View Full Version : Attn Geek types

07-08-2007, 11:23 AM
I'm getting my second wind on the gun control fight, so I have a question.

Here's the problem. www.stopguncontrol.info was designed to have people stop by, get info and pass it along at their favorite websites. Actually the Administrators and Moderators were supposed to do it, but that isn't working out. So what I end up with is a list of approximately 45 websites I try to go to and post about a pending bill. As you can imagine, it doesn't get done. What I need (?) is a way to make a post without having to physically log into the site and make a cut and paste post.

Now to me this smells of a spam type thing. Is there a way to do it without setting off spam filters or a way to so it in another way that would be easier?

07-08-2007, 11:35 AM
You would likely set off the spam alarms and get your IP banned. Whatcha need is a Como troop that you could distribute the info to and they in turn logon to the sites that they have been assigned and post the information. For many of us it would not be to tough as we participate in more than one message board anyway. Ya need a hand, just let me know.


C A Plater
07-08-2007, 03:45 PM
While there are ways to automate the logging in and posting process, that is what spammers do to a lot of message boards and may get you banned from those sites very quickly. A better way may be to setup a RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed. With RSS, the recipient signs up or requests the new feed and contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. If interested in the article, one click will launch the referenced page on the browser. Food for though anyway.

07-24-2007, 09:00 AM
Sharpsshooters "como troop" was supposed to be the Administrators and Moderators stopping by and that ain't working at all. The RSS sounds gret but I can't even get permission to post on some boards and am pretty much treated like a leper with bad gas and a polyester leisure suit at most others. Just the thought of starting another drive makes my gut swirl. Gotta be a better way. Ideas?

07-25-2007, 12:51 PM
Sharpsshooters "como troop" was supposed to be the Administrators and Moderators stopping by and that ain't working at all. The RSS sounds gret but I can't even get permission to post on some boards and am pretty much treated like a leper with bad gas and a polyester leisure suit at most others. Just the thought of starting another drive makes my gut swirl. Gotta be a better way. Ideas?

AH HA! You trust the admin to get the "work" done? [smilie=1: As a field officer, you know it don't work like that.:-D The people in the field get it done every day. Posting on the various boards done by legit members of said board sneaks ya past the permission issue (in plain view) and if done in a tactful manner would be offensive to none and informative to many.



07-25-2007, 01:58 PM
Yeah I know. It's getting it going and hitting the 20-30 boards I do that kills me. That and never knowing if it's getting response.