View Full Version : $300 Life Membership to the NRA deal

01-11-2013, 02:31 PM
I saw the $25 deal for a one year membership to the NRA, but I wanted to share a good deal for $300 (normally $1000) for a life membership to the NRA... I saw a tweet from Tom Gresham (the gun talk radio host) and you just call 1-888-678-7894. I just called them and there was no wait, they answer the phone asking you if you want to join or upgrade your NRA membership to a life membership for $300.

This same deal is now online too: https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?CampaignID=ar15

So if you can wing it I would suggest doing so.

Then the next step is to contact your 2 senators and one congressperson in Washington and urge them to stand up for the 2nd Amendment and vote against any gun control bills that are brought up.


01-11-2013, 02:56 PM
In the past when this opportunity came instead of upgrading my life membership i enrolled my son in life membership and at another time my daughter.


01-11-2013, 03:17 PM
Sure appreciate the "heads-up" on this!!!!! I just renewed "for life"!!

I saw the $25 deal for a one year membership to the NRA, but I wanted to share a good deal for $300 (normally $1000) for a life membership to the NRA... I saw a tweet from Tom Gresham (the gun talk radio host) and you just call 1-888-678-7894. I just called them and there was no wait, they answer the phone asking you if you want to join or upgrade your NRA membership to a life membership for $300.

So if you can wing it I would suggest doing so.

Then the next step is to contact your 2 senators and one congressperson in Washington and urge them to stand up for the 2nd Amendment and vote against any gun control bills that are brought up.


01-11-2013, 03:24 PM
Just be sure to join even if only for a year. Every dollar helps preserve your rights. Have an investment in rifles they are trying to ban? This is a good way to try to protect your investment.

01-11-2013, 03:26 PM
Wish these deals would come up when I had enough cash on hand for them. Will have to just renew next yr.

01-11-2013, 05:25 PM
That is a great deal on a life membership.

01-11-2013, 05:28 PM
Thanks for the heads up! My son is now a life member! How does it feel to make a difference? :)

01-11-2013, 06:04 PM
This is real fellers.
I just went and told the boss at my day job about it. He called and said he talked to a feller from the NRA (I believe he said Fairfax Va.)
The feller told him that this promotion is going to run until the 31st, but they are taking so many calls that the higher ups may decide to extend it.
They had not anticipated such a response! The guy sounded pretty worn out and said they were taking hundreds of calls per hour.

01-11-2013, 06:10 PM
Wish I had the money now. I just renewed for 5 years for $100 back in November!! What luck, maybe I can get my tax return in before the deadline date. Or hope they extend it till end of February, my son and I both would probably update our memberships!! Thanks for posting.

01-11-2013, 06:25 PM
Been a life member since 1956. So many gun owners say they can't afford to join or just don't want to, for whatever reason. I say if you want to keep your 2nd ammendment rights, you can't afford not to join. They have their faults, but they are the only game in town, and if it wasn't for the NRA, our gun rights would be long gone. And keep bugging your legislators, both local and federal.

01-11-2013, 08:42 PM
Is this the $300 deal where you are "sponsored" by family or friends, or are they now offering initial lifetime memberships for $300?

01-11-2013, 09:08 PM
Is this the $300 deal where you are "sponsored" by family or friends, or are they now offering initial lifetime memberships for $300?

You don't need a sponsor for this deal, and you can use it to join up or as a renewal. But, it is only for a short time from what I understand.

01-11-2013, 09:28 PM
they had that deal once before and gave you 90 days to pay it off. to bad they don't have that deal now. GD

Andrew Mason
01-12-2013, 02:02 AM
Been a life member since 1956. So many gun owners say they can't afford to join or just don't want to, for whatever reason. I say if you want to keep your 2nd ammendment rights, you can't afford not to join. They have their faults, but they are the only game in town, and if it wasn't for the NRA, our gun rights would be long gone. And keep bugging your legislators, both local and federal.

i agree with this statement above, now, i have not been a life member very long, i guess about 10 years,
but IMO to be a true "responsible gun owner" you need to be a NRA member.

why should i have to pay your share of the bill to protect OUR freedom.

it is our duty to inform eveyone we know to join the NRA with this amazing deal.

