View Full Version : Dumb mistake while cleaning mold

Bob Maerdian
01-12-2013, 08:09 PM
The other day I went and put a Lyman mold in pan with water and Dawn to boil out oil and clean the mold for casting. Put the pan with the mold, water, and Dawn on stove to cook a bit. While all were cooking I went an read some posts on the computer. A while later I noticed an odd odor and checked the stove. The Water and Dawn had boiled away and the pan was too hot to handle even with a pot holder.

After it all cooled down I checked the mold. A bit of light visible in the center of the mold. Used a stick and lead removal clothe to remove lead spatter from face of mold but also noticed some raised area around the alighment pin holes and pins. I have wondered about driving the alignment pins back into their holes and sanding/filing off the peaned, or raised area around the hole(s).

Does any one have experience doing such repair and any suggestions would be most welcome!!


Bob 11B50

01-12-2013, 10:28 PM
You can do just as you describe, I have done it many times to used molds. I normally use a flat piece of glass to back a piece of sandpaper. Just lay the block halves on it and sand away. You will be surprised at all the high spots this will reveal. Just tap the pins back out afterwards.

01-12-2013, 11:17 PM
i never try to fix a mold i haven't tried casting with first.
this will pin point problems you might not see otherwise.
fixing the burrs would be a first priority though,often you can pick/cut them wth an x-acto blade without punching the pins.

01-13-2013, 11:18 AM
Have done the same with a few over the years. Go slow. Its nice to make them work as they should.
