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View Full Version : Dolly, the Destroyer

01-15-2013, 08:51 PM
Janet and I went out this afternoon to run some errands. We came home to find Dolly engaged in her favorite pastime, destroying cans. This is what we found.


01-15-2013, 09:02 PM
this was a dog food can, still in the shrink wrapped 12 pack case (note it was the expensive $2 a can prescription food that is for Patrick, who is sick). no pop top lid. the case of food was on top of two other boxes and under some pillows. of course, she acted totally innocent about the entire episode and actually wanted her dinner. She is now dosed with Pepto just in case.

01-15-2013, 09:13 PM
Personally, I think she is part grizzley bear.

01-15-2013, 10:03 PM
The last time I saw a can like that it was because I let my wife loose with a .22 and a full brick of ammo!

01-15-2013, 10:35 PM
Still say y'all need to put Dolly on an iron supplement.

01-15-2013, 10:55 PM
Just looking at that makes my teeth hurt!

01-15-2013, 10:58 PM
put some tape over the labels...
we had a big ole red colored golden retriever [sasha] that would get a hankerin for a loaf of bread every once in a while.
little girl and her shared an entire bag of family sized potato chips one time,the dog wouldn't ever eat potato chips after that.

01-15-2013, 11:07 PM
I used to have a Dobie that would go out to the road and pick up beer cans, bring 'em back to the house and lay under the porch where he'd hold them with his feet and tear them into little bitty shreds. He would also bring in beer bottles and carefully remove the labels. GW

01-16-2013, 12:48 AM
I had a German Shepard that everytime we went out for a while without him we had to lock up the Klenex boxes or he would carry and shred them in every room in the house. He even put some in the bathtub each time.

01-16-2013, 11:14 AM
Jim it might be cheaper to just take dolly
with you when ever you leave . Lol

01-16-2013, 03:23 PM
Jim it might be cheaper to just take dolly
with you when ever you leave . Lol

Hah! I win !!!!!

signed, Dolly

01-16-2013, 06:40 PM
Chain? Sorry to be so functionally oriented.

01-16-2013, 07:58 PM
Chain? Not on my watch. She's my dog, not a head of livestock. Besides, it's my responsibility to be smarter than she is.

01-16-2013, 08:01 PM
Mr. Bill would probably pick the lock for her!

01-16-2013, 08:24 PM
Chain? Not on my watch. She's my dog, not a head of livestock. Besides, it's my responsibility to be smarter than she is.

Uh, Jim;

Dolly 3
Jim 0


01-17-2013, 12:26 PM
Quote "Besides, it's my responsibility to be smarter than she is."

HA! How's that working for ya?? LOL

01-17-2013, 01:44 PM
Gran'daddy used to tell me "It don't take long to figger out who ya' friends are." :bigsmyl2:

01-17-2013, 02:24 PM
Only your friends will tell you the truth ...