View Full Version : I can't take it

01-27-2013, 12:05 PM
I haven't shot any of my MLs in close to a week now and it is killing me. On the nice days when it is perfect for shooting, I have things to do and don't have time. On days like today, I have the time, but it is doing a wintery mix outside. If it was deer season I would be out with the trade gun, but I just can't justify being out in the freezing rain to do nothing but burn powder. I know from past experience that after a few rounds my accuracy will go South because as soon as the cold wet soaks into me and my plates, pins and screws really start to ache, shooting will then become a chore. So... I sit here with cabin fever at my computer only getting up to refill the coffee cup or toss another log in the fire place, and lamenting about the fact that I really want to be out side burning the Holy Black.

I really need to practice as I have a match coming up at the end of next month. I really want to at least place with that trade gun again. There is something about shooting against rifles that I really enjoy, even if I don't win. I know I will never be as good as some of you smoothy shooters here, Ric, but as the saying goes practice makes perfect, but I have changed it a bit to, Perfect practice makes perfect performance. If because of the weather I can't practice like I would shoot at a match there is no point in wasting powder and lead. I am sorry if my lamentations are a bit boring and mundane, but I am sure that there are some of you who find yourselves in the same situation as me. So, as I look forward to the days of warm sunshine and the smell of gun smoke filling the air, I bid you all a good day and look forward to future tales of excitement brought on by conflagration of the Holy Black.

Best wishes,


01-27-2013, 02:34 PM
You've got that right! It was -18' about a week ago, but it was a "dry cold". I braved it and went out and shot one of the muskets. It was hard to concentrate after a while. It's now finally just under 32' but wet and worse. Need to stay busy around the house or in the shop to help re-innoculate against cabin fever.

01-27-2013, 02:34 PM
I cant feel sorry for you! I have my "new to me" crockett sitting here ready to be shot. My Lyman pot, ladle, and pure lead is at my dads house. Im headed there Tuesday and plan on shooting a little that afternoon. I decided to get back into ML and bought a bunch of stuff and have not shot anything but the ramrod and the patch jag. ( I have a great load worked up for them if you are interested )

01-27-2013, 03:02 PM
I decided to get back into ML and bought a bunch of stuff and have not shot anything but the ramrod and the patch jag. ( I have a great load worked up for them if you are interested )

Thank you, but no thank you. I got my rod on my Crockett stuck in the patent breach once while cleaning it. It was a bear getting all of the water dried out of the inside of it so I could add 10 grains of powder in through the nipple hole. I was surprised at how far 10 grains of powder will launch a ram rod. I had to walk nearly 100 yards up the hill to recover it. When I got mine NIB it came with an aluminum rod. I have often though about replacing it with a wooden one now than I am slightly ahead of the learning curve with it.

Best wishes,


DIRT Farmer
01-27-2013, 03:13 PM
I haven't fired a shot out of the M/Ls since deer season, today is the last day of goose season and if I can get enough done, soon enough, me and the 10 are headed to the swamp, rain or no rain.

01-27-2013, 03:49 PM
Joe, Have you thought about covering that Al rod with heat shrink tubing so as to prevent it from abrading the rifling? Here's one such supplier (there are loads of them, btw) in case you're interested: http://www.delcity.net/store/Shrink-Tube-&-Tape/r_IS1023?mkwid=sxhwUTElV&crid=14112242909&mp_kw=heat%20shrink%20tubing&mp_mt=e&gclid=CO-qyvmmibUCFQSg4AodC2cA4g

01-27-2013, 04:59 PM
A shame, but I can't feel sorry for any of you guys. Beginning in July the ranges were closed and not reopened until the middle of deer season. Of course every good day was reserved for the woods. Since then it has been cold, wet or icy or all three. Tuesday should be a nice day and I am determined to be at the range....finally. I WANT TO SHOOT SOME PRB!

DIRT Farmer
01-28-2013, 01:08 AM
Well the geese did not fly, called in some ducks to wackem with the muzzle range and hadturkeys fly over the decoys heading to roost but alas what was legal to shoot didn't fly and what wasn't legal flew. Guess I will have to look for a rabbit tomorrow to empty the gun.

01-28-2013, 01:33 AM
Can't you cold weather guys put a couple of shooting ports through the wall, or just shoot out the window....where it is nice and warm.......like here in Florida.:-P

01-28-2013, 03:25 AM
I'm about in the same boat with you joe. Work 3rd shift and end up sleeping through the good days. I just have to be patient I guess. It's supposed to be 50's by tuesday but I gotta work.

01-28-2013, 04:05 PM
Joe, I hear you! Got the itch real bad.
A couple of weeks ago I unloaded my smoothbore into a stump at the last day of deer season. Since then ... nothing... the work interferes with the range time every week. Sorry to hear no geese played along DIRT_Farmer - hopefully you'll get a rabbit.

01-21-2015, 06:36 PM
Here in my house at the computer in the year of 1/2015. Cold outside so i cast up approx: 400 bullets for my cva optima.
I can load up the rifle and quickly go outside and bust 'er off. Not the best style of shooting but it helps stop the urge to shoot something.
Have no fear.....warmer daysc get closer every day.

01-22-2015, 03:56 AM
Not cold here but rained non-stop for 3 solid days. Water from my back yard (now a lake) was running thru my carport to the front yard. Oh yeah, and my truck needed fixed just to get out of the drive. I finally lay in the river under the truck and replaced my starter solenoid. Cold and wet but happy...now I can use up some of the "reals" and pistol slugs I have been casting up in the rain. Looks nice this weekend so I'm outta here. Good shooting to you, Bruce H

01-22-2015, 10:57 PM
I'll add my own "I don't feel at all sorry for you" post.

