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View Full Version : What's with the Zombie stuff?

01-02-2013, 05:36 PM
All this zombie stuff is getting out of hand. Personally I think it makes gun owners look like a bunch of idiots.............

01-02-2013, 05:38 PM
Oh I don't think you can give the idiot label exclusively to gun owners. Lots of folk are buying into the clever marketing. Personally I think the entire thing is a load of tripe. A fool and his money........

01-02-2013, 06:14 PM
I don't understand decorating cars either but if people want to decorate their guns with zombie stuff , fine by me

you can only sell so many john Wayne commemorative guns , after a while the new generation of gun buyers barely remember westerns , they follow zombie flicks , so they by zombie stuff

I never really understood the commemorative guns for this and that either , but what ever people want to spend their money on is fine with me.

01-02-2013, 06:21 PM
my 15 year old step-son loves it! As long as he understands he is just doing it for looks(and sometimes times to the detriment of function) I figure i've done my job. My simple rule is I won't spend money for something that decreases funtion, no matter how cool it works. So, he doesn't have a tacki-cool drop in front handguard for his custom zombie lower. If he wants a green free float tube, sure, I'll get it for him for his birthday since that would increase function. But if he wants one of those hard to hold, expensive, "cool looking" handgaurds, then he has to buy it himself!

heck- if it gets more people into our sport its a good thing, right?

01-02-2013, 06:42 PM
Heck I gave my son a new P-mag and a box .223 Zombie-Max ammo for his birthday and he's 34!

The only thing I felt silly about was paying over twenty bucks for a box of 20 factory rounds and it occurred to me later that except for RF ammo I have not payed for factory loaded ammo in nearly 40 years, it was a bit cheaper back then! :roll:

01-02-2013, 06:47 PM
It all comes from the new zombie movies in the past years.

01-02-2013, 08:20 PM
Or seeing to many reality tv shows.

big dale
01-02-2013, 08:24 PM
The Zombie slide cover plates on my Glocks put a giggle in my heart.

Have fun with this stuff.

Big Dale

01-02-2013, 08:35 PM
The term zombie is by far the best metaphor to come along in a very longtime.
Think, no one finds the idea of revolution, shooting government officials, shooting riotous citizens or any number of other scenarios, a palatable discussion topic. It's not socially acceptable and under the right circumstances could land you in very hot water.

NO ONE on the other hand has a problem with killing zombies. I'd say even the filthy ACLU would turn a blind eye to cleansing the streets of the undead.

SO! What we have is an extremely effective euphemism.

It's generally accepted amongst survivalists that if one can survive a zombie apocalypse, one can survive anything. So, being prepared for a zombie apocalypse prepares one for anything.

01-02-2013, 08:36 PM
Have fun with it or let others alone to have their fun with it.


01-02-2013, 08:42 PM
hey i love it when my 13 year old son wants to shoot ZOMBIES 57426

01-02-2013, 09:01 PM
Now, now, it's just those young kids under 50 having fun. Remember when you were young! :drinks:

01-02-2013, 09:33 PM
It seems like a passing fad.

01-02-2013, 09:46 PM
hey i love it when my 13 year old son wants to shoot ZOMBIES 57426
Holy macaroni. I have got to find a CAD file for those steel zombie targets. We have a new laser cutter going into the showroom right now, and just found what I am cutting on it. Those things are hilarious.
Yeah, the whole zombie thing is in good fun I think. If it gets people off of their bums and out side playing, sure why not. And frankly, if Hornady and the others are sharp enough to put green plastic on the tips of the bullets and sell them as zombie ammo, good on them.

01-02-2013, 09:49 PM
Personally I thought it was stoopid, until the guberment started training folks how to kill them.

01-02-2013, 09:49 PM
This is the thing of the next generation. I gave my grandson an AR15/M4 for Christmas (which his mother had much grief with). He's 19, O WELL. Anyway, I added eye candy--carry handle, 4 rail front handguard, 30 mm red dot, front sight. Took it out on 12/26 and shot it. Lots of fun! What the next generation is looking for! All I can say, is that we got them interested and heading in the right direction. Get 'em to the range and shooting, then get 'em to the reloading bench. I was always told--"remember those who will come after you."

Love Life
01-02-2013, 09:51 PM
Those steel targets are super cool.

01-02-2013, 09:56 PM
Now, now, it's just those young kids under 50 having fun. Remember when you were young! :drinks:

Yep, watch fpsrussia on you tube, he's always killing zombies with his toys.

Aces an Eights
01-02-2013, 09:56 PM
:veryconfu The Zombie threat must be real or the CDC wouldn't have a page dedicated to Zombie preparedness.