Andrew Mason
01-12-2013, 02:03 AM
Been a life member since 1956. So many gun owners say they can't afford to join or just don't want to, for whatever reason. I say if you want to keep your 2nd ammendment rights, you can't afford not to join. They have their faults, but they are the only game in town, and if it wasn't for the NRA, our gun rights would be long gone. And keep bugging your legislators, both local and federal.

i agree with this statement above, now, i have not been a life member very long, i guess about 10 years,
but IMO to be a true "responsible gun owner" you need to be a NRA member.

why should i have to pay your share of the bill to protect OUR freedom.

it is our duty to inform eveyone we know to join the NRA with this amazing deal.

Ed in North Texas
01-12-2013, 10:55 AM
I've been a member since 58 or 59, can't remember when I got my Life membership. Now I'm Endowment and have run out of sons and, with this deal, will give a Life membership to the last of the grandsons (5).

As others have said - the NRA has it's faults, and it isn't the only organization involved in protecting our 2d Amendment guaranteed right, but it is the most effective organization involved in protecting our 2d Amendment guaranteed right.

There are Conservatives, who support gun rights, who complain that the NRA supports Democrats, or does not support a Conservative agenda across the board. The NRA is not a Republican organization, though most Republicans are more likely to support the NRA, "Moderate" Republicans excepted. The NRA is an organization dedicated to firearms issues. So the NRA did not oppose Obamacare. But the NRA did get a provision tucked in the bill which prohibits physicians and other medical personnel from recording and maintaining information about gun ownership (remember when the American Academy of Pediatricians wanted all the pediatricians to ask about guns in the home? And remember when the CDC and/or AMA advocated doctors asking about firearms and promoted firearms as a "health risk"?). This just now came to light, with the anti-gunners now wanting to eliminate that from the law. But do they want to open Obamacare to amendments?


01-12-2013, 11:19 AM
Thanks for the heads up. I am now a life member............Joe

Down South
01-12-2013, 11:20 AM
I sent an email to everyone on my concact list letting them know about the lifetime membership deal for $300. I had several takers on the other deal through Bass Pro.

01-12-2013, 12:12 PM
I wish all gun owner would take advantage of this. With the politician we have in DC now who would like to do away with the second amendment we are in for the fight of our lives.

01-12-2013, 12:44 PM
My life membership was $300 back in the early 80's so $300 today is a great deal.

01-12-2013, 03:14 PM
Now a lifetime member. :drinks:

01-12-2013, 03:27 PM
Upped my usual annual membership to life.


01-12-2013, 06:31 PM
bump for an important cause

01-12-2013, 09:53 PM
Going to increase my 5 year membership to a Lifetime tomorrow! Thanks for posting the info.

01-12-2013, 10:22 PM
I'm am also calling tomorrow to upgrade to lifetime member. Thanks for the heads up!

weakhand luke
01-12-2013, 11:00 PM
Wish I had the money now. I just renewed for 5 years for $100 back in November!! What luck, maybe I can get my tax return in before the deadline date. Or hope they extend it till end of February, my son and I both would probably update our memberships!! Thanks for posting.

It's likely that they will give you credit for the time you have accrued. You may only have to pay around $200 with your $100 credit. Maybe. Worth a call.

Miata Mike
01-13-2013, 03:36 PM
I called the NRA membership number over a week ago looking to become a Life member for $300 and was told I had to be "gifted" a life membership from another life member. Looks like I talked to the wrong person.

You don't need a sponsor for this deal, and you can use it to join up or as a renewal. But, it is only for a short time from what I understand.

white eagle
01-13-2013, 03:55 PM
re-upped my status in this organization
thanks for the intell

01-13-2013, 06:17 PM
why should i have to pay your share of the bill to protect OUR freedom.

Obviously, you are not aware of the fact that the NRA is responsible for a lot of the anti-2nd-Amendment laws that we have now. The NRA was not always a friend of the 2nd Amendment.

John Wayne
01-14-2013, 10:29 AM
Laws that target criminal like the law that sentences 10 years for using a firearm in a crime, yes the NRA supported that. They are the ONLY effective lobbying entity we have in Washington. Without a doubt, we would not have any firearms by now without the longterm efforts of the NRA. We are very close to the brink. We are facing lead bans, bullet marking proposals, ammo taxes and background checks that 99% of us won't pass by design. It is urgent to help... now.

01-14-2013, 10:45 AM
Got my life membership 2 days ago. Had been an EPL member for awhile but had to drop down to annual. Glad I am lifetime now.

