan
01-29-2013, 01:49 PM
44 man, you got a link to that thats factual on the eliminating terms?
I love to throw this stuff in my FIL face since he thinks idiot is the savior.
Anything I can do to undermine his thoughts!!

Is these rifles for personal use or dept issue use?

01-29-2013, 02:22 PM
44man, I too would be interested in reading more about 0bama trying to remove term limits. Any links or other material would be appreciated.

Sergeant Earthworm
01-29-2013, 03:21 PM
I have a buddy who is a regular visitor to all the prepper and conspiracy sites and he believes everything he reads there. The problem is that some of the stuff people are repeating is based on non-verified allegations and rumors. I am not saying that this is the case here.

What I am saying is that the stuff that can be verified is bad enough, such as: handing out billions of taxpayer dollars to cronies who start businesses that go belly up but not before funneling $$$ back to the administration through campaign contributions; using the so-called health care law to force businesses to pay for employee abortions and other expenses that are a clear violation of the business owners religious beliefs; creating hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air which is destroying the value of money here and in other countries as well; singling out one media outlet (Fox News) for personal attack by the President of the United States.

These facts can all be verified through multiple sources, the trouble is that too many of our anesthetized fellow citizens just don't seem to care enough. Through the years we have been warned repeatedly. In my opinion, BHO is a tool being used by the economic elites to create the new world order they demand, which from the way things appear to be headed, will consist of a class of low wage servants to do menial work and a tiny group of elites to call the shots. If the elites get their way, the middle class will cease to exist because that is what fits with their world view.

And now for the good news. Throughout the ages, kings and their minions have conspired to secure complete control for themselves and their friends. If they feel threatened, they will do whatever it takes to control or destroy anyone who gets in their way. That is what we see going on today and it is going to get much worse. How this began and how it will end is also written and foretold on the pages of God's word, the Bible, given to us so that we would not be left floundering trying to figure it all out ourselves. The truly good news is that ultimately all the self-appointed royalty and those who trust in them will fall, and those who have trusted in the Living Word will rise.

It may not be too late for us to turn things around in the USA, for a while anyway, but folks, the world and everyone in it is on a collision course with destiny.

And by the way, Ronald Reagan was a flawed man like the rest of us, but he did warn us about what was coming:


And an armed and determined citizen is a powerful force for liberty:


01-29-2013, 03:28 PM
I had the links, maybe WND or the Blaze but I delete most everything to keep my mailbox empty. If I get it again I will post it.

Sergeant Earthworm
01-29-2013, 03:28 PM
44man, I too would be interested in reading more about 0bama trying to remove term limits. Any links or other material would be appreciated.

There is a democrat representative who has submitted bills calling for an end to presidential term limits seven times since 1992. The bills have all gone down in flames.


Personally, I am more concerned about the success the democrats are having destroying the Republican party. The Republicans aren't perfect by any stretch, but at least there is an alternative. If BHO gets his way there won't be much of a choice. And that always works out well, right?

01-29-2013, 03:32 PM
it is happening.

Yep. Fast and Furious proves the ends justify the means.

01-29-2013, 03:35 PM
The Republicans aren't perfect by any stretch, but at least there is an alternative.

I used to hold that same premise, but the last four years proves they are all on the same team. Just like professional wrestling.

Sergeant Earthworm
01-29-2013, 03:46 PM
I used to hold that same premise, but the last four years proves they are all on the same team. Just like professional wrestling.

I can't argue the point. GWB was taking us in the same direction as BHO, just a little slower.

btw, you aren't trying to give professional wrestling a bad name are you? :~]

01-29-2013, 03:52 PM
btw, you aren't trying to give professional wrestling a bad name are you? :~]

Nope. I like to watch it whilst sipping a "Chicago".

01-29-2013, 05:08 PM
Maybe the Homeland security jerks are going into business of selling AR's directly to the Mexican Drug Cartels and cut out the middle man (the gun dealers). That way they will make tons of money to contribute to the Democrat politicians.

01-29-2013, 06:10 PM
How many terms did FDR serve? World was in a hell of a fix back then, but more from external forces. As for a paltry 7K ARs against the privately owned millions of ARs in the hands of civilians, they don't stand a chance.
Just something to think about.

01-29-2013, 06:13 PM
Personally, I think Big "O" is a Peronist and using the Argentinian model for his dreamed of future for America with a permanent ruling class that is the Peronist (Democrat) Party. If that is true, he won't need to run again. He will have Michelle run against Hillary (and Slick Willy) in 2016 so that he can stay in the White House and pull all the strings just like Evita Peron and later the Kirshners are doing today. The Perons harnessed the underclass of parasites with populism to join his ruling elite to put themselves in power using the same rhetoric as our current aspiring emperor is using today. Of course it took Argentina from a nearly first world economyof prosperity in the early 1950's to a bankrupt third world economy today but the ruling class never cares as long as they have all the guns and the limousines.
Obviously I have nothing to back this up but stark similarities. Only the Second Amendment, the enforcement clause of our Constitutional contract stands in the way.

Silver Eagle
01-29-2013, 10:28 PM
They need to sponsor a bill that has term limits for all of the politician's in any political office. That one would get support from the public!