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View Full Version : Irish Optimism

07-08-2007, 06:26 PM
After days in the wilderness Coleen and Maireed stumble into a bar in the
Wild West and ask for two beers. Unfortunately they've got no money and the barman won't give them credit!

Just then a bloke walks in with a Red Indian's head under his arm. The
barman shakes his head and says, 'I hate Indians. Last week they burnt my barn to the ground, scalped my wife and killed my children. If any man brings me the head of a Red Indian, I will give them, 100,000.'

The two Irish girls look at each other and then go off to find a Red Indian.

Later that day they see one, and Maireed throws a stone which hits the Red
Indian on the head. The Indian falls off his horse but lands 70ft down a ravine. Coleen and Maireed dash down into the ravine where Coleen starts sawing the Indian's head off.

Suddenly Maireed says 'Coleen look at this...'

Coleen says 'In a minute.'

'No, look at this ...' says Maireed.

'No, can't you see I'm bleedin busy.....'

Maireed grabs hold of her and Coleen looks up and sees 10,000 Indians standing at the top of the ravine.

'Bleedin Christ says Coleen. 'We're gonna be millionaires.'


07-08-2007, 06:34 PM
Something like a flea climbing up an elephant's tail with rape on its mind. ... felix

07-08-2007, 10:27 PM
that is a new one too!

07-12-2007, 02:06 AM
Pat&Mike talking one day in the Emerald Isle.
Pat says"Mike me friend,your no longer the strongest man in Ireland,O'brien is.
Mike says"And just where does this O'brien live?"
Pat says"toward County Cork."
Mike drives off toward County Cork to find O'brien. He sees a man pushing a horse plow through a field.He stops and walks over to the man and says "and you must be Mr.O'brien?"
"No the names McDuff. O'brien lives down the road."
Mike drives a little more and sees a man wrap his arms around an oak tree,rip it out of the ground,shake the dirt off and stack it.
Mike walks over to the man and says"and you are Mr.O'brien."
Man says "no the names Coyne."
Mike scratches his head,looks at Mr.Coyne an says"McDuff is pushing a plow through the field with no horse in front of it. You rip these oak trees out of the ground. And I've heard that O'brien is the strongest man in Ireland. Just what in the name of St. Patrick does O'brien do.
Coyne looks at Mike and says"O'brien is the only man in Ireland that can stick his thumb up his ass and hold himself out at arms length:-D