View Full Version : What NOT to do with those coated Muffin tins

01-20-2013, 03:15 PM
I got some used muffin tins the other day @ Goodwill. I had read that coated tins would mess up ingots so I got to thinking and as per usual, my thoughts and actions made for some humor....

Soooo me and my son (21) went down stairs to get some little work done and this was one of the tasks...

Muffin tin. coated. Innocent. intact.

muffin tin. no longer coated. innocent no longer. Under attack

"Here, let me show you how to get that crevice...."

Muffin tin. No longer whole. With a hole. "Hey, 5 are still good."

As son goes upstairs to retrieve camera because I had said "NO one would believe it"

He goes and says, "Dad, dad, dad...."

But you ought to see that OTHER muffin tin... .wow...SHINY!

01-20-2013, 05:08 PM
rust is a release agent.
i purposly rust my steel ingot molds.

01-20-2013, 05:51 PM
lol...thats not rust... its a BROWN teflon coating

01-20-2013, 06:29 PM
Did the same thing to one of the cavities in mine but I did it with an oxyacetylene torch. Luckily the hole is high up so I can get a 2# ingot out of it instead of 3.5#

02-11-2013, 02:32 AM
Personally, I wouldn't want to burn the non-stick finishes or breath in the powder from sanding them off. Not that I probably haven't been exposed to worse at one time or another, but that isn't a good reason to expose myself to a mess of carcinogens like that.

02-11-2013, 10:21 AM
I am like R5R

I leave mine outside in the weather to get a nice patina of rust.... cause I just too danged lazy to bring 'em inside.