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View Full Version : Gonna shift my brain back into the right gear...

12-25-2012, 09:30 PM
I never got the tacti-cool black rifle and plastic pistols thing, for a lot of years.

I had my wheelguns. Easy to load for, easy to shoot, and easy to shoot ACCURATELY, which was always more important to me.

Had my lever guns. Had a few bolt guns. My .22's. I was happy.

Finally a couple years ago, my shooting buddies all got bit by the AR bug, and I came down with it as well. Got a S&W Sporter for reasonable money, and had the latest toy. Course, this was after I caved and got a bottom-feeder pistol that wasn't a 1911, yes it was a Glock, a G30, and I still don't regret that investment. But it sure isn't my 686....

So now the late unpleasantness starts. I didn't have a very good stash of 5.56 ammo, and have even less now. Didn't really have the money to buy in bulk, and looks like I won't for a while, now that prices will go up by 25% when stock comes back, if online bulk ordering doesn't go away all together by the time the kneejerk reactionaries get their way. Almost bought a bunch of jacketed 22 bullets when they were cheap to start reloading all the brass I have, didn't pull the trigger, now those are long out of stock too.

So I was worried about it a bit, and got to thinking... I've still got my wheelguns. And my 1911. And my 03a3... and my lever guns. They all like lead except my Glock, and that will tolerate a lot of it. Besides my 'evil' 10-22 with it's 'assault magazines', none of it looks very menacing at all. And I already shoot all that stuff well. AND I'm already set up to load for them all.

I think the AR is getting stuck in a corner for later. I've got better horses to ride. I won't get rid of it. Not yet. It may prove to be useful yet. But I've got other guns to wring out, that I like a whole lot more, and shoot a whole lot better.

I certainly don't envy the people running out and buying $2000 AR15s right now with no mags to put in em and no ammo to feed em. Could buy a lot of .22's for that...

12-25-2012, 09:41 PM
I never got the bug, and still haven't. I do hope that people are not going in dept cleaning out the shelves all across the country.

Silvercreek Farmer
12-25-2012, 09:48 PM
Since I started casting, the bottom feeders stay stashed away in favor of the wheelgun and levergun for daily use. Now they are pretty much for emergency use only.

Marvin S
12-25-2012, 10:10 PM
I done the semi auto rifle thing years ago before all the rage. I still have some of them but have not shot them in years. I find more joy in the older stuff that is more cast friendly and easier to find the casings. Just clean it and put it away for now , it ain't eatin nothing.

12-25-2012, 10:13 PM
An ar15 is the only gun I ever bought that I just lost complete interest in. Sold it a few weeks ago. I much prefer my older guns too, easier to retrieve brass that dumps out in your hand.

Love Life
12-25-2012, 10:41 PM
I'm with the others. Before I lost my AR, all other guns, reloading supplies, and work ethic in a boating accident my AR was my 'Break glass in the case of an emergency' rifle.

I had a good bit of ammo loaded for it and just left it stored away.

12-25-2012, 11:42 PM
Never had a bug for them, even as my service rifle. Heck, even my air rifles have wooden stocks. Guess it's just me being me

deep creek
12-26-2012, 12:35 AM
I didnt like ars in nam still dont,my bug out gun is a 10/22 4 ,25 rd clips a 22 single 6 ,1000 rds ammo good for a gun fight,good food getter quite.

12-26-2012, 03:26 AM
Never got the bug for them either, but I think I understand why they're popular. You can tinker the heck out of them without needing many tools - just buy more uppers and play mix-n-match. Same reason 10/22s sell so well.

As for me the revolver is still king too. Never mind that I'm a far better shooter with a revolver, I hate having to wash the dirt and grass out of my brass before I can start sizing it.

Down at the range, I watch guys come in and empty 8-10 $12.00 boxes of .223/5.56 in an hour, then pack it up and go home. Me, I can enjoy an entire day with one of my single-shots, and never shoot more than 40-50 rounds. None which cost me more than 30 cents or so to load. My biggest shooting expense is gas to get there and back.

I wonder what those young guys will do, now that even milsurp 5.56 is nearly a buck a round?

12-26-2012, 09:08 AM
I caught the bug after my middle son became one of Uncle Sams Misguided Children. He insisted we needed one in the family. He now has 1 rifle with 2 uppers as do I, neither of mine are 5.56/.223, can't be normal lol.

12-26-2012, 09:24 AM
I like them all.
They are all fun to shoot.
It is fun to work up that load that works best in your gun.

