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View Full Version : Why I hate working and yet I am still poor.

01-08-2013, 08:41 PM
Well since my wife lost her job I have been selling my stuff to make ends meet. As of the first of the year I will be paying more in taxes. I have not had a raise in four years and just keep watching my salary go down. Do not get me wrong but people who work for a living are the most honorable of citizens and do not expect a handout out of pride. But how far or long can you go when the rest of the country is sucking out your livelyhood? Just a rant but I believe there are a lot of us in the same boat.

01-08-2013, 08:45 PM
not far, time for a move for sure.

01-08-2013, 08:57 PM
Well since my wife lost her job I have been selling my stuff to make ends meet. As of the first of the year I will be paying more in taxes. I have not had a raise in four years and just keep watching my salary go down. Do not get me wrong but people who work for a living are the most honorable of citizens and do not expect a handout out of pride. But how far or long can you go when the rest of the country is sucking out your livelyhood? Just a rant but I believe there are a lot of us in the same boat.

Be Thankful you have a Job!! At 49 years of age I got Laid off and get to live on 1/2 the pay I was making. Because I live in Mass I have to have Health insurance that I have to pay for myself almost 500 bucks a month!! Obummer has not helped me in the least little bit, soon I will be off of Unenjoyment still with no job and the Unemployment rate will go down again no thanks to anything he's done!!

01-08-2013, 09:00 PM
But why is it the people that want to work are getting sc**d? Is there no end in sight?

01-08-2013, 09:06 PM
But why is it the people that want to work are getting sc**d? Is there no end in sight?

It's only fair that all are brought down to the level of the lowest, least motivated wastes of human breath alive......It's about fairness

01-08-2013, 09:11 PM
Be Thankful you have a Job!!.....

Yeah, really. At least you have a job to complain about. I had to give up a thirty year career in industrial construction because of arthritis. I can't work, but it's not bad enough to draw disability. What's that old adage about 'a rock and a hard place'?

01-08-2013, 09:28 PM
This stuff would stop if you could get the general public to stick together and get all of the politicians in it for the "free ride" out,most sit in office until they turn to stone and we keep voting the same thiefs back in until they fall over,so really,where does the blame really lie...This country needs a RESTRUCTURED POLITICAL OVERHAUL,top to bottom but it won't happen until you get the greedy,self centered,baby mama's & daddy's, and the non-needing freeloaders in this country out of the picture,hate to say it but it's just gonna get worse!!!:coffee:

01-08-2013, 09:33 PM
anytime you rob peter to pay paul. you get paul,s vote every time

01-08-2013, 09:35 PM
But why is it the people that want to work are getting sc**d? Is there no end in sight?

No I don't think there is a clear end in sight! Obama Care is gonna finish what they started with the Bailouts!! Socialist Medicine almost Bankrupted Canada and other European countries. Answer a question when has anything the Goverment stuck there nose in gotten better and cost less??

Bad Water Bill
01-08-2013, 09:57 PM
Well I used to say AIR was free. Stopped at a gas station to fill my tire the other day and the MACHINE wanted $1.00 to help me. :twisted:

Az Rick
01-08-2013, 10:08 PM
The old saying, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer".
It will never change until we don't re-elect anyone. We need to demand they have to pay for the same healthcare we can afford. Take away the ability to give yourself a raise in pay. Same kinda retirement we all get, etc. We need term limits just like the President.
Congress "Manages" us, don't do much for us, just keep us at bay.


01-08-2013, 10:48 PM
The old saying, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer".
It will never change until we don't re-elect anyone. We need to demand they have to pay for the same healthcare we can afford. Take away the ability to give yourself a raise in pay. Same kinda retirement we all get, etc. We need term limits just like the President.
Congress "Manages" us, don't do much for us, just keep us at bay.


I agree with you 110% but it will never happen!! This country is turning into "HAVE'S" and "HAVE NOT'S" I know where I am on that short list

01-08-2013, 10:54 PM
But why is it the people that want to work are getting sc**d? Is there no end in sight?

actually it's those still lucky enough to be working that's getting the shaft , i've had 4 pay cuts in the last 4 years ... my current gross is well below what my take home used to be , yes i'm thankful that i have a job and there's also times i think i'd be better off if i was on the darn dole , no expenses going to work ,no tools to have to buy and maintain etc etc ... but there was a time i didnt have work , i could of went on the dole and didnt ...it was tough and it still isnt rosy ... you have to consider that they cant shaft those on the dole - they can only steal from those whom work or make anything ( please note the government makes nothing - NOTHING !! ) it can only take from those whom have it/make it ...yeah it sure makes not going on the dole hard ..think of the time i'd have for casting [sigh] or fishing ...

