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01-06-2013, 11:42 PM
I just finished watching the movie " Shooter " on TNT tonight. I'll go 4.5 stars on this one.

If you've ever believed you can trust your govt. and you want to keep it that way, don't watch the movie.



01-06-2013, 11:46 PM
Classic aint it Ben?
want further info look up operations gladio and northwoods. be sitting down before your new perspective kicks in.

01-06-2013, 11:51 PM
I love the old gunsmith they visit in Tenn. :) "those boys on the grassy knoll were dead & buried out side teralinqua..." " you know this for a fact?" "... still got the shovel..."

01-07-2013, 12:02 AM
Good movie, they did alot of real research for production. You will notice some actual sniper techniques at various times. My favorite scee is in the beginning when he shoots the soup can. Flawless prone position, and had all the equipment with the Cheytac, only problem I had with that shot was the dog wouldn't have just sat by while that round went off. BIIIIIIIGGGG muzzle blast!

01-07-2013, 12:02 AM
Classic aint it Ben?

45 Nut,

You bet, I really enjoyed that one !


I love the old gunsmith they visit in Tenn. :) "those boys on the grassy know were dead & buried out side teralinqua..." " you know this for a fact?" "... still got the shovel..."

You know.......if you're good enough to do something like that, why would you want to even consider it......they are going to " rub you out " to silence you.

The power of money..............

I had with that shot was the dog wouldn't have just sat by while that round went off. BIIIIIIIGGGG muzzle blast!

My exact thoughts....poor dog, he'll never hear it thunder again.

01-07-2013, 12:34 AM
One of my favorite movies. The guys at work said the gunsmith in tenn reminded them of me. I think cause we're both blind.
Interesting trailor after the video also

01-07-2013, 12:47 AM
The fed guy says " miss remembering" funny.

MT Gianni
01-07-2013, 01:00 AM
I think it is a great movie but does not compete with the book. Steven Hunter is a really good writer.

01-07-2013, 01:37 AM
Was a good movie , the book was better , slightly different locations and time frames , both were good though

01-07-2013, 02:17 AM
Saw that one twice, still got the warmfuzzies the second time the house went boom at the end!!

Silver Eagle
01-07-2013, 03:11 AM
Look up all the Stephen Hunter books. He has a full series on Bob "The Nailer" Swagger. My favorite part is when he tells the American Indian lady that he did not shoot the president. She replies, "I know that because he is not dead."

Aces an Eights
01-07-2013, 03:30 AM
What stunning scenery and a great story too.
For some reason when I pause the Barrett parts, the bullets and muzzle look smaller than a .50 cal?

01-07-2013, 09:21 AM
Great book, the scene with the missing firing pin was different, it was in open court...

01-07-2013, 09:46 AM
i fully agree its a great movie, the book is beter. all of hunters books are great.oldarkie

01-07-2013, 09:57 AM
i have the dvd. one of the few movies that shows real long range shooting. not some one picking up a rifle and twisting around on the scope.

i don't trust the government. but i don't think it was it doing it this time. it was a international group pulling the strings with some of our gov. people covering up. in the movie it is a senator. for real it is the imposter in the white house and flunkies he apointed.

01-07-2013, 10:35 AM
Great flick ! The gun expert in Tenn - none other than Levon Helm of "The Band" and other groups.

01-07-2013, 11:24 AM
I REALLY liked the movie but unfortunately it had it's Hollywood moments, the propane tank explosion was a bit much but overall it was waaaay above the usual Hollywood garbage. I noticed a quick mention of lathe turned solid bullets for accuracy and a couple of other things that would not normally turn up in usual movie nonsense.

I have mentioned this one before but after all these years I still get a laugh out of it, a scene in a TV show had a doctor showing a police investigator a bullet he had just removed from a gunshot victim. The doc says "We got the bullet out" and then he held it up with a pair of forceps- it was the whole stinkin round case and all!:veryconfu

01-07-2013, 12:47 PM
Great flick ! The gun expert in Tenn - none other than Levon Helm of "The Band" and other groups.

Y'know? I noticed that in the credits last time I watched Shooter, but I don't think I ever put that together.

Smitty's Retired
01-07-2013, 12:47 PM
I think one of the reasons that the movie was more accurate than some, is because the technical advisor was a U.S. Marine who was a Scout Sniper with CENTCOM by the name of Patrick Garrity. You may have heard of him, he is or was one of the trainers at Defensive Firearms Training out of California, and during his duty with the Marines he was an instructor at the 1st Marine Regiment Sniper Training Center.

01-07-2013, 01:29 PM
Worth rewataching about once a year for reality sake.

01-07-2013, 04:40 PM
Watched again also....I agree with Doc65.... "those boys on the grassy knoll were dead & buried out side teralinqua..." " you know this for a fact?" "... still got the shovel..." is the best line of the movie....second best is someones signiture line here or over at Accurate Shooter...something like..."I'm just a peckerwood who likes in the mountains with too many guns"....

01-07-2013, 05:03 PM
I just finished watching the movie " Shooter " on TNT tonight. I'll go 4.5 stars on this one.

If you've ever believed you can trust your govt. and you want to keep it that way, don't watch the movie.



Another good one is Enemy of the State!

01-07-2013, 05:17 PM
What stunning scenery and a great story too.
For some reason when I pause the Barrett parts, the bullets and muzzle look smaller than a .50 cal?

