View Full Version : Six More Mouths To Feed.....

01-11-2013, 07:17 PM
Meanwhile, back at the ranch......
Whilst everyone has been sweeping up ar's and such around here, there are some deals to be had if your tastes are kore.....discerning. my local pawn shop contact shot me a line this morning, saying "got you one, need to unload it, $25 over what I paid." Hey... honest pawn shop guy?... well I had to find out.

His story was that this baby came in as trade on an AR, and he didnt figure many folks would want it (he had five more, but way to high for my appetite...theyd been there at least a year) when this one came in he immediately knew I was ogling his new guns so he shot me a line.


Now, out of professional courtesey, I wont reveal the final price, but suffice it to say a fraction of what a new one runs. FRACTION.. but now I have a good problem.. 2 boxes of ammo...wont last long... so, now off to the sales threads for brass, a mold, dies, and a sizing die... :) like dad says, beats a stick in the eye..

01-11-2013, 07:28 PM
Awesome! What caliber?

01-11-2013, 07:45 PM
Ah, nice. After selling some safe queens recently, I lucked onto a NIB Uberti Cattleman x 4-3/4" in 44-40. This is an itch I've wanted to scratch for some time, and is a caliber-match for my '73 Winchester. Gov. Moonbeam releases it on 1/13.

01-11-2013, 11:05 PM
Its a uberti cattleman as best I can tell, cant get their site up on my phone to check for some reason. The grips are custom, I found out, while showing a preacher friend he said he had seen it before, called up a parson one county over and sure enough he had been the one that did them for his son, who was the one wh traded it off.. small worlds...made microscopic in a country county