12-26-2012, 09:29 AM
The AR is just not my type of rifle. I think they are build out of plastic and cast/extruded aluminum so that they can be produced cheaply. Even before the current insanity hit, they were selling this rifle that shouldn't cost more than $150 for $600.
Sorry, If I'm going to drop six bills on something, then it's going to be real wood and steel and when I get done with it, it's going to be fit together with careful love and precision.
The AR is a junky, cheap, unreliable, rifle that is more accurate than it has a right to be. It's the US version of the AK-47.
I am against any kind of gun-ban, but in my heart of hearts, I wouldn't shed a tear if that gun bit the dust.
You compare the AR-15 to an M1A, and the difference is clear.
I know I'm going to get slapped for saying this, but that's my thoughts on the subject. I thought about buying one the day after the Newton tragedy, just cause, but decided to let it go. That is one "rifle" that I just don't need.

12-26-2012, 09:32 AM
I've got one I took in trade many moons ago. About 6,000 rounds of brass and 3,000 55 grain Condoms I paid $19.00 a thousand for over twenty years ago I also have enough mags to fill a couple 50 cal. cans bought at the gunshow when you could get two 30 rd or three 20 rd for $5.00!

Haven't shot it in years and probably won't. Much prefer my 10-22, Winchester bolt or Marlin 39A.

A buddy bougt a thousand 62 grain 5.56 condoms at the gunshow a couple weeks ago and paid $126.00 for them!!!!! That's why I don't go to gunshows any more!!

12-26-2012, 10:08 AM
Sorry you guys dont like them, but the ar is basically, after 60 years, the face of the modern firearm. AR's are generally made from forgings, but can be made from cast, and are very well made to tight tolerances, far from an ak. The reason its so accurate is what its detractors complain about most, its gas tube gas system with no moving parts and no heavy weight hanging from the barrel. It can very easily be turned into a sub moa match rifle with a free float tube, target trigger, and match sights. It requires no glass bedding ( which has a tendancy to go bad during the middle of a match), and no hand fitting of parts.
Im a highpower shooter, I love my ar's, I love my garands and m1a's too, but when Im seriously competeing, I shoot an AR.

mold maker
12-26-2012, 10:11 AM
I was offered a AR, built to my desires, in return for some work I did. After due consideration last week, I took money instead. I just don't need the attention or the rifle. I'd much rather spend my shooting dollars on primer and powder for my older military equipment, and handguns.

12-26-2012, 10:47 AM
Having handloaded for so long for my common handgun calibers, and casting bullets, I'm fiscally offended by buying factory ammo. I'll put up with .22s, they're at least not ridiculous, but the price tho previously relatively affordable, is still a bit much for my tastes. And that's when 1000 rounds was $400, not the five or six hundred it probably will be soon. And handloading isn't much better. At 25 grains +/- powder charges, that's 4 pounds of powder per 1000 rounds, plus primers, plus projectiles, plus dealing with primer crimps, case trimming.... ugh. Seriously? A few grains of Unique or Bullseye keeps my handguns happy, and I bit more for my 30-30 or 06 loads. I'll stick to what I know. I'll just keep cleaning up after the cool kids.

41 mag fan
12-26-2012, 11:20 AM
Got my AR's. Will keep my AR's. Bought them for a reason, not for the beauty or the pleasure of shooting. I've got enough to keep me at a piece of mind I like having. We're all a family of different interests that formulates under one heading.....gun owner.

I'll keep loading and stashing my 5.56 ammo and my 300 blk out ammo, till I think I've got what I need.

But my other interests in guns will take back over. then I'll be off on another venture, like I am now on owning 45-70's.

It's just too bad, that bad people use them for mass shooting and the AR's have gotten a bad rap due to it.

12-26-2012, 12:00 PM
I have an AR in 6.8
A Glock 22 in 40 Cal.
A Glock 19 in 9MM (Wife's gun)
A U.S. Firearms single action in .45 lc.
A 10/22.
An old Marlin 60 from my youth.

I like each and everyone of them.
Different guns for different types of shooting
I cast for all of them, yes, even the AR, and the Glocks have aftermarket barrels.

I will not apologize for having an evil AR black rifle.
I like it and it is fun to shoot, I shoot distance for accuracy and so far my 6.8 has been great.

It would be a dull world if everyone liked the same thing wouldn't it.:-D

12-26-2012, 12:33 PM
Never got bit by the black rifle bug. I support the right to own one 100%, but I'm old and tired and quite honestly the joy of scrabbling around on the ground for empty brass is long gone. I have semi-auto pistols that I don't hardly shoot for that reason. Since I very rarely shoot long guns, having anything other than a .22 rimfire as an autoloading rifle just never appealed to me.

But as they say, different strokes for different folks, and if that's what spins your propeller then have at it.

I say this after a friend of mine transferred an AR15 90% MAGNESIUM receiver to me last month. So light you wouldn't believe it. I was considering completing it, he also gave me the 3D CAD files with all the dimensions, etc. I still might, but I'm not going to spend a bunch of money and time on it if I have anything else to do.

41 mag fan
12-26-2012, 01:59 PM
Never got bit by the black rifle bug. I support the right to own one 100%, but I'm old and tired and quite honestly the joy of scrabbling around on the ground for empty brass is long gone. I have semi-auto pistols that I don't hardly shoot for that reason. Since I very rarely shoot long guns, having anything other than a .22 rimfire as an autoloading rifle just never appealed to me.

