View Full Version : Missouri gets "Castle Doctrine" plus

Ed Barrett
07-08-2007, 11:42 AM
This week the Gov. signed into law the Castle doctrine, allowing the use of deadly force to protect your property and life without "retreating" first. The bill also drops the need to get an OK from the Sheriff before buying a handgun the will be treated like a long gun. The bill goes into effect Aug 28, 07. Thank God we have Conservitive Republican's in the State house and senate and as Gov.

None of the papers I've seen have a thing about it. Any of you fellows in Missouri please get the word out.

07-08-2007, 01:15 PM
We need some more of you guys to move up to Illinois! :)

Congrats on the bill. NO such common sense here.

07-08-2007, 01:41 PM
Need to change Ohio's law to something like that

As our law was explained to us in our CCW class

We have to have a fear of great bodily harm for ourself or others , with no means of egress to use deadly force

Protecting our property is not a just cause to to use deadly force


07-08-2007, 01:55 PM
johnch, you are most correct! We were told our TV, our household possessions, our car are not reason to fire. We have to have the perp coming at us, intending to do great bodily harm. We should be retreating and yelling; "Stop, I have a gun, I will shoot. Stop I have.....etc..." Almost as bad as Great Britian where they have to yell "Stop! or I will yell Stop! again"

On the one hand, a television set(and what it offers!) is not worth a life.

On the other hand, at 3:00am in my darkened house, I am not inclined to ask questions first.

Still, in a blue state such as Ohio, the CCW law is a good first step...............Lee;-)

07-08-2007, 02:14 PM
How much of my life is spent earning money for that TV set or other household goods. When that small time crook steals from me, he steals that part of my life it took to earn the money ( including income tax ,social security and all other payroll taxes and deductions) to buy what ever he/she stole. Not a popular idea, but a real justification for "Castle Doctrine" .

07-13-2007, 03:44 PM
Unfortunately, our Governor Matt Blunt is a one term guy, with almost no chance for re-election. He was saddled with the legacy of 8 years of Mel the tax man Carnahan and Carnahan pupil Bob Holdon. When Carnahan took control of the state after 8 years of John Ashcroft, Missouri was in the black. After Mel and company, we're so far in the red there's no escape. Blunt has cut programs and budgets and pet liberal projects and the liberal papers rail on him constantly. He's also shut down some state facilities for the mentally handicapped that were not favorably rated, and this has cost him politically.

As a result, his approval rating is so low he's virtually got no chance. Pity. A conservative, civil liberty protecting governor.

07-15-2007, 06:01 AM
Matt will still get my,and spouses vote none the less....