View Full Version : Belding & Mull and such.....

The Dust Collector
07-16-2007, 10:05 PM
:confused: I've seen many B&M Visable powder measures on eBay going for considerable prices and as well hearing rave attributes for them. I have 2 of these and purchased one brand new and the other was given to me. I've never expierienced anything exceptional from these as a matter of fact, I think that they are a bit awkward to handle. I much prefer my Reddings for their consistency and ease.
Hollywood presses have always been higher priced than their competition, but now they are bringing prices disproportionate to what I feel mine is worth. I have a Senior, I like it, but it in no way is in the same class as me Redding UltraMag press. That Redding is a costly press as well. If I was going to purchase a new press today and I had to make a choice between the Redding and the Hollywood, it would be a no brainer in my opinion that the Redding would be the hands down winner.
Is it the nostalgic collectors value that is placed on these older pieces of equipment, or are people seeking these items because of some intrinsic value as useful pieces in the actual practice of reloading ammunition?
If so,for actual reloading, in my opinion, there is much better ways of spending ones cash.
Just a thought that came to me, so, can anyone enlighten me?
Your Servant, DUST

07-17-2007, 08:40 AM
I think part of it is nostalgia, part "cool" factor and part packrat factor. I ahve tools that are just "neat". I may never use them, but I get a kick out of handling them and tuning them up. I could get by just fine with a12 ga, 308, a 357 and a few Lee tools, but where's the fun in that?

07-17-2007, 11:45 AM
Prices can skyrocket on e-bay if you get someone who hasn't bought much. They see something they want, have no idea what it is really worth and push the price up. Things go REALLY nuts if you have two of these types interested in the same thing.

07-17-2007, 01:30 PM
KLW, isn't that what you'd call "auction fever?" Of course, I've never been affected...

I think Bret4207 has put it in a nutshell. Quality old tools ARE neat. Sometimes they work better than current models, sometimes they're a little awkward to use.

My dad had a B&M in his gunsmith shop as the epitome of precision in the late 40s-early 50s. I bought one for myself about '75, and put it away so carefully when I remodeled the house that it hasn't been seen since...so I had to replace it. I couldn't pass up a second one on e-bay with a brass hopper for black powder--the price was low because it didn't have the charge tubes. That's OK, I have the tubes for the other one--or I can make another set on my old Logan lathe.

Re: B&M vs other measures...I use the B&M and a trickler for precise loads for my highwalls, and a RCBS for pistol loads. Over 30+ years I've found the B&M to be more accurate for rifle loads, especially for tubular powders. YMMV.