It is a 408 Cheytac system, not a Barrett.

01-07-2013, 06:02 PM
I keep that one in the Netflix queue. :)

Aces an Eights
01-07-2013, 06:17 PM
It is a 408 Cheytac system, not a Barrett.

Thanks for that, I'll get some Google wisdom on Cheytacs.

I think of the scene where the Fed is at the internet cafe, everytime I log on here. : - )

01-07-2013, 07:28 PM
The book is called "Point of Impact", and has a blood red cover.

01-07-2013, 07:46 PM
The only problem I had with the movie is when their standing on an overpass in Montana and the FBI agent asks if they were in a gunfight in virginia last night. These guys drive faster than I do!

01-09-2013, 02:25 PM
The only problem I had with the movie is when theyre standing on an overpass in Montana and the FBI agent is wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt....? I havent figured that one out.

Correction: I watched it again this weekend and you see the Che t-shirt when they are in Tennesse


01-09-2013, 02:42 PM
It's on Netflix in case anyone wants to see it.

MT Gianni
01-09-2013, 08:37 PM
His latest paperback had me rolling in stitches. Soft Target is about a hostage take over of a large mall near Minneapolis on black Friday. The cheif of police is named Obobo and specializes in saying things that sound great but have no depth or meaning. Warning story line revealed next ..............

He fails when he needs to lead.

01-11-2013, 10:14 AM
It's a good movie, watch it again from time to time.... the scenery is breathtaking at times....

01-12-2013, 11:55 PM
The books are way better than the movie. Bob Lee Swagger is a great. I think I have read or listened to most of Stephen Hunters books. Between Nelson Demille, Stephen Hunter and Vince Flynn they keep me moving down the hi-way. I am a truck driver and listen to most while driving.

01-13-2013, 12:43 PM
Gliden is right.

"Enemy of the State" is a must watch. I you aint seen it, WATCH IT.

01-13-2013, 01:24 PM
Love the movie, much more accurate than alot of Hollywood's usual garbage. And Hunter has always been outspoken about our gun rights and been featured in the American Rifleman a couple times. Ya just can't beat Bob Lee Swagger and who better to play him than Mark!

01-16-2013, 03:56 AM
Ya just can't beat Bob Lee Swagger and who better to play him than Mark!

How about someone pro gun in that role. I borrowed this from a guns and ammo article. BTW, I enjoyed the movie.

The ex-leader of the Funky Bunch, Marky Mark had some pretty strong words for Charlton Heston. At the 2000 MTV Movie Awards, Wahlberg suggested on stage that the “Best Villain” award be given to Heston: “I believe Charlton Heston is America’s best villain because he loves guns so much. Maybe he should get the award for being president of the National Rifle Association.” But his anti-gun attitude didn’t stop there. “Well, I would love it if they could take all the guns away. Unfortunately, you can’t do that so you hope that good people in the world have them to protect the people who can’t protect themselves,” he said in an April 26, 2007, edition of the Herald Sun. “Certainly, I haven’t used a gun anywhere other than on a movie set and I’d like to see if we could take them all away. It would be a beautiful thing.”

Read more: http://www.gunsandammo.com/2012/02/24/8-surprising-anti-gun-celebrities/#ixzz2I7g2Xrvy

01-16-2013, 10:03 AM
It is a great movie and one that I can watch over and over again. When I do, I always notice something that I missed the previous times I watched it.

mold maker
01-16-2013, 10:34 AM
Bought the Shooter DVD with extra footage disk, and enjoyed it tremendously. Sadly there was too much truth in the politics shown. Great action pretty true to life. Will watch it over and over.

01-16-2013, 11:32 AM
How about someone pro gun in that role. I borrowed this from a guns and ammo article. BTW, I enjoyed the movie.

The ex-leader of the Funky Bunch, Marky Mark had some pretty strong words for Charlton Heston. At the 2000 MTV Movie Awards, Wahlberg suggested on stage that the “Best Villain” award be given to Heston: “I believe Charlton Heston is America’s best villain because he loves guns so much. Maybe he should get the award for being president of the National Rifle Association.” But his anti-gun attitude didn’t stop there. “Well, I would love it if they could take all the guns away. Unfortunately, you can’t do that so you hope that good people in the world have them to protect the people who can’t protect themselves,” he said in an April 26, 2007, edition of the Herald Sun. “Certainly, I haven’t used a gun anywhere other than on a movie set and I’d like to see if we could take them all away. It would be a beautiful thing.”

Read more: http://www.gunsandammo.com/2012/02/24/8-surprising-anti-gun-celebrities/#ixzz2I7g2Xrvy

WOW. I did not see that one coming, i am shocked Hunter would let someone so outspoken about gun control in his movie. That's the end of me watching Mark Wahlberg movies then he just made it on my short list! Thanks for sharing the info, i guess you never can tell about some people, especially Hollyweird.

01-16-2013, 01:24 PM
Good movie, they did alot of real research for production. You will notice some actual sniper techniques at various times. My favorite scee is in the beginning when he shoots the soup can. Flawless prone position, and had all the equipment with the Cheytac, only problem I had with that shot was the dog wouldn't have just sat by while that round went off. BIIIIIIIGGGG muzzle blast!

The dog was probably deaf already! Shows the value of ear protection. LOL