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View Full Version : Over 1K for a case of 22lr ammo

01-27-2013, 05:48 PM
Gun broker auction sets new record for price on 22 lr ammo on a case of 10 boxes of Federal 525 bulk pack 36gr Hp plated ammo , a case of 5,525 rounds ,there were 23 bids, selling price @ $1,025.00 shipping included .

01-27-2013, 05:56 PM
Depends on the ammo. Eley 10-X has been over $1000.00 a case since about 2006.

01-27-2013, 06:00 PM
Gun broker auction sets new record for price on 22 lr ammo
www.gunbroker.com/auction/vie...item=327297827. sorry i dont know how to make it so all you have to do is click on it ! perhaps some else will

You can just leave off the "HTTP//" part but it appears to be an expired link anyway.

01-27-2013, 09:20 PM
WOW. Some interesting times we are in fellers, the people that are worried we won't be able to get guns and ammo are making it impossible to get guns and ammo... 1K for stuff i paid $15 X 10 for last spring at the farm and ranch store.

01-28-2013, 05:18 AM
i don't think i could ever bring myself to pay that much for 22, it isn't like that was the last run of 22 forever. I mean the shelves will eventually have ammo on them again, just have to be patient.

this just sounds like a case of people having more money than sense/patience.

01-28-2013, 07:21 AM
The funny thing is Obummer and crew are not even talking about restricting sales on 22 long rifle stuff, just about magazine capacity and the way it looks? I kinda get the panic with the .223 stuff with all the talk about banning AR's but not 22 LR.

01-28-2013, 08:08 AM
Your not pay attention Gliden, they are talking far more than mag capacity and the AR, they are even talking background checks every time you buy ammo. You need to turn off CNN/NBC/ABC/CBS/MSNBC because they are lying to you, they don't want you to know so they won't tell you.


01-28-2013, 09:34 AM
Your not pay attention Gliden, they are talking far more than mag capacity and the AR, they are even talking background checks every time you buy ammo. You need to turn off CNN/NBC/ABC/CBS/MSNBC because they are lying to you, they don't want you to know so they won't tell you.


No I understand that completely all I'm saying is they said nothing about eliminating 22LR ammo. I live in Mass we have/had the 3rd most restrictive gun laws in the country so I understand believe me! I don't want anymore restrictions, my state is talking about bans and restrictions like NY state!! I've joined the NRA and written 30 plus letters to all of the current representation (not that it will do any good but I feel I have to try!!)!! Notice I said "current representation" not "my" or "our" I didn't vote for any of them and I don't agree with most of there policies so as far as I'm concerned they do NOT represent me!! I will continue to write letters and be vocal about my beliefs so please don't tell me I'm not "Paying Attention".

01-28-2013, 09:55 AM
Not only background checks on ALL ammo but they are also considering a tax on EACH bullet which could triple the cost of 22RF. We are in tough times, join/support the NRA.


01-28-2013, 10:00 AM
I have told everyone that I talk to that if the prices ever do get back to normal to stock up on 22lr

01-28-2013, 10:03 AM
Don't get testy, from post #6 I had no way to know anything you said in post #8. I was simply trying to get a point across, a point not only for you but also for everyone that reads this thread.


01-28-2013, 10:28 AM
The driving force here is the backround check businees, "They don't need to know what I buy"... We have a one box to a customer limit and haven't boosted our prices.

01-28-2013, 10:54 AM
Don't get testy, from post #6 I had no way to know anything you said in post #8. I was simply trying to get a point across, a point not only for you but also for everyone that reads this thread.


Didn't mean to sound testy these posts have no personality that's why I do try and pick my words carefully. Had we been face to face my response would not have been perceived as being testy. I tried to word it the best I could as not to come off like that. We have a big enough fight ahead of us, we don't need to fight among ourselves!

01-28-2013, 11:01 AM
I think they are intending to make it really hard to get any ammo or firearm that the feds don't know you have without a lot of work.
I am betting that if the AWB lives ATF will be building a file on everyone that buys a rifle, ammo, components, brass, primers, reloading dies, etc. Get the picture they will know what we have by what we purchase because it is all going to require a background check, maybe finger printing to purchase and it goes into a ATF file on you and it will know just how much of what you purchase and how often. Hmmm confiscation doesn't seem all that hard when you know all this information about an individual does it.

Remember this AWB is dancing in the blood of those innocent children in Newtown and if the feeling in the country by those in the urban areas is anti-firearms they are going come down on the law abiding citizen with a huge hammer. Won't stop the shootings because you can control the criminals so you beat up those you can. The law abiding citizen has never been the problem but they always are the ones that get hammered.

Wonder how many of us are going to be on a new list of potential criminals because we have firearms? ammo? reloading ability? Makes one with a brain wonder where it will end, maybe, I read the book, you know the Bible something the President said once, "those who cling to there bibles and guns" is coming to life in a new way right now isn't it.

As to the cost of anything to do with firearms look for it to jump at least 100% if not more, I have seen 22LR ammo priced at close to 100% of what I paid for it last year at this time and I just wonder where it will be when the AWB is decided?

As to the chances of the AWB living, well I have a 5% feeling we will be ok if that gives you and idea of what I am seeing and hearing. The socialist, progressives see this as their golden hour to slap us down good and they just might be right. The Republican party is not unified on anything right now in the House, We have to many RINOS in the Senate to trust that body, so who is going to stand up for our rights? The NRA, yes but they have no legislative powers, GOA again no legislative powers, The Supreme Court, not sure about them anymore either. So who will stand for our rights the answer is maybe no one anymore and it is our fault for not paying attention to the direction the country was (is) headed.

01-28-2013, 04:45 PM
I can load 38s for cheaper than that.

The rush on .22 is because if we are limited or taxed and because of shortages on the bigger stuff many will revert to shooting the cheaper .22 ammo.

Dang... We might have to tax politicians $100 per golf ball..................................