01-08-2013, 11:00 PM
All we need in this country is a good train wreck. When it all comes crashing down and hits bottom some folks will wake up and take charge of rebuilding the country. We haven't hit bottom yet but our fearless leaders are still digging.

01-08-2013, 11:18 PM
Everyone here is spot on and unfortunately it looks like, in the same boat. My wife got laid off 3 years ago, I haven't gotten a raise in 4 years, my company dropped our health insurance, vacations, sick pay and all other benefits. And all of this while raising 5 kids. I do still have a job. Sales are up 8% over last year but gross profit is down so no signs of it getting better any time soon. We need term limits and to vote all these clowns out. We need to start realizing that all these Republicans and Democrats are all the same. They are all crooks and just looking out for their own special interests.

41 mag fan
01-09-2013, 07:29 AM
When Democrats are in office, I have yet to make a good living. Even under clinton, the economy was booming, but at $10/hr jobs...same as i was making at the job i was at. Bush came in and I went to a 6 figure a yr job. Now obamas in and i'm not at 6 figures anymore, and we struggle.
Democrats say they're trying to lower taxes on middle class, and they do, but they raise every frigin other tax out there to compensate for the revenue cut.
Republicans watch out for the well off, give them the tax breaks, but those top earners are the ones whose money is invested in companies that create jobs.
So even before clinton, we was doing good as a kid for me, under Reagan, and scraping by under carter.
only stands to reason why I vote republican, grumbling as I do it.

All we need in this country is a good train wreck. When it all comes crashing down and hits bottom some folks will wake up and take charge of rebuilding the country. We haven't hit bottom yet but our fearless leaders are still digging.

You got that right...we're on a train thats going to make Greece look like pimple on the U.S. butt. When it happens it's going to bring every country in the world down to its knees. It's not going to be pretty, and it's going to down right every man out for himself, but it needs to happen to correct what this gov't has screwed up over the last 40 yrs.

01-09-2013, 10:07 AM
All we can do is hold out till the next election, and hopefully turn the senate! Hopefully by then a lot of liberals will have awakened to the reality of Obama.

01-09-2013, 11:12 AM
I have a feeling if they haven't already awakened to the reality of Obama they never will. There are too many people taking a government handout. At one point I thought these people were too lazy to get out and vote. The last election showed me to never underestimate what these people will do to keep their handout coming.

Bad Water Bill
01-09-2013, 11:22 AM
I am afraid that if we do NOT go back to paper ballots the next election will only have democrats winning offices.

Computers registered anywhere from 100% of voters to 160% in many precincts voting for the democrat. Voter after voter watching their votes change from R to D when they hit the finish button AND the Attorney General of the used to be United States watching THE BLACK PANTHERS intimidating voters on National television and NOTHING happens.

We may just have witnessed the last free election in our countries history.

The NEW congress has been sworn in but not one politician has uttered one single word about VOTER FRAUD.

Remember the stink about the hanging CHAD. Oh yes that was a paper ballot where the votes could be reviewed one at a time.

To prevent chads hanging up we went to EXPENSIVE computers where nothing is saved but the final tally.

Larry Gibson
01-09-2013, 12:37 PM
Had our best shot last November but too many of the "silent majority" stayed silent and the old guard GOP put up the 2nd best liberal the GOP had to run against a real liberal (communist/socialist actually). Too many who vote now vote for "what their country can do for them" and have forgotten (edit; not "forgotten but rather never learned) this is supposed to be a republic of and for individual rights and liberty and not a democracy for masses.

It will be very difficult to stop and thn reverse the direction this country is going..........

Larry Gibson

01-09-2013, 01:02 PM
Larry I bet not 10% of the public have any idea that this was never suppose to be a democracy but a REPUBLIC! therein lies the problem>

01-09-2013, 01:02 PM
But why is it the people that want to work are getting sc**d? Is there no end in sight?

In history, it always has been and probably always will be. Therefor the founders made the second amendment...........


01-09-2013, 01:29 PM
Everyday I ask myself-If I'm working to make a living, why am I killing myself working?

01-09-2013, 05:55 PM
All we can do is hold out till the next election, and hopefully turn the senate! Hopefully by then a lot of liberals will have awakened to the reality of Obama.1Shirt!