Thanks for the deal information.

01-14-2013, 12:02 PM
That was easy, I just called just call 1-888-678-7894 and it is done. Hopefully my son will jump on this.

Thanks for the info.

01-14-2013, 03:33 PM
Laws that target criminal like the law that sentences 10 years for using a firearm in a crime, yes the NRA supported that. They are the ONLY effective lobbying entity we have in Washington. Without a doubt, we would not have any firearms by now without the longterm efforts of the NRA. We are very close to the brink. We are facing lead bans, bullet marking proposals, ammo taxes and background checks that 99% of us won't pass by design. It is urgent to help... now.

They did a lot worse than that...


Ed in North Texas
01-14-2013, 05:49 PM
Obviously, you are not aware of the fact that the NRA is responsible for a lot of the anti-2nd-Amendment laws that we have now. The NRA was not always a friend of the 2nd Amendment.

Don't be a "drive by", give us chapter and verse of exactly which laws the NRA prompted Congress to pass, what years, what the trade-offs might have been, etc.


Ed in North Texas
01-14-2013, 05:51 PM
They did a lot worse than that...


Ah, history from the Far Left. And the Atlantic is well out on the Left politically. The magazine would have us believe that the Black Panthers* were the true supporters of the 2d Amendment while Reagan, the NRA, et al just were a bunch of racists who wanted to keep the Black Man down. Well, you can believe it if you want to.

And I'm not saying I think Wayne LaPierre is great, etc. GOA, JPFO et al are great organizations, but if they were all we had to rely on we might as well turn in our semi-autos now.


* BTW, have you ever read what David Horowitz had to say about the Panthers. When he was Editor of Ramparts Magazine (Far, Far Left), he supported the Panthers (by action and financially IIRC). Horowitz admits to having been a "Red Diaper Baby" (i.e. his parents were committed Communists and he was raised as a Communist). He has stated he knows the Panther leadership engaged in murder. This was the original Panthers, not the NBPP of today. Is that the kind of support for the 2d Amendment the Atlantic prefers?

One last Edit - Nothing I have to say in defense of the NRA applies to the leadership prior to the "Cinncinnati Revolt" in '77. The NRA in the 60s and early 70s was mostly for and about target shooters. The leadership didn't worry about the Gun Control Act of '68 and didn't oppose Senator Dodd D-CT (the father) in pressing his version of gun control. That was the start of the revolt.

01-14-2013, 06:20 PM
Ah, history from the Far Left. And the Atlantic is well out on the Left politically. The magazine would have us believe that the Black Panthers* were the true supporters of the 2d Amendment while Reagan, the NRA, et al just were a bunch of racists who wanted to keep the Black Man down. Well, you can believe it if you want to.

And I'm not saying I think Wayne LaPierre is great, etc. GOA, JPFO et al are great organizations, but if they were all we had to rely on we might as well turn in our semi-autos now.


* BTW, have you ever read what David Horowitz had to say about the Panthers. When he was Editor of Ramparts Magazine (Far, Far Left), he supported the Panthers (by action and financially IIRC). Horowitz admits to having been a "Red Diaper Baby" (i.e. his parents were committed Communists and he was raised as a Communist). He has stated he knows the Panther leadership engaged in murder. This was the original Panthers, not the NBPP of today. Is that the kind of support for the 2d Amendment the Atlantic prefers?

I've read the same thing, but in bits and pieces, elsewhere. This article put it all together though in one place. I believe that the Black Panthers were definitely a subversive socialist organization, but the NRA's actions at that time are definitely not commendable.

Ed in North Texas
01-14-2013, 06:38 PM
I've read the same thing, but in bits and pieces, elsewhere. This article put it all together though in one place. I believe that the Black Panthers were definitely a subversive socialist organization, but the NRA's actions at that time are definitely not commendable.

Sorry, I just got done with a last edit after I realized I hadn't explained that the pre-77 NRA did virtually nothing politically to defend the 2d, or the Constitution generally. Which is kind of ironic. When I first became a member in the late 50s, you had to be recommended by a member and had to sign a statement that you would support the Constitution, etc. I was out of the country for much of the 60s, so wasn't exactly engaged politically (supporting Barry in '64 from Germany didn't do him a lot of good!).


