View Full Version : Fishhawk - Mission accomplished

07-14-2007, 08:45 PM
Your instructions have been carried out. More to follow.

07-14-2007, 09:38 PM
What is that silly pink thing in the foreground???????

MT Gianni
07-14-2007, 10:17 PM
It looks like a lawn flamingo, just the thing to liven up a lodge site. Gianni

07-14-2007, 11:15 PM
I'll let Fishhawk give the explaination!

07-15-2007, 04:38 PM
well being i was one of the principal conspiriters in the "legend of the pink flamingo's" the story goes like this.....about 22 years ago the gentelman with out the shirt in the photo above was sitting around at a rondevou with a bunch of very honorable men and he happend to mention that he thought there was nothing more stupid and dumb than some one with them "dam stupid pink flamingo's in there front yard" well being in a group of skinners like Ric is also, when some one make a statment like that it's like chumeing for sharks then dangling you feet in the water to see if any thing is there. well just a couple of us that live close to the person known far and wide as TC MOUSE a plan was made to divert a whole flock of "them dam stupid pink flamingo's" to some ones yard. after about 4 weeks the friends of TC MOUSE had aquired aprox 4 dozen "stupid pink flamingo's" over the labor day week end when TC MOUSE and family were out of town at a rondevou the flock of "stupid pink flamingo's" decided to take up residence on TC MOUSE'S farm they were in the creek they had a nest in the barn there was a batch feeding in the garden every place we could think of plus a "CAUTION FLAMINGO CROSSING" sign in the driveway. from what the "friends" of TC MOUSE were able to find out when mouse enterd the drive way a few days latter all that was said was a quiet "oh my god..." to this day for some unknown reason now and then one of them "stupid pink flamingo's" apear.......i had nothing to do with it!

mazo kid
07-16-2007, 09:07 PM
Steve (Fishhawk), I KNOW you-uns didn't have anything to do with the Pink birds, I was there. They even showed up on a primitive canoe trip or two! Emery