View Full Version : Freechex III Sticking

01-24-2013, 06:26 AM
I just received my Freechex III last night. I tried the material that was shipped with the chex tool and found that the chex stick in the die after being cut. The material looks to be litho plate. Not all of the chex stick, but once one sticks that rest seem to bind up. I only had a few minutes to try it last night, so there was not a lot of time to diagnose it. The few that I did make fit the NOE 225-55 FN boolits like a glove. Any suggestions?

01-24-2013, 07:04 AM
Make sure the check has dropped before you punch out another. I have to cycle mine a few times(not fully) when using .008 aluminum. I also found that I had to cut the strips to the recommended widths. I took 1/8" off hoping to get more out of the roll. The aluminum would tear which caused it to get bound up and not drop freely. I've only had mine a few weeks so I'm sure someone that's had theirs for awhile can tell you more.