Absolutely! Fellows we have a good chance to turn this thing around and tie Obamy's hands for the rest of his ill-gotten term. I don't think enough folks realize just what an opportunity this is to change things for the better and we need to start now!

01-09-2013, 06:08 PM
Everyday I ask myself-If I'm working to make a living, why am I killing myself working?

Because you're doing your best to provide for your family, contribute to this country and demonstrate to those that are young and inexperienced in life what testicular fortitude and spinal strength is. Layman's definition: You're a stand-up guy.

01-09-2013, 08:59 PM
Not sure how many remember it but back when Carter was president taxes took an extra twenty bucks from my pay check with tax increases . Now we are going though it again! Seems gas skyrocketed as well back then.

Silvercreek Farmer
01-09-2013, 09:36 PM
Lot of folks hurting out there right now. Hang in there! Learn how to live like a college student. Ramen noodles, totinos pizza, venison, and leg quarters got me though some pretty tight times. Don't expect any political changes to result in any rapid improvement, we have dug a deep hole that will take time to get out of, if we ever stop digging!

Aces an Eights
01-10-2013, 12:46 AM
This might be a bit simplistic I know but somehow i think the west needs to stop buying shoddy cr*p from countries like China, and start making shoddy cr*p locally again.

More jobs => more spending => more jobs.

01-10-2013, 06:14 AM
This from a rant on another site.

At one time the big threat to the country was the military industrial complex . Now it is the corporate political complex. Funny how all you heard in the 90's was that company's could not compete with other country's .We got paid enough to live on with a little left over to save or have some of the better things in life. Thy got paid poop and were happy if thy got to sleep in the parking lot. Then the home lone thing got started, any one could get a lone. No money don't worry ,nothing down, you will be just fine. All set up to fail. Then bang! It all go's down the crapper. You can't make your payment the bank says it can't stay open, company's can't get a lone thy lay you off to save money, you lose your home. Thy got all your money and your home. The stock market drops , your 401 tanks you have to pull out what is left to live on. Now the government bail's out the bank that loans it to the company's that put it back in to the bank. Now thy have all your tax money too. By now your living in your car, if you still have a car. The cost of fule to ship stuff back here go's up and company's say thy are going to start making stuff here. To save money? No so thy can give you a job!! At half what you were making, if you are lucky. More likely a lot less. Then some moron hooked on Fox News tells you you should be happy thy let you sleep in the parking lot! All this time every one is watching the politician's carry on putting on a show for you so you think you are involved. Thy start some astro terf groups to hang tea bags on there hats and make ***'s of them selfs and some more ***'s to protest them from the other side. Now the company's take that money thy have in the bank and give it to the politician's to get reelected and give them a tax cut for giving them the money to get reelected and use the money thy saved on tax's to give them selfs all raises . And this gos on and on. You go to the poles and vote for the guy you think is on your side and will go to Washington and tax the rich *** holes who cost you your home and all your savings with out stopping to think that the guy you voted for is one of them! Now the politician's pass laws that raise your tax's! Then tell you that you will just have to keep working a few more years than you had hoped before you retire so thy can tax you some more so thy can pay back the money thy borrowed from China to give to the banks. Now if every gos as planed you will work you self to death just making enough to get by, saving social security from having to pay you back all the money you paid in to it leaveing more for them. If you do not think things are rigged against you then you are one of them and not one of use.

Bad Water Bill
01-10-2013, 06:43 AM
This from a rant on another site.

At one time the big threat to the country was the military industrial complex . Now it is the corporate political complex. Funny how all you heard in the 90's was that company's could not compete with other country's .We got paid enough to live on with a little left over to save or have some of the better things in life. Thy got paid poop and were happy if thy got to sleep in the parking lot. Then the home lone thing got started, any one could get a lone. No money don't worry ,nothing down, you will be just fine. All set up to fail. Then bang! It all go's down the crapper. You can't make your payment the bank says it can't stay open, company's can't get a lone thy lay you off to save money, you lose your home. Thy got all your money and your home. The stock market drops , your 401 tanks you have to pull out what is left to live on. Now the government bail's out the bank that loans it to the company's that put it back in to the bank. Now thy have all your tax money too. By now your living in your car, if you still have a car. The cost of fule to ship stuff back here go's up and company's say thy are going to start making stuff here. To save money? No so thy can give you a job!! At half what you were making, if you are lucky. More likely a lot less. Then some moron hooked on Fox News tells you you should be happy thy let you sleep in the parking lot! All this time every one is watching the politician's carry on putting on a show for you so you think you are involved. Thy start some astro terf groups to hang tea bags on there hats and make ***'s of them selfs and some more ***'s to protest them from the other side. Now the company's take that money thy have in the bank and give it to the politician's to get reelected and give them a tax cut for giving them the money to get reelected and use the money thy saved on tax's to give them selfs all raises . And this gos on and on. You go to the poles and vote for the guy you think is on your side and will go to Washington and tax the rich *** holes who cost you your home and all your savings with out stopping to think that the guy you voted for is one of them! Now the politician's pass laws that raise your tax's! Then tell you that you will just have to keep working a few more years than you had hoped before you retire so thy can tax you some more so thy can pay back the money thy borrowed from China to give to the banks. Now if every gos as planed you will work you self to death just making enough to get by, saving social security from having to pay you back all the money you paid in to it leaveing more for them. If you do not think things are rigged against you then you are one of them and not one of use.