01-14-2013, 07:48 PM
That was 40 years ago... Since then the NRA has changed (just like Ruger has changed since Bill Ruger died) and as a Life member you have a voting voice of who is on the NRA board now. So help get rid of the Joaquin Jackson's on the board and help to vote in people that won't negotiate our 2nd amendment right away. Also you need to contact the NRA and voice your opinion of where the NRA should be heading and not assume they will make all the right decisions without you.

Otherwise, complain about the junk mail, or how one board member said something you didn't agree with, or whatever excuse you can think of not to join and the rest of us will just keep paying and fighting for you to keep your guns.

01-14-2013, 07:57 PM
Do we know if this number is "real" so to speak. The # posted here is different than the # posted on the NRA's website for membership renewals etc.

Sniper Doc
01-14-2013, 09:18 PM
CWME - I was just about as skeptical as they come with this "deal" that's too good to be true. Google and I have spent quite a bit of time today researching the issue for both this year as well as in past years. Two things put my skepticism at ease: 1) posts in other gun forums of members detailing their experiences with previous years' versions of the "deal" that spoke of later receiving their life membership certificates, decals, pins, etc several weeks after making the call, and 2) there is so much chatter right now on other sites just like ours about scores of members taking the plunge that if this is a farce, man do we stand to make a killing with class-action suit against the perpetrators!

01-14-2013, 09:21 PM
I got mine today and it took less then 5 minutes. I should have done it the last time they had this offer. What I really should have done was get it for my grandkid. I'll be lucky to get 10 years out of it. But its for a good cause.

01-14-2013, 11:59 PM
That was 40 years ago...

Well, for some of us, 40 years ago does not seem like that long...

01-15-2013, 12:04 AM
Do we know if this number is "real" so to speak. The # posted here is different than the # posted on the NRA's website for membership renewals etc.

If it's not real, then whomever is running it has access to the NRA database because they knew the name that I had used on my previous NRA membership. I had used my dog's name on it so that I would know if they sold my name to any of the other junk mail initiators. After I got the new membership number, I was able to log onto the NRA website. As such, I would have to say that it is legit.

Ed in North Texas
01-15-2013, 12:44 AM
As a current member I received a mailer with offers to upgrade my membership to Patron and give Life memberships as I wished (and could afford). The amount ($300) is correct. Obviously I have an offer which requires a current member to put the membership in. It seems like this is a legit offer, even though it doesn't require a current member to do it. And I get the NRA Alerts pretty much daily. If there were a scam going on, I'm sure there'd be an alert about it.


Ed in North Texas
01-15-2013, 12:55 AM
Well, for some of us, 40 years ago does not seem like that long...

I hear that. Then again sometimes it does, depends on what we're talking about. 45 years of marriage - sometimes it seems like yesterday, sometimes forever.

01-15-2013, 05:16 PM
Just wanted to say thanks, upgraded today when I came in for lunch, 5 min and done. Real nice guy on the line, very painless, thanks again.

01-15-2013, 07:41 PM
I hear that. Then again sometimes it does, depends on what we're talking about. 45 years of marriage - sometimes it seems like yesterday, sometimes forever.

Awh, 'ell... I've known women where even ONE year of marriage would have seemed like FOREVER. :)

01-15-2013, 08:08 PM
Awh, 'ell... I've known women where even ONE year of marriage would have seemed like FOREVER. :)

HA, how you know my ex wife ?

01-17-2013, 05:32 AM
I took advantage of this great offer today but after having read of the experiences of others, I was not as impressed with the woman who handled my upgrade. To be specific, at no time did she ask for or record my NRA number even though I asked several times if she wanted it. At that point I suspected that it might be possible that I'd be issued a second NRA number so I requested that she clarify whether or not I would keep my present NRA number or if they were going to issue a new number. She did not know the answer to my question and had to put me on hold while she consulted her supervisor. When she came back on the line she said that I would be keeping my original NRA number although she still did not request that number. Hopefully this upgrade to Life Member will be recognized by the NRA and will be associated with my present membership so that my number will not change. Having said this, I must say that even with these delays the entire transaction probably took less than 10 minutes so I was quite satisfied with this great deal.


01-17-2013, 11:47 AM
Do we know if this number is "real" so to speak. The # posted here is different than the # posted on the NRA's website for membership renewals etc.

