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07-12-2007, 04:42 AM
I forget who suggested it on this site, but it works great. Never thought about it, but lots of cleaners are now made with orange peel oil.
I deprime/size and toss the shells in the tumbler, have an orange as a snack, put the peels in the tumbler and turn it on. After an hour I shift it out and dump the peels. Shells come out clean and shiny. The peels come out dry, hard, and very dirty. Big plus is no solvent smell. :-D

07-12-2007, 08:48 AM
That's a great idea will give it a try this weekend.

07-12-2007, 09:58 AM

A couple of squirts of GOO-GONE brand spray gel or DE-SOLVE-IT orange does the same thing, been using orange oil spray for years, always a spraybottle on the bench...sprayed on a rag it makes on heck of a wax remover for your bench/dies/pushthrough sizers, or your wifes rangetop[smilie=1: ...smells good too.

Mixed 50/50 with pure lanolin it makes an easy to remove case sizing pad lube....good stuff, and it just wipes off with a dry rag.

Orange oil will also make some lube purging flyer issues with ogival points with no scraping drive band go away if mixed lightly in your favorite lube recipe...

I would not be without orange oil of one form or another.....food grade orange oil is available, but $$$, the over the counter cleansers mentioned do the same at less cost, I have used both and show no preferance.

07-13-2007, 06:53 AM
Orange oil will also make some lube purging flyer issues with ogival points with no scraping drive band go away if mixed lightly in your favorite lube recipe...

Not to appear too dense, but WHUT? Sounds like you're saying it thins lube enough so it doesn't come off in flight?

07-13-2007, 08:21 AM
Bret, lowering the viscosity to just where the lube works best is ideal. Anyway you can do that, you'd be ahead. Orange oil might be one of the best oils/solvents to cut the wax component in the waxes themselves enough to make them participate in lubing. Just a good guess if Orange Oil does indeed work this way. ... felix

07-13-2007, 11:50 AM
But if you put some Orange Oil cleaner in your melting pot when you mix your lube it tends to bubble like crazy. It is a soap after all. Smells nice though.

07-13-2007, 02:43 PM
hmmm,thanks guys,this is great food for thought!

07-13-2007, 03:07 PM
Orange oil will also make some lube purging flyer issues with ogival points with no scraping drive band go away if mixed lightly in your favorite lube recipe...

Not to appear too dense, but WHUT? Sounds like you're saying it thins lube enough so it doesn't come off in flight?

Just the opposite bret, I cannot see it happen and tell you exactly what or why but it works... my opinion based on w.a.g theory is that it weakens the waxes cohesive bonds, thus allowing the waxes to separate more consistantly from the boolit.

All I know for sure is that when there is the right amount of it in a beeswax or microwax based lube with the right amount of the "good and proper" lube oils, and the right amount of carnuba wax, and maybe some other goodies and you have the proper boolit fit , and the proper alloy for the pressures generated it is a little bit the other side of magical.

I cannot explain things the way felix can, I just know it works, and in reality that is all I really need to know I guess, that is why I stumbled along making lube...it was all guess and bygolly, and trial and error with professor gun making the final calls.

I did alot of this before I read anything on the subject, I had NO preconcieved notions, I just bailed into it, and eventually with the help of some nice people here all the pieces finally fit, and I became a real happy boy.

Originally Posted by Springfield
But if you put some Orange Oil cleaner in your melting pot when you mix your lube it tends to bubble like crazy. It is a soap after all. Smells nice though.

Depends on the cleaner, some will some won't, it all depends on the water to oil in the bottle. Pure food grade orange oil will not make a boiling foiling mess, but it will burn off rather easily from the lube mix, add it last and only after the heat is leaving the mix....do not put your head directly over the pot as you mix it in either, real harsh breaths will result if the mix is still too hot.

*FWIW* Peppermint and spearmint oils in their pure form will actually take your breath away when added to hot wax***

07-13-2007, 03:46 PM
I was using the Murphy's Oil with Orange. Didn't try any others yet. Your thought about putting it in last is probably a good one, might try it next batch. Been too busy to experiment lately.

mister gizmo
07-14-2007, 10:57 AM
For those taking the less expensive route of using the orange peels, it helps to scuff or abrade the peel before tossing them into the tumbler. Maybe whack them once or twice with a wire brush.

This duplicates the way commercial orange processors treat peel to extract the valuable oils which they sell to flavor houses.

It does work great, though.

tom barthel
07-14-2007, 11:29 AM
I use orange cleaners on a lot of things. It never occurred to me to use it in my case cleaner. I'll have to try it next time I eat an orange. I wonder if it will soak up some of the dust.

07-14-2007, 12:08 PM
I will have to try that:)

07-18-2007, 02:01 AM
This sounds really interesting. One thing does come to mind, tho.

Remember to wash up before you peel and eat the orange,
lead contamination is primarily ingested.

Ya'll be careful out there. :)


Chunky Monkey
08-03-2007, 11:12 PM
Hi guys, new guy from central PA here! :coffee: Found this site through THR.

I use treated walnut media in my tumbler. Do you just throw orange peel in with media?

08-04-2007, 08:38 AM
Sounds to me like thats exactly what they do. Worth a try for sure.

Welcome to the family!