01-02-2013, 09:57 PM
Zombies are today what the commies were to older generations. Every generation needs an enemy, zombies are the current generations big threat.

I see no harm in it at all. Companies making money, people buying stuff. Where is the negative?

01-02-2013, 09:58 PM
I don't see much wrong with it, not my style though. I still like game silhouettes (chicken, pig, turkey, ram).

Old guy on New Year's Eve: 57439

I made about 4 dozen of these in various sizes while winding down at work. Targets are good to have.

Good Luck,

01-02-2013, 10:58 PM
zombie movies are just high speed cowboy and indian movies.
there isn't any difference between a zombie movie and the pirates attacking the swiss family robinson.
i like zombie movies always have since the origional, even the goofy ones.
the goofier the better,love zombie strippers.
i find it amusing when little girl get's her friends to shoot the 45-70 by telling them it's the best zombie gun ever invented.
i think she has a point, you could mow down a row of them if you have several of equal height.
an adventure film is an adventure film.

01-03-2013, 10:55 AM
I always enjoyed the social commentary that was allowed in Zombie movies. Up to Shaun of the Dead most zombie movies were an unfiltered look into a couple aspects of American culture. America was founded by people wanting to be left alone. The people who traveled west, first across the Appalachians and then across the Mississippi were people who desired freedom and self reliance. Zombie movies give an unabashed look into how this desire for independence is tempered by our need to cooperate with one another for survival. Another aspect of the older movies was to comment on consumerism. Day of the Dead is the best example of this. It is quite ironic that films that depicted people who go to the mall as zombies who just follow pure instinct with no reason has become a fad for the very thing a lot of them were denouncing in the first place. I personally do not buy things that are "zombie" related except for movies but to those that do, have fun. You only live, get bit, and roam the Earth as the undead once.

01-03-2013, 11:54 AM
It's not just crazy nuts. Out in California the local and federal policia got together and had an exercise based on: fighting off, and containing, a zombie invasion.

01-03-2013, 01:52 PM
Don't you see? If they are trained to fend of walkers, they likewise have training to deal with unarmed masses rioting.

The metaphor is perfect and let's you hide your hand.

01-03-2013, 10:38 PM
"........gggrrrrrrrrr..............aaaarrrrrrgggggg g.................uggugggg.........."

(Hopefully that won't get me shot, that's how I am before my coffee........)


01-03-2013, 11:07 PM
It's not just crazy nuts. Out in California the local and federal policia got together and had an exercise based on: fighting off, and containing, a zombie invasion.

How does that mean it is not just crazy nuts. lol

01-04-2013, 09:01 AM
My sister and I were talking and it came around to her wondering why I needed a 30 round mag for my AR(this was after Newtown). Got around to why she NEEDED a car that would go so fast since the speed limit was 75. She mumbled something about enjoying going so fast, so I replied so people enjoy shooting off 30 rounds rapidly, just like her traveling at a rapid rate. Then I told her, besides, I would need it for the zombie apocolypse. She just laughed and changed the subject.

My daughter, who is in her 20's, had friends come over, during her high school years, and they wondered about my stuff. Told them it was for the zombie apocolypse. Later, I found out that when the guys were talking about zombies, they would say that they would come to my house when it happened. Told them to bring lots of food ,as I knew of their appetities, feeding them when they came over to the house to play video games or practice their music.

01-04-2013, 09:53 AM
I too wondered how stupid can we be worrying about zombies when there was
real threats to our freedoms we should be worried about ..then I finally realized
the zombie thing was just a metaphor for the very same forces we will be facing.
The atheists, communist, (already the walking dead)will be coming for you..
paranoia? ..it's already happening before your very eyes one inch at a time
and sticking your head in the sand under the disguise of political correctness
won't stop it from happening, that's what they'd have you do. Wake up!

01-04-2013, 12:26 PM
hey i love it when my 13 year old son wants to shoot ZOMBIES 57426

Did you make those Zombie targets yourself?

If "yes", have you considered marketing them?

If "no", where did you get them?

Smitty's Retired
01-04-2013, 01:59 PM
Zombies are today what the commies were to older generations. Every generation needs an enemy, zombies are the current generations big threat.

I see no harm in it at all. Companies making money, people buying stuff. Where is the negative?

The left will say you are "UNCaring of the UNdead" And another reason assault weapons and highcapacity magazines need to be banned. They have no sporting purpose, only for War and Killing People and Zombies. :kidding::kidding:

01-04-2013, 07:04 PM
Canyon Ghost wrote:
I don't see much wrong with it, not my style though. I still like game silhouettes (chicken, pig, turkey, ram).