With ALL of the miss spelled words and poor grammar can someone translate just what this person meant.

Lloyd Smale
01-10-2013, 06:52 AM
dont worry guys with right to work everyone will soon be sharing your struggle. the rich will get richer and big business will finally have COMPLETE control of this country and our goverment.

01-10-2013, 07:55 AM
I'm afraid it's too late to make a difference in our government by voting. The federal government is no longer controlled by the voters. Changing Presidents or even political parties does little, if any good. There were signs indicating that the last November election was not completely on the up & up. I'm not saying that election results were illegally altered or influenced, but I'm not convinced that they weren't. The President keeps giving himself more power and utilizing "the Executive Order", for the apparent purpose of consolidating and strengthening his own power over the individual States and populace. The DHS is now so powerful and so pervasive that it would take the collective and concurrent brute force of hundreds of thousands of citizens to stand even a small chance of opposing them.

The government is controlled by big business and big money. The concept of reducing or minimizing taxes on the wealthy because they are the ones who invest in business and create jobs has become a completely obsolete theory that continues to be perpetuated by big business and big money. Because of the reduction or elimination of import tariffs, any new jobs that might be created by tax breaks to big business are created in 3rd world countries.
If you wanted to create jobs in this country, you would need to eliminate tax breaks for the mega businesses and offer very substantial tax incentives to small to medium sized companies. Those are the companies that are far more likely to develop products and services here in America and employ Americans.

There is really only one way to make the U. S. government work for the average, middle income American. You would have to sever the financial connection that big business has with the political parties that control the politicians that we in theory elect.
To get elected and to stay in office, politicians must do what their parties tell them to do. The power that those political parties wield over their members (our representatives) is bought and paid for by big business and the wealthy through "donations", also known as lobbying, more accurately described as bribery, and "campaign contributions".

The federal government is anxious to restrict and reduce the arms available to it's own citizens because they believe that the surest and most likely way for the citizens to regain control of too large, corrupt, out-of-control government is a brute force challenge. If the government exorcises control of it's citizenry through brute force, it will be explained as being done for the safety and security of the people. If the citizens resist though brute force, what story would the the government officials feed to the press?

Google "The Best Government Money Can Buy". I watched it on one of the internet TV and movie feeds; Netflix, Amazon or Hulu.


Lloyd Smale
01-10-2013, 08:13 AM
well said smokeywolf.

01-10-2013, 10:35 AM
I see no end as long as folks can buy votes by giving your money to the POOR??? We have a few wetbacks living near town and we pay so their kids can get a free school lunch. Now I would probably feed the kids if they showed up at my door hungry but darn it they shouldn't BE here in the first place and now they get welfare? I live and work an Indian Reservation and I use to have to keep track of grant money so I know what fraud is for sure and this is where our money goes.

01-10-2013, 11:14 AM
I don't believe anything the Government says anymore. Its sad... I use to think when I voted I could make a difference I don't think that's true anymore. I vote because I feel at least it gives me the right to B$*&# when TSHTF!! The last 3 elections weren't voting for what you thought was better for the Country it was voting for the Lesser of Evil's.

01-10-2013, 11:56 AM
anytime you rob peter to pay paul. you get paul,s vote every time
This is why. Not a better explanation has ever been said. It is Obumers way.
We are lost! You and I will NEVER vote them out.

Bad Water Bill
01-10-2013, 01:06 PM
Now that most folks vote by computer the election IS determined by the company that wrights the program.

Guess who owns that co?