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View Full Version : County sheriff says 911 no longer best option, urges residents to learn to use guns

01-25-2013, 07:32 PM

MILWAUKEE — A Wisconsin sheriff has released a radio ad telling Milwaukee-area residents that law enforcement cutbacks mean 911 isn't their best option and they should learn to handle firearms so they can defend themselves until police arrive.

In the ad, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. tells residents that personal safety is no longer a spectator sport and they need to be "in the game." He urges them to get firearm training to protect themselves and their families.

"With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option," Clarke says in the ad. "You could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back."

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the spot was aired at least once Thursday during the Mark Belling show on WISN-AM. It was posted on the department's website Friday. Clarke's spokeswoman Fran McLaughlin said she didn't know how often or where the advertisement would be broadcast, or how much it cost to air it.

The sheriff's office was working on an Associated Press request to interview Clarke.

Clarke's ad drew a sharp response from others in law enforcement and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, whose office released a statement saying, "Apparently, Sheriff David Clarke is auditioning for the next Dirty Harry movie."

Roy Felber, president of the Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs' Association, said the ad sounded like a call to vigilantism.

"That doesn't sound smart," Felber said. "That's why society has police officers."

Instead of promoting vigilantism, he said, money should be found to hire more police officers and deputies.

Jeri Bonavia, executive director of Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort, said most law enforcement officials tell her the community should work on taking guns off the street, not adding more.

"What (Clarke's) talking about is this amped up version of vigilantism," Bonavia said. "I don't know what his motivations are for doing this. But I do know what he's calling for is dangerous and irresponsible and he should be out there saying this is a mistake."

Read more: http://host.madison.com/news/local/crime_and_courts/milwaukee-county-sheriff-says-no-longer-best-option-urges-residents/article_923d87a6-672f-11e2-842c-001a4bcf887a.html#ixzz2J27TNPZX

01-25-2013, 07:55 PM
WTG Sheriff Clark! The biggest protesters are usually the ones waiting on those Federal Grants to come in.

"Apparently, Sheriff David Clarke is auditioning for the next Dirty Harry movie."

Double Speak for don't listen to this crazy sob and don't stop our funds!

Bad Water Bill
01-25-2013, 09:02 PM
Wasn't he the one that did not want any CCW?

01-25-2013, 09:51 PM
We all need the kind of backbone Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. has!

01-25-2013, 11:15 PM
He could be in trouble for telling the truth!

01-25-2013, 11:46 PM
Police don't prevent crime, they only investigate crime.

01-26-2013, 12:30 AM
The man is just speak the truth. It is the times we live in. Got to protect our own.

01-26-2013, 01:18 AM
To my twisted way of thinking, it is odd that all of a sudden, after a few cutbacks, it is now better to be able to defend yourself, instead of depending on the police or sheriff dept. At no time in history has it been better to call for help and wait.

41 mag fan
01-26-2013, 01:34 AM
Sound like the elderman from St Louis a few yrs ago. Was telling the residents to not rely on the police and to learn how to defend themselves. Haven't heard from him in awhile now though.

01-26-2013, 01:42 AM
I think I'll send a spare tire iron to the mayor. My wife said "Sounds like he could have used a plan,... and a tire iron!."

01-26-2013, 12:46 PM
The phrase “Police Protection” is an oxymoron! Under the law the Police are not required to protect you. Their job is to go after the criminal once the crime has been committed, not stop one from happening. So what that boils down to is that until the police get there, each individual is responsible for their own safety and that of their family. For example, you look out your window and see a scruffy looking guy carrying a weapon of some sort heading toward your door. You grab your cell phone and wait to see what he is going to do. He knocks on your door and you shout “what do you want”. He yells “open the door or I’ll bust it in!” You tell him to leave and instead he starts to kick in your door. You phone 911 knowing full well that response time for the police to arrive will likely be 15 to 20 minutes minimum! At that point you are going to realize you are on your own and the safety of you and your family is up to you but how do you protect yourself if you don't have the tools needed to provide that protection? The law (in Canada) requires you to have any firearms you own locked up “for safety”. The question then becomes whose safety? Not yours, that’s for sure! In circumstances as above, calling 911 is about as useful as skis in the desert (in some case they MAY work, but don’t count on it) and all of a sudden comes the realization that YOU are 911!

Bad Water Bill
01-26-2013, 12:58 PM
Always remember these words.


01-26-2013, 01:36 PM
I think the sheriff wants people to read between his lines ... and get so scared they pressure the local government to provide more money.
His deputies are not ... and never have been ... capable of 'preventing injury to a citizen' when he comes under attack by a criminal. The citizen has ALWAYS been responsible for his own defense until such time as authorities could reach him.

It's a 'whine' about cost cutting that, sort of accidentally, made the sheriff address reality ... for a change ... anf other police groups in the area don't like for that reality to be 'public'.


01-26-2013, 01:40 PM
Ding Ding MC you win the prize. It is just a scare tactic, used by the sheriff for more money. His choice of words may backfire on him though.

01-26-2013, 02:07 PM
MILWAUKEE — A Wisconsin sheriff has released a radio ad telling Milwaukee-area residents that law enforcement cutbacks mean 911 isn't their best option and they should learn to handle firearms so they can defend themselves until police arrive.

And when was it that this wasn't the best option?

Clarke's ad drew a sharp response from others in law enforcement and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, whose office released a statement saying, "Apparently, Sheriff David Clarke is auditioning for the next Dirty Harry movie."

Thank you Mayor Barrett, us spineless sheep are far too stupid to do anything for ourselves. With out your blessed wisdom and good grace to save us from ourselves we couldn't even take the trash out.

Roy Felber, president of the Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs' Association, said the ad sounded like a call to vigilantism. "That doesn't sound smart," Instead of promoting vigilantism,

President Felber is in desperate need of a dictionary. He very clearly does not have enough education to know the meaning of vigilantism. One would think that a grade school education would have taught him enough of the English language to know the meaning of vigilantism, perhaps he never made it to grade school. What doesn't sound very smart is President Felber, doesn't even understand the English language he is attempting to use.

Jeri Bonavia, executive director of Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort, said most law enforcement officials tell her the community should work on taking guns off the street, not adding more.

"What (Clarke's) talking about is this amped up version of vigilantism," Bonavia said. "I don't know what his motivations are for doing this. But I do know what he's calling for is dangerous and irresponsible

Ah, us sheep are now saved the progressives have chimed in and we no longer need to be concerned that we have no spine or any brains. Thank you comrade Jeri.

What the Sherriff is talking about Jeri is something you couldn't possibly understand, it's way over your head. You see, there are people that do have both brains and a spine. By the way Jeri, get a dictionary.