But as they say, different strokes for different folks, and if that's what spins your propeller then have at it.

I say this after a friend of mine transferred an AR15 90% MAGNESIUM receiver to me last month. So light you wouldn't believe it. I was considering completing it, he also gave me the 3D CAD files with all the dimensions, etc. I still might, but I'm not going to spend a bunch of money and time on it if I have anything else to do.

Now THAT will be a good show and tell Keith when I visit you next!

12-26-2012, 02:36 PM
Having shot both the M1 Garand, the M14, and the M16, I must admit that even though I prefer the Garand and the M1A the AR platforms are far more accurate and a much better design for everything from popping coyotes and pigs inside of 400 meters, and the same goes for shooting targets. I love the M14/M1A, but even the most accurate ones I have shot will not come close to the little AR M4 Windham that I lost in the boating accident.

Best wishes,


12-26-2012, 03:14 PM
I handled my first M16 in '69 and had a love-hate, no, take that back, a HATE relationship with it for the next 26 years. I did, however, always qualify expert.

Joe, 'roger that' on the M1/M14s.

Two years ago I broke down and got a NM AR for High Power (been competing for years with M1 and 03s). The AR is one of the easiest rifles to compete with. Scores reflect it (including mine). It is also a good rifle for new high power shooters, as it really is easy to shoot.

I still do not like them.

12-26-2012, 03:39 PM
I never got the "Black Gun Bug" but when there was some gun ban proposal back in the late 1970's i did buy a Ruger Mini-14 and one 30 round clip plus the factory 6 (that is what it holds supposed to be five?) clip. I still have it and it does fine work on pests in the yard today . I am swaging my own bullets now from 22 L R empties.

Dale in Louisiana
12-26-2012, 03:40 PM
I handled my first M16 in '69 and had a love-hate, no, take that back, a HATE relationship with it for the next 26 years. I did, however, always qualify expert.

Joe, 'roger that' on the M1/M14s.

Two years ago I broke down and got a NM AR for High Power (been competing for years with M1 and 03s). The AR is one of the easiest rifles to compete with. Scores reflect it (including mine). It is also a good rifle for new high power shooters, as it really is easy to shoot.

I still do not like them.

Lots of things in life like that. I used to play the NRA Highpower/Service Rifle game when a glass-bedded M-1A was the gun to beat. Then those plastic rifles started showing up. Sadly, the AR platform is MUCH easier to accurize and maintain than my classic rifles. That doesn't mean that it's more useful, except in THAT game. Across the course competition is a narrow range of needs.

There are other things in life, too. I used to love the sound of a Stearman cropduster with a 450 P&W working, the throaty roar of those nine big cylinders making music. Now it's rare to see or hear one working, but those PT-6 turbines are lighter, longer-lived, and easier to care for.

So I haul my Grand or my M-1A out to the range and enjoy it, but there are a few of those black rifles in the cabinet, too.

dale in Louisiana

Smitty's Retired
12-26-2012, 03:47 PM
I was in the Military back when the M14 was still in some units (mainly National Guard) but the M16 was the main battle rifle. I qualified on the M16, but also trained on how to clean, operate, and fire with the M14, and had range time of about 400 rounds with it in basic.

Fast foward to around 1990. I had already bought an M14S to add to my collection. Lived through the great debate of Springfield Armory and their adds that Polytech made there parts from inferior metal, so forth and so on. But, I digress. I decided I wanted a M16 style weapon. Bushmaster was producing the XM14E2S. So I bought one. Still have it, and have not had to replace anything yet. It is accurate.

I've heard many stories of why these weapons are not dependable. Of how they jam, etc., etc. And yes, I remember all the problems that were encounted in Nam that left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths. And a lot of these problems were not only the military's fault, but the ammo design of the first few thousand rounds produced for this rifle, along with properly training people how to clean the weapon, and leaders making sure people take time to clean their weapon in a field enviroment.

I was in Iraq in 2010, our compound had a Small Arms Shop. Some of the techs there were from our Depot. I would visit them often, just to visit, chew the fat with someone from home, and see what was being turned in to be demilled. But I talked with them about the performance of the M4. They said most of the problems they run into were from lack of operators maintenance. You guys that have been in the military, remember when you were 18, or 19 years old. All the PM was a pain in the @$$, and you thought they just hounded you to keep you busy. Same today, and if you neglect the weapon, it will fail on you. As for Accuracy, in the Army, and all the years later in the Reserves, and National Guard, part of our qualification scoring was at 600 & 800 meters, which could break you out of qualification, especially if you had missed any other previously. But they were as accurate as you were.

Bottom line, we are a diverse people with the same interest. I like the feel of wood, Love My M14s, Love my 03A3, Love My 1917, and my