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07-06-2007, 09:04 PM
Back in March I started pushing www.stopguncontrol.info to this site. I provided a lot of info on HR1022, the new assault weapons ban. I made the posts and provided links, etc. I got 3 stinkin' replies here, a few at the 18-20 other boards I posted the same info at. Yawn.

OTH- The proposed OSHA rule change has generated several pages of replies here, and dozens at other sites and I think I just saw chicken little run by yelling something about the sky falling..

Someone want to clue me in on why a bill CURRENTLY IN CONGRESS rates 3 replies and basically no interest even though NRA/GOA/JFPOFA and a lot of other gun rights outfits were pleading with us to act on it, and yet a proposed OSHA rule generates something akin to Y2K panic?!?!

(If I sound like a prissy little whiner about this it's because I've worn myself out trying to get some response on other bills. I'm tired of it.)

07-06-2007, 09:07 PM
Maybe 'cause the assault weapon ban only affects some of us whereas the lead/primer ban would shut down ALL of us. Just a thought.

07-06-2007, 09:29 PM
I think a bit of it is our fellow shooters being complacent and relying on the few that do take the time to write or call. And then there are some that take action without mentioning it on the boards too.

I think that many of us visit at least 5 or more boards and don't take the time to make repetitive responses.

For myself. I will take the opportunity now to thank those that ring the alarm bell like you did to warn us about HR1022. I wrote to my congressman, John Linder and my senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isaakson.

I think I'm in their permanent Email address book now but I don't get invited to their Christmas parties. I can assure you, they know how I feel about most important issues.

I think our friend above mentioned something important and that is the perception that the OHSA regulation will affect us all ON the other hand HR 1022 would affect just about all of us here or maybe just our children.

Think about this. HR1022 would ban guns that I'm willing to bet a lot of people here already own and they won't be affected personally yet.

Our children that want one just like dad's may be lucky enough to inherit it one day if that's still allowed in the future. What if dad has more than one kid and not enough of the banned guns to leave to their kids. We need to look at how things will affect the next generations of shooters.

WOW, do I sound like one of the let's do it for the children crowd????

My beautiful 15 year old daughter would like to have at least one of each of the guns listed on HR1022 but she has told me already to buy some powder so she can shoot the guns she inherits! (What a great kid) :)


07-06-2007, 09:47 PM
I take the info and write a letter to my Congressman and Senator.
I was remiss in not thanking you for giving me the heads up.

mike in co
07-06-2007, 10:12 PM
think it really is two different platforms.

the weapons ban is done by our elected officials....i see some control in place for this type of issue even with too many democrats in place.....

osha...is an agency assigned to "occupational safety" not gun control and not elected. this is similar to the housing authority trying to ban guns........its outside thier realm of authority but did not stop the anti gunners from trying.

the gun ban was well in the public view, the osha "rule change" is just the opposite.

i did contact my state senator...who is on thier oversight panel........

but thanks alot


07-06-2007, 10:25 PM
Y'all know that database that the FBI is NOT supposed to be keeping doing the instant background checks? Well, I'm supposin' that anyone who contacted OSHA during this trumped up mess is now part of a gun owners data base. Name, address, gun owner=yes, that sorta stuff.

And while I'm on the subject, you folks who have to have that piece of crap FOID card -- doncha suppose that's maybe a little (or a WHOLE LOT) unconstitutional???? Huh?

We've got people with leadership positions in our government who are subversive to the constitution. I didn't spend 26 years in uniform to see this kinda crap happen. It's treason! The real problem is how to get rid of the *******s. Who thinks this crap up, anyway. Vent, off.

Lone Hunter
07-06-2007, 10:27 PM
E-mails were sent out today to my Congressman and Senators.
Thanks for the reminder.


Lone Hunter
07-06-2007, 10:30 PM
And while I'm on the subject, you folks who have to have that piece of crap FOID card .

What is a FOID card?


07-06-2007, 10:55 PM
What is a FOID card?