Last time I went shooting was in a wet blizzard. I had a great time, learned that a spotting scope in a blizzard is near worthless, got a rifle sighted in, got home wet, and loved every minute of it. I've been out on snowshoes with a rifle, learned that a decent kneeling position is attainable by resting one knee on the turned-up tip of the snowshoe.

There is a simple concept that applies to being out in less than perfect weather--

Dress for the occasion, eh? (That's a Canadian concept, but it applies down here too)

Go out properly attired and equipped and it's just not a problem. The you can come back and write about it. "It was ten below, wind at 30 MPH, and snowing so hard I could barely see my target....and I had a wonderful time." The fact of the matter is that once you get out and get moving, the body heat created by moving around (it takes a LOT of calories to walk along in snowshoes, even on level ground, so you're generating a lot of heat) you'll be perfectly comfortable. That gigantic parka you put on will be opened up in no time, so as you can cool down. Layers-- That's another rule of the outdoors. Now quit yer belly-achin' and get outside.

One of the bigger concerns when I've been out winter pack-packing with my buddies is that of getting wet, by SWEATING too much. It's always the same thing; when we're first setting out, we're all bundled up, 'cause it might be like fifteen below zero so of course you're going to bundle up, but within five minutes we're pulling off layers to cool down. And don't tell me you're too old unless your well over 80. We were summiting the Olympic Range years ago, in the rain of course, 'cause it's rain forrest territory, and met up with a 70 something year old, packing along with his younger friends. That's a several day trip at least, all on foot, hauling a load up and down mountains, and sleeping on the ground. I don't care who you are; you can go out for one day, and come home to a hot meal and your nice warm bed afterward. Shall I tell you about the week-long river trip in Alaska in the rain, when we lost our rafts as the river went to flood stage at night as we slept, and the only way out was to reach our rendezvous point several days later where there was suppose to be a float plane coming to pick us up? Naw, I'll save it.

There's nothing stopping you from going out, AND having a good time, other than your attitude. Braving the elements is at least half the fun anyway, so on fact you're missing out.

Geezer in NH
01-25-2015, 08:53 PM
Don't ride a motorcycle in the rain or cold and you are considered a CANDY ***.

However shooting is supposed to be fun. 35 years ago I would hunt, shoot, or whatever. Becoming a Geezer I only do either when it is fun. :bigsmyl2:

Baron von Trollwhack
01-25-2015, 09:20 PM
Don't feel lonesome !

But now is the time to mould all the RB or conical you will need for the coming year.
Then make sure your rifles ang gear are in good order.
Check lock internals, trigger function, drum internal clearances, sight tightness, bore condition, flash holes, stock preservation/sealing, and the like. Check out your range rod and jags for wear.

Get your patch material in order, cleaning materials, lube supplies, and for sure, your shooting pouch and/range box, horns, and necessaries.

Get everything sorted out and READY. All help your success rate.
Every spring I LAUGH at the clowns showing up to shoot unprepared, borrowing, making excuses, and complaining. Maybe they like tv better.


01-25-2015, 09:39 PM
Joe, Have you thought about covering that Al rod with heat shrink tubing so as to prevent it from abrading the rifling?
Can someone tell me how an Aluminum rod that is softer than steel can damage the rifling in a steel rifle barrel. Brass won't damage it so I know that AL won't. BTW I am a gunsmith and have never seen this happen.

01-26-2015, 12:17 AM
Actually it is the grit that gets embedded into the aluminum rod that is abrasive.

01-26-2015, 12:19 AM
Aluminum will get grit embedded in the shaft and act as a lap. Even brass is bad enough.
I have made cleaning rods from Music wire had to silver solder ends on it. You can't drill and tap the stuff. Even tried to anneal to no avail.

Hard smooth cleaning rods are the way to go.

Idaho Sharpshooter
01-26-2015, 01:30 AM
I share your pain. My TVM Early Lancaster flinter is sitting in the corner as I type, pouting...

01-26-2015, 01:40 AM
Agreed, the shrink tube will collect grit faster. Clean your rod and you will not have problems.


01-26-2015, 01:47 AM
Joe, i know how you feel. At 40 deg. F., my fingers go numb. It is a blood circulation issue. 32 deg.f. And my arthritis tears me a new butt hole. Would you get into trouble if you shot out the front or back door?

01-26-2015, 07:21 AM
Over here on the West side of the state and the weather guessers are saying high this afternoon to be 57* going to be windy but going to go burn some powder anyway!


01-26-2015, 10:21 AM
Jeez, guys, don't you know this is why God made Florida? Pack up that smoke pole and head to the Sunshine State! Not that we don't get the occasional lousy day, but it is so rare this time of year that we consider it a nice change from always boringly beautiful. Coming originally from Buffalo, NY, where I could almost never plan a day at the range from October to June, I appreciate being able to organize range outings weeks in advance with near certainty the weather will be nice. The only problem down here is the wait to get a shooting position on busy weekends.

On the other hand, with all this nice weather I no longer find as much time for gun-building projects or ball-casting, and I rarely do dry-fire practice. (or chopping/hauling firewood either) Come down to Ft. Myers for "Presidents Day" weekend (Feb. 13, 14, 15, & 16) and you can attend our Muzzle loading Rifle, Pistol, and Shot gun Instructor training seminar and become a NRA certified Instructor in these three disciplines. PM me if you want more information.