Sorry, I didn't answer this earlier, it is a legitimate number, basically requested by Tom Gresham from Guntalk radio and TV, here is the post in his newsletter where he explains that the NRA gave him a number to give out that is tied to his NRA number so he is your sponsor for the $300 life membership deal:


This morning I talked with the head of membership at the NRA and discovered that over the last month nearly a quarter-million people have joined. That's why you can't get your phone call answered at HQ, and why it takes so long on hold. That's good news, of course.

To avoid the waits, you can join or buy gift memberships through our link (we even arranged a discount for you) over at our website, www.guntalk.com. Just look for the "Join The NRA" logo at the lower left. I get a commission on each membership purchased through that link, and I donate 100 percent of that to the Second Amendment Foundation. So, when you buy an NRA membership this way, you are also contributing to the SAF.

The NRA also has a special promotion for a huge discount on life memberships. Regularly it's $1,000, but this promotion lets you buy a life membership for only $300. The key is that you must be invited by a current life member.

Hey! No problem. I'm a life member, and I'm inviting you. We even found a way around the long wait times. This phone number is only for folks who have been invited by me. That's all of you! Just call 1-888-678-7894. You don't even need my life member number, because that phone number is linked to my number. There is no commission on this, but it's a heck of a deal. Only 300 bucks for a life membership. Might as well buy one for you and each of your children. Talk about a lifetime gift!

01-17-2013, 11:54 AM
They did a lot worse than that...


Don't be a "drive by", give us chapter and verse of exactly which laws the NRA prompted Congress to pass, what years, what the trade-offs might have been, etc.


Interesting conversation between the Texans.

I think I read the founders of the NRA did so not only for marksmanship, as noted in the Atlantic piece, but also to permit the freed blacks from the civil war to receive equal treatment by allowing them access to guns. It is also instructive to review the events and the result of the NRA's work in the 60's and 70's because the organization's focus was changed and the colonial meaning of 'regulated' [TRAINED not legislated] became paramount [the Atlantic article missed that].

And in the wake of the recent events, they were the only organization to present an actionable plan to protect our children in gun free zones and to offer to train those willing to do so.

History is worth reviewing or else you will be obliged to repeat it (my misquote).

Gunload Master
01-21-2013, 02:48 PM
Do they ask for your NRA membership # when you call them? I've misplaced my card somewhere....

01-21-2013, 07:36 PM
I did it - it's legit. Once I was a life member, I got two more knuckleheads to join as life members, so we're at 250,003 in the last month!

01-21-2013, 09:31 PM
Do they ask for your NRA membership # when you call them? I've misplaced my card somewhere....

Your membership # is on the shipping label of your hunter/rifleman magazine.

01-21-2013, 11:45 PM
This is a very good offer. If I wasnt already a life member I would jump at it!

01-22-2013, 02:40 AM
This is a very good offer. If I wasnt already a life member I would jump at it!

You can upgrade to an Endowment member for $250 with this deal as well I believe.

Gunload Master
01-22-2013, 01:38 PM
Wow.. that was an easy phone call. Great guy! I'm now a lifer.

01-22-2013, 04:26 PM
Just became a life member :drinks:

Lefty SRH
01-22-2013, 06:44 PM
Wish I knew they were running this offer before I paid for a 1yr membership.

01-22-2013, 10:00 PM
I'd renew for life but I'm paid through 2023 and I'll be 81 then. I'd like to live long enough to make it a good deal but the odds are against me.


01-22-2013, 10:26 PM
Glad this continued until I could scrape up the dough! Just finished- no hastle; Thanks for passing the info.

Lefty SRH
01-23-2013, 06:31 AM
Anyone know when this offer will expire? I'm trying to scrape enough together even though I recently paid for a new 1yr membership.

01-23-2013, 06:53 AM
I've heard till the end of this month, and also the end of Feb. I'm in the same boat as you, waiting to scrape the funds together, hoping it lasts another couple weeks.

01-25-2013, 02:14 PM
Supposedly this deal will expire on February 28th, but you never know, the NRA may extend this deal since it is so popular right now.

I did hear on Tom Gresham's Gun Talk Podcast last Sunday that they have over 1000 new Life Members that have signed up using this phone number and $300 deal. Pretty cool!

white eagle
01-25-2013, 08:19 PM
so if they are so worried about our second amendment rite why will they not take payment by a check
I have called 3 different times and all they take is cc and dc payments or electronic checks
what is the big deal about sending me the information and me sending them a check??
seems a wee bit fishy........