Firearm Owner's Identfication Card

& what you going to do about having to have one... you don't have and it's a felony and you do keep it up and they rip you off in time too * p!ss me off* I just renewed mine was due to expire 7/1/07 sent it in june 5th *says give 30 days processing time* new card came back with a 6/1/xxxx dates.......hey a month is a month,,, and I payed for the d@mn thing :twisted: :Fire:

@ just becasue somebody dosen't reply.... don't mean they don't do anything[smilie=1:

07-07-2007, 01:24 AM
Just because you may have not been acknowledged or given response by some for your hard work does not mean all are ignoring your efforts. To the contrary. Some of your postings here at Cast Boolits have been given legs by me via the internet. It is your work posted here at Cast Boolits I quote, not NRA.

There are folks 'out there' who may not be particularly interested in or aware of anti-firearms legislation, but, they view any assault on our Bill of Rights as a threat to the whole of our Constitution. Given accurate and intelligently stated information, they'll make firm pro 2nd Amendment views known to their respective legislators. All credit to your heads-up posts, Bret.

So OK, Bret, do not despair the perceived lack of respect or response. My being slow does not equate to being unappreciative.

Thanks guy. :drinks:

I and family members often telephone or write to our U.S Senator and Representatives: U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R) and M.C. Rep. Bobby Jindal (R). These two men fought hard and won to kill that horrible "immigration" thing and we pray will take on the "Juden Stern" monstrosity with as much vigor.

PS: Thank you 'Old Ironsights' for the "Juden Stern". And to think today, right here in America.....

Y.T., Ya'll..


NRA "lifer" 1992

07-07-2007, 01:44 AM
I usta write my Conmgressman many years ago. Just once. I got deluged with "Contribute to my well being pledges" AND GOT SICK AND TIRED OF THAT> Why in the heck should I expect someone I elected to do my bidding to assume I'm on his touch just because I contacted him on something. I for one am sick and tired of the back-scratching mentality that has pervaded government among other things. That is one reason I resist contacting these elected blood-suckers. Thats all they are, blood-suckers. Never did an honest days work. Never came home sweaty, smelly, stinky. Just like here in OHio last month. 18 year old politically connected wannabe leaves a tape with 1000,000 SS numbers in daddys car while on his cushy appointed summer job in the OHIO whitehouse. It gets stolen. Good Gov Strikland-D immediately goes into damage control. The summer intern? Why not his fault. Probably got a promotion. BULL$#^% No one is held accountable anymore. I'm tired of the whole system..........rant off.............Lee;-)

07-07-2007, 10:02 AM
There will always be a lesser group within the whole that will strive to preserve and defend the rights of the whole. History has shown that repeatedly. Nothing new there. As I posted on your site, give it time to grow. The OSHA proposed rule doesn't just affect the military rifle or black powder shooter. It sticks every handloader in the back and there are greater numbers of handloaders than there are specific rifle devotees. I think too that when this first became a topic, there was apathy and the initial attitude was "this won't change anything". Then suddenly the NRA/ILA and shooting sports groups came out with their outrage of the absurdity and outright ignorance of it and all of a sudden the doubters began to see what others had said was not only possible, but in fact, likely the outcome if they didn't change gears and get busy fighting this issue.

Shooters across America have not yet seen that unity and single minded resolve is what it is going to take to preserve the 2nd amendment. The second amendment applies to us all and we all must defend it or we will all lose it.

I understand your frustration.


07-07-2007, 10:46 AM
I have to echo ARKYPETE and others, I read, write my congressman and senators, but never seem to reply or say thanks to the guy/guys that gave me the heads up. BRET4207 thanks for the info you posted, maybe the letters you caused to be generated will make a difference.

07-07-2007, 12:26 PM
It's pretty simple:

HR1022 never had a chance of passing. Its fate is controlled by our elected representatives and, right now anyway, there is no stomach for new bans in DC.

The OSHA rules change will happen without intervention. Its fate is controlled by a faceless bureaucrat that does not answer to the electorate.

Add in that the OSHA rules change will have far more impact to the shooting sports in general, and there you are.

07-08-2007, 07:49 AM
Interesting ideas. FWIW I wasn't looking for thanks, I was looking for the reason one issue got so much attention and another got zip. There are bunches of legislation before Congress right now, just waiting for a few signatures or for some other bills to move out of the way. I realize I can;t expect everyone to "cc" me letting me know they responded. Perhaps I need to re-think this a bit.