View Full Version : Ingots of mixed old re-cylced solders?

12-26-2012, 05:00 PM
Hi All,
I have a bunch of 3 lb ingots of mixed electrical solder that were given to me many years ago by my wife's father who was an old HAM radio operator and radio builder. He had a habit of recycling all his used solder from desoldered old radio components as well as any scraps he had laying around.....so I have no idea of the composition but they appear rather hard ( a lot of tin I would think) I have used these for over the years in my shop as counter balence weights and to add mass to my floor drill press.
I also have a large amount of spools of his solders ( Many from WWII era and mil surplus) They are 40/60, 60/40, & 50/50 on average ( most, but not all have rosin cores) so I'm thinking the ingots are mixes of all these types.
Now that I'm interested in starting to cast my own boolits would any of these materials ( Ingots & spools of solder) be of any use to me for that purpose?

12-26-2012, 06:22 PM
The tin is valuable for adding to lead, but you usually want to know how much you are putting in so you get the same amount each time. Since your ingots (and various solders) are all over the place, I would combine all of them into a single alloy ... then find out what it's makeup is.

Having only two metals (lead and tin), you should be able to determine the mixture ratio based on specific gravity.


12-27-2012, 10:50 AM
Any of the solder you know the content of will work great. I have several 1lb bars on 40/60 that was used for making lead power cable splices. Just plug it into the calculator and it will let you know how much to add.

Make sure you melt that rosin core solder outside! Will stink pretty bad until it cooks off.

12-28-2012, 04:04 AM
it will cast fine as it is . and since it free use it If you are going to cast a lot you can add pure lead or wws
On the average its going to be 50/50 so half you the boolit will give you lead poison and the other half will be the antidote

12-28-2012, 01:49 PM
Thanks Guys for all your help. I'm trying to absorb as much knowledge as I can from this great forum. Just wanted to let you all know your replies are all appreciated.