View Full Version : New molds

01-25-2013, 04:11 PM
What do I need to do to get my molds ready to cast? The molds have paper that says clean and lube. What do I need to lube and would the lube not burn off?

01-25-2013, 04:41 PM
Not sure what brand of mould you got or material but it doesn't really matter.

Sprue plate lube is used for the sprue plate pivot and a thin film on top of the mould blocks where the sprue plate rubs. It is also good to put a little on the alignment pins. Mihec and NOE both supply sprue plate lube with their moulds. Others do not.

Most oils will burn off or varnish but the sprue plate lubes are pretty durable and the heat doesn't seem to affect them too much.

It isn't necessary but will help reduce rubbing wear and will help in opening and closing the mould blocks where the alignment pins may be a bit "sticky". My feeling is that it is most important on aluminum blocks because they are fairly soft (even high quality/grade aluminum) and it will wear and can gall if dry and there is any binding.

You do not need much! A very thin wipe using a tissue or Q-tip dipped in the lube is all it takes.

If you do not have sprue plate lube and none easily available, two stroke oil will do and for that matter regular lubricating oil is better than nothing. ATF should work as well. The worst that will happen if the oil isn't up to the task is that it will smoke and possibly varnish. Solvent should remove it if that happens but unless it is on the mating faces or in cavities it won't hurt anything anyway.

Also, as an observation on my part ~ no matter what lube/oil you use, if you pre-heat your mould and the lube is smoking the mould is hot enough and possibly too hot. So once you see a bit of smoke from the mould lube you are good to go and don't want the mould any hotter.

Use very little and keep it out of the cavities and off the mating faces!