01-25-2013, 08:36 PM
ANy NRA life member can offer Life memberships for $300... I do it all the Time....... just call NRA memberservices, give them you r membership number, then provide them the contact info on the prospective new life member and give them a CC#


01-25-2013, 09:52 PM
a bump for a good cause

John Wayne
01-27-2013, 02:28 PM
BTT for a good deal and I'm sure the NRA can use the money for the fight ahead!

Lefty SRH
01-27-2013, 06:13 PM
Has anyone recieved true confirmation (card and other "stuff") of the their new Life Membership yet after calling the number. It just seems to good to be true. Right after I joined for a year I got an email saying I could upgrade to Life Member status for $600. I passed and now they are offering a $300 membership. I'm still a little skeptical. I work to hard for my money and I have otehr bills to pay also. I don't have a problem with a $300 membership as long as I know its genuine.

01-27-2013, 07:10 PM
Lefty; Look at reply #43. That convinced me to do it.
Regards, Ron

01-27-2013, 08:16 PM
I was listening to Tom Gresham's Gun Talk this evening. As of today, they are over 6,000 new Life Members (on the $300 deal) in less than 1 month! -- Lets keep it up!

white eagle
01-27-2013, 08:27 PM
Has anyone recieved true confirmation (card and other "stuff") of the their new Life Membership yet after calling the number. It just seems to good to be true. Right after I joined for a year I got an email saying I could upgrade to Life Member status for $600. I passed and now they are offering a $300 membership. I'm still a little skeptical. I work to hard for my money and I have otehr bills to pay also. I don't have a problem with a $300 membership as long as I know its genuine.

That is what I was saying in my post #65
why is it they can not send me the info to sign up to my address and then I mail a check
ya I know its pretty old school kinda like paying for things up front with cash

Lefty SRH
01-27-2013, 10:37 PM
Lefty; Look at reply #43. That convinced me to do it.
Regards, Ron

Well now, thats does make me feel better the $300 well spent.

01-28-2013, 09:22 AM
does anyone know if you can pay the $300 over 3 mos or 6 mos?

01-30-2013, 05:41 PM
That is what I was saying in my post #65
why is it they can not send me the info to sign up to my address and then I mail a check
ya I know its pretty old school kinda like paying for things up front with cash

Mine arrived about a week ago... Turned out that the inside-the-window NRA sticker would not be visible through the tinted rear window on the car I was going to put it on, so I put it on my pickup (which does not have as dark of a tint on the rear window).

01-30-2013, 06:35 PM
How come the NRA doesn't have the $300 lifetime membership option on their website? Like others I've been a little skeptical. I did read post #43 making it seem more legit, but just wondering why they don't have it listed on their website (advertised) for more people to join?

01-30-2013, 06:38 PM
Upgraded my membership yesterday, simple.

white eagle
01-30-2013, 07:04 PM
I was told that this offer was only a call in
I called member services and broke down and paid with a cc
did not want to do it that way but like others have said with a deal like this its hard to pass
and being in for a fight with the antis we need all the help we can get
a win/win

Jon K
01-30-2013, 10:00 PM
I bought my Life Membership on a $300 Special...but that was 1982!

I had to take advantage of this, and got my son & daughter both a Life Membership.

Also on the credit card.


01-31-2013, 12:05 AM
You really need to think of this as an investment, since I couldn't buy the AR I wanted right now, and I didn't want to pay double the price, the $300 to the NRA will help insure that I can buy my AR a year or even 10 years from now.

Also, go to the Ruger.com website and click on the "Protect Your Rights" link, they have a handy web letter that once you put in your name and address it will automagically send a letter to your US and State representatives.

01-31-2013, 12:18 PM
I was told that this offer was only a call in
I called member services and broke down and paid with a cc
did not want to do it that way but like others have said with a deal like this its hard to pass
and being in for a fight with the antis we need all the help we can get
a win/win

Good deal W.E.! Welcome to the club! I think you'll be glad you did it...even though you had to use your cc.

01-31-2013, 01:02 PM
I just received an e-mail from MGM targets. They are offering an incentive for anyone who gets a Life membership with the NRA.

"...MGM will send you a $50 Gift Certificate, or a SwitchView scope lever, your choice. Details are on the MGM website at www.mgmtargets.com. Please do this now, then forward this to all you know, who want to KEEP their guns."

01-31-2013, 01:43 PM
Thank you yobohadi. I am now a life member.

