View Full Version : need some advice...

01-04-2013, 02:08 PM
Like the title says, I need some advice. I am wanting to buy a rifle in .223, a bolt-action. My question is, since I want a bolt action, should I wait until things calm down a bit, or go for what I can find and afford now? I know things are never going to be the same as far as AR's and other semi-auto's are concerned, but like I said, I want a bolt-action.

What I am actually looking for is a left-handed Savage rifle with an Accu-trigger and a heavy barrel. I have had my local shop check with Savage twice and they have no left-handed rifles in stock at all.

So, do I panic, and buy a right handed rifle now and pay too much, or wait for what I want later. Will there be a later as far as this issue goes?

I know no one can really make this decision for me, I guess I am just talking to be talking. In any case, thanks for listening.

(On another subject, I have talked to friends who shoot, who seem to be unaware of what is going on with legislation, or seem to be defeated and haven't written, e-mailed or called their elected representatives. In my opinion, our esteemed politicians can delete emails and throw away letters, but, at least for now, they have to answer their phones. In any case, please call, write or e-mail if you haven't already done so. I have called everyone I can think of twice, not sure what else to do. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, so forgive the rant.) Take care.


01-04-2013, 02:32 PM
..... I have had my local shop check with Savage twice and they have no left-handed rifles in stock at all. .....exile

They checked with Savage or a distributor? I ask because I just ordered a Savage Axis in LH .223 bolt. My LGS dealer told me the distributor he called had 30 some odd in stock and that mine would be in his shop early next week.

01-04-2013, 03:08 PM
They checked with Savage or a distributor? I ask because I just ordered a Savage Axis in LH .223 bolt. My LGS dealer told me the distributor he called had 30 some odd in stock and that mine would be in his shop early next week.

They must have checked with a distributor. I may try to call Savage myself. I keep hearing "LGS", does that stand for local gun store or what? If you would'nt mind sending me a P.M., I would like to call your source as well. Thanks.


Love Life
01-04-2013, 03:14 PM
Did you check gunbroker?

01-04-2013, 03:48 PM
don't panic and buy.

you should have no real problem finding a left handed 223, well no more problem of finding one than what it normally takes to find a left handed gun. :)

Love Life
01-04-2013, 04:41 PM
I agree with Blammer. I would wait and get what you really want, and not settle for something "kind of close" to what you are looking for.

01-04-2013, 05:50 PM
I don't understand the concept of panic buying. Have you checked with wallmart, I know in some areas they would order just about anything you wanted if it was built by one of their suppliers.

01-04-2013, 07:12 PM
I don't understand the concept of panic buying. Have you checked with wallmart, I know in some areas they would order just about anything you wanted if it was built by one of their suppliers.

My wife says the same thing, wait and get what you want. I did purchase dies, powder, primers, bullets, a .224 sizer and a six cavity mold and handles (not hoarding, just enough to get started, although the place I went only had three boxes of small rifle primers anway.)

Spent half my Christmas money, but then my wife said, "I'll pay for that, just wait and get what you want." O.K., what I want is a left-handed rifle that shoots like a Savage, looks like a CZ, costs the same as a Walmart rifle and has open sights, lol. (Sorry couldn't resist)

Good advice guys, guess I'll wait. Thanks.


01-04-2013, 09:54 PM
You might pm snowwolf, he has been selling off a lot of nice left handed rifles. He may just have on of them there savage shootin, cz lookin, open sighted, wallmart priced gems. lol

01-04-2013, 10:17 PM
there's 26 LH models in 223 here

01-05-2013, 12:02 AM
Your timing bites, lol. I just sold a lefty stainless Savage .223 on Gunbrokers last week. It had the accutrigger as well. Only one person bid on it for $539.
Bolt actions have NOT gone up in price as far as I can tell.

I do have two more Savages in the safe if you are interested. I don't believe I ever listed either for sale but they are both UNFIRED other than by the factory but no boxes for either. One is a lefty .204 Ruger, stainless, heavy barrel with the laminated stock, accutrigger. The other is a 6mm Norma bench rest, lefty, stainless, accutrigger built on the fancy stock they occassionly use built by HS Precision. Both are model 12's which I believe Savage has discontinued in left handed bolts. Super nice rifles but I am trying to get rid of my bolt actions since I bought a Blaser. $750 for the .204, $975 for the 6mm Norma BR. Shipping included. PM me if your interested or if I am out of line feel free to delete my post.

01-05-2013, 07:57 PM
Not at all snowwolfe, I appreciate the comments. I guess I would have to pass on both, but thanks for the offer.

I was reading the "four rifles" thread, which got me thinking about something I have wanted to do for some time, that being an Encore rifle. If I started with .223, I could then get a .260 Remington barrel, a .41 magnum barrel as well. My only concern would be case stretching, and I don't know how much of a problem that really is.


01-05-2013, 08:57 PM
Not at all snowwolfe, I appreciate the comments. I guess I would have to pass on both, but thanks for the offer.

I was reading the "four rifles" thread, which got me thinking about something I have wanted to do for some time, that being an Encore rifle. If I started with .223, I could then get a .260 Remington barrel, a .41 magnum barrel as well. My only concern would be case stretching, and I don't know how much of a problem that really is.

Love my encore set up. Did you mean frame stretch? Unless overpowered with super heavy loads i really think this is a non issue. Cases can be set up properly with a dial indicator, mike bellm's base tool, and a set of feeler guages. once setting is correct, lock your dies and you are pretty GTG as long as you use the same brass. Case stretch is normal particularly at shoulder and neck. Easy fix.