Zombie heads at 200m (off hand)

Zombies crawling toward you at 300m

Zombies sittting up at 385m

Life size walking zombie targets at 500m

Time to get the .45/70 Rolling Block back in action!

Mike Hughes
01-04-2013, 08:13 PM
The whole zombie deal might not be a complete joke! The younger generation is always looking for a new "high". They are smoking, snorting, and injecting all kinds of homemade and store bought products that really make them act very crazy. Wow, this very second, Diane Sawyer just came on CBS talking about bath salts making people turn evil and crazy. I was just about to say, remember the guy in Florida, a few months ago, stripped off all his clothes and attacked a homeless man. Police showed up, and he was chewing the guys face. Police had to shoot the "zombie" multiple times and seemed unaffected by the initial gunshots. Since then, there has been multiple reports of similar incidents. These bath salts seem to make people strip their clothes off and just go completely crazy. I wonder if the latest Randy Travis episode involved these bath salts. Yeah, I have designated zombie guns and magazines full of zombie rounds. Call me crazy, I laugh about it too, but I am going to be prepared, just in case :Fire:

01-04-2013, 08:23 PM
Did you make those Zombie targets yourself?

If "yes", have you considered marketing them?

If "no", where did you get them?
look on ebay steel targets my kids got them for me
for Christmas a few years back

01-04-2013, 08:24 PM
The term zombie is by far the best metaphor to come along in a very longtime.
Think, no one finds the idea of revolution, shooting government officials, shooting riotous citizens or any number of other scenarios, a palatable discussion topic. It's not socially acceptable and under the right circumstances could land you in very hot water.

NO ONE on the other hand has a problem with killing zombies. I'd say even the filthy ACLU would turn a blind eye to cleansing the streets of the undead.

SO! What we have is an extremely effective euphemism.

It's generally accepted amongst survivalists that if one can survive a zombie apocalypse, one can survive anything. So, being prepared for a zombie apocalypse prepares one for anything.

just don't ask what the survivalist definition of zombie is ! cause it gets a lot less politically correct in a hurry. however it is a great way to dehumanize your target as were the many terms used in the past , krauts , Jerry , charlie , to name a few
this one just plays on movie characters that are already not human

01-04-2013, 08:27 PM
Man, my wife would love a set of those zombie targets. She's into the zombie stuff. As long as it keeps her interested in shooting with me... it's a good thing. :-D

04-04-2013, 03:17 AM
thread revival!
i enjoy the zombie thing, it is light hearted fun. my moms boyfriend is 65 and has a zombie H3 adventure :)
he was pretty far left but since the gov has gotten worse and the whole world seems to be unravelling more and more he has changed a bit.
we are talking about a guy that was more anti then pro, who now owns 10 guns and loves shooting.
the zombie stuff makes it more enjoyable for him. he even has a totally zombied AR.

my fiance is more into hello kitty. she has a few pink guns and more will be had in the future.

i figure whatever gets people shooting is a god thing. more people in our corner gives us a better chance.

green and black sure do like nice together :)

04-04-2013, 08:29 AM
I have used the Zombie craze to teach my kids not only about shooting but also fire and maneuver. You can have a family of 7 who are all shooters, but if they don't understand fire and maneuver (how to shoot, move, and communicate) they are not much use to you when it comes to defending the lives and property of the family against multiple targets. With the popularity of Meth continuing to grow, as well as Heroin, we are starting to have larger and larger groups roaming about looking to score money or dope. Training the wife and kids how to work as a fire team can be tedious at best, but when you make it about mowing down the zombie hoard that is attacking they seem to enjoy it.

Best wishes,


04-04-2013, 10:52 AM
I think Zombies are dumb, but Hey, if it brings more young people into the sport I can live with it all day long.

04-04-2013, 11:16 AM
I don't go to scary movies cause they're stupid - remember the Blob? Some of that stuff is entertaining and you can infer some political or social ills in them. Only blood suckers I know of are in politics and used car lots. 70% of the US population is living 'dead' anyway. I'm not much into 'cool'.

04-04-2013, 11:18 AM
Well, I have no problems with it. I see it as all in fun. Plus a lot of folks have went out and bought guns and ammo because of it.

Smitty's Retired
04-04-2013, 12:45 PM
Well....... if you do believe in Zombies & that they eat brains, and "IF" the Zombies start out in ..... Lets say ...... Washington D.C., you might need to stay on alert, because their still gonna be hungry.:bigsmyl2:

04-04-2013, 04:15 PM
The zombies are here already, but instead of eating brains, they are eating up tax payer money w/ no intent of providing to a better community. Once the government money is no longer there, they will be hungry for brains.

04-05-2013, 01:37 AM
popper you are plenty cool already!

44fanatic- you hit the nail right on the head.