Stephen Crawford
01-31-2013, 02:51 PM
How long does it take to hear back from the NRA? They billed my card on the 21 and no mail or e-mail.


01-31-2013, 06:21 PM
How long does it take to hear back from the NRA? They billed my card on the 21 and no mail or e-mail.


It may take 10 days to 2 weeks. It took them about 2 weeks to charge my credit card. They are backlogged with new memberships right now. I had initially re-upped my membership to a 5-year on 31 December. I just received my 5-year membership card today!

Lefty SRH
01-31-2013, 06:37 PM
I broke down and called and billed it to my card. I hated to buts a good deal. When does the offer expire?

Lefty SRH
01-31-2013, 06:37 PM
Now how can I get the NRA Life Banner under my handle?

01-31-2013, 06:51 PM
Called this # less than 5 minutes ago and am done already. Very nice young lady. Been a member for a lonngg time, just now went to Life. Thanks for the info, Gil aka Wishbone

white eagle
01-31-2013, 07:51 PM
Now how can I get the NRA Life Banner under my handle?
go into your profile and look for join groups find the NRA life member and click and add and there you have it

02-08-2013, 12:55 PM
deal is now online https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?CampaignID=ar15

Big Boomer
02-08-2013, 02:49 PM
I opted for life membership in this special deal about mid-January and haven't heard back from them yet so it may take a while for them to get everything together and the new cards out to everyone. Some years back I started going for the 3-year then the 5-year membership plus buying gift memberships for my son and my brother. My regular membership would have gone through 2015. Good cause and it is the biggest but not the only force for our side of the issue. 'Tuck (as in Kentuck)

02-08-2013, 09:54 PM
deal is now online https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?CampaignID=ar15

Just set up my life membership through this link.

02-08-2013, 10:04 PM
More like 3 weeks I did the life upgrade on 01/1/13 and got my packet on 02/08/2013

It may take 10 days to 2 weeks. It took them about 2 weeks to charge my credit card. They are backlogged with new memberships right now. I had initially re-upped my membership to a 5-year on 31 December. I just received my 5-year membership card today!

02-09-2013, 01:06 AM
Lefty SRH,

This $300 Life Membership offer is good 'til the end of February according to Tom Gresham who was interviewed by Cam Edwards on the NRA News program on the Sportsmans Channel a couple of days ago. IIRC, this campaign has resulted in approximately 6000 Life memberships and approximately 500,000 ! new NRA members in the last couple of months. Amazing...... but those were the numbers mentioned on the program. That makes the NRA about 5 million strong? Now if we (big game hunters, small game hunters, varmint hunters, competition shooters whether rifle, pistol or shotgun, plinkers, reloaders, military and law enforcement) can all present a massive, united front you may save yourselves the incredible task of reversing, repealing or diluting the draconian New York State type gun legislation just rammed through the middle of January. It will not be an easy or quick task, but there are a lot of us in Upstate New York who think and act like you guys in all those places outside of downstate New York. I think we shall resurrect an old T-shirt I saw many years ago........."Make New York City the 51st State (then float it out to sea)" since we Upstaters have never wanted anything to do with NYC, its liberal politics or strange social policies. Sorry for the rant.


Lefty SRH
02-09-2013, 10:06 AM
Thanks DMitch, I joined NRA in early jan. with the $25 Bass Pro offer. THEN I saw the super $300 life deal and joined "again" the last day of January. I'm a Lifer now.....Now I plan to join the GOA aswell.

02-09-2013, 05:38 PM
For those of you who have paid but not received the cards etc, you can check your status by going to https://www.nramemberservices.org/. At first my expiration date was listed as 31 JAN 2033. A few days later it changed to lifetime. I'm still waiting on my stuff to arrive in the mail. It has been about 5 weeks so far. Not necessarily a bad thing in my book. I'm glad to see them backlogged with membership sign-ups. :D

02-13-2013, 02:37 PM
deal is now online https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?CampaignID=ar15

Thanks Underclocked, I added this to the original post.

02-20-2013, 05:40 PM
Thanks DMitch, I joined NRA in early jan. with the $25 Bass Pro offer. THEN I saw the super $300 life deal and joined "again" the last day of January. I'm a Lifer now.....Now I plan to join the GOA aswell.

HA! Same exact thing happened to me. Pretty good deals, IMO.