View Full Version : Smelting Lino & Mono type

01-28-2013, 10:20 PM
Hi All,
Since I'm pretty new to casting & smelting I just want to ask. I have a bunch of Lino & a bigger bunch of Mono/ foundry type.
I have smelted wheel weights successfully with the help on this forum.

If I were to smelt my Lino and then my Mono type, is there anything special I need to do differently from smelting wheel weights? (Different temps, different flux etc)

My goal is to smelt everything I have at hand that has been stored up into custom ingots that I can mix & match as I need for hardness with the amount of drain pipe lead I have ( which is a good bunch).
I'm hoping once I get a clean smelting of everything I have then I can mix it all in my final casting pot

01-28-2013, 10:30 PM
Why not just leave it as is? If you ever need to trade or sell some off it will be worth much more in it's original form.

01-28-2013, 10:48 PM
Why bother melting it?

1. Unlike home cast ingots, it's in a form that you can easily identify.

2. You can easily select different size pieces to get the exact weight you need without cutting ingots or trying to cast ingots of various weights.

3. Unlike WW, type metals usually don't have lots of dirt or oxide to deal with so your ingots won't be much cleaner than the metal in type form.

4. Storing it in its present form doesn't add cost or labor.


01-28-2013, 10:56 PM
I agree. Leave it in it's present form until used.

01-28-2013, 11:05 PM
I agree. Leave it in it's present form until used.

OK You guys sold me It "stays as it lays"!
Thank You