View Full Version : Teaching aid ...

01-18-2013, 02:51 PM
If you find yourself discussing guns with friends and need something clear and simple for explaining the difference between 'our firearms' and 'assault weapons', here is a nice resource.

Complete enough to be informative, not so complicated as to create confusion.


01-18-2013, 04:56 PM
Great post, CM. I wish it was required reading for Congress and the White House!

01-18-2013, 06:13 PM
I wish it was required reading for Congress and the White House!
Yeah, a lot of people would be better if they would read it.

I sent it to one who is in desparate need of it ... 2nd Amendment supporter, Bill O'Reilly.
He won't use 'assault weapons', which is a good thing. Instead, he insists on using 'heavy weapons'.

I'm trying to convince him that heavy weapons are guns that take more than one person to operate them ... and the term he should be using is 'semi-automatic rifles'.


Silvercreek Farmer
01-18-2013, 06:20 PM
Nice writeup, thanks for posting!

01-18-2013, 07:59 PM
Always good to have such things handy but the very concept of assualt weapon bans drive me nuts. If you attack with with a ball bat....it becomes an assualt weapon. All firearms are inanimate, they don't assualt. It's the same with the coined term"gun" violence. The only violent crime that neds a prefix I guess.

01-18-2013, 07:59 PM
Thanks Charlie I have stolen the link and your write up about it to send to my e-mail list. It is a great Teaching Tool and gives people a tool to educate the masses. Very well done.

01-18-2013, 08:23 PM
I tend to agree - "heavy weapons" to me means "crew served".

"Modern style carbines."


01-18-2013, 10:39 PM
Thanks Charlie I have stolen the link and your write up about it to send to my e-mail list. It is a great Teaching Tool and gives people a tool to educate the masses. Very well done.
Oops! I never thought that anyone would think I created that webpage.
It wasn't my work, guys.

At the bottom, it says, "No corporation, lobby, or political action committee had any part in the creation or funding of this educational project. It is solely the work of an individual."

If the author wanted recognition, he would have made it clear in his disclaimer.
But, he put it on the internet without qualification, so it's free to use.


01-18-2013, 10:44 PM
My daughter showed me that earlier today. Not too bad to find that your 19 year old is finding good info regarding "assault weapons".

I must have raised her right.

01-19-2013, 07:41 AM
Double tap. Sorry.

01-19-2013, 07:56 AM
Good read and the author did his homework. I'm sure the left has seen this and run it past their "experts." I really like the way the author negated the whole hunting/ defense argument and inserted the true meaning of the 2nd in his presentation. I just saw an interview yesterday where Mark Hannah a talking head for the left is still trying to use this despite the fact he can't get his words or facts right. His exact words:

...thirty clips in a magazine....

Watch the video, they are desperate, even going after a Dem to try and make their case.

Keep up the pressure, education negates all their talking points. When they start using words like "cowardice" in conjunction to people wanting to exercize their 2nd Ammenment rights you know they are loosing. I sent a link to the tutorial along to the Gentlemen from TN. No telling if I'll get a response.

01-19-2013, 08:20 AM
Well I blasted both Senator's and my Congresswoman so far nothing, but being Sat. prolly just an automatic response.

Here is my letter,


Please watch the following presentation which I have provided a link to a sound argument against the proposed Assault Weapons Ban that is in all probability headed to the House. I am an honorably discharged member of the United States Military and I voluntarily put my life on the line to protect my 2nd Amendment rights and those of every other American in this great country. The following is supported with case study and fact. Please take the time to view and pass along to anyone that could be wavering due to pressure from the misguided individuals who wish to see a return to 1994 and the reinstatement or further reaching Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act.


Again, please take the five minutes to watch the tutorial and educate as many of your peers as possible prior to any legislation concerning Semi-automatic firearms.


P###### K. #######

Thanks for the link Charlie!

01-19-2013, 08:39 AM
The author covered everything in a most intelligent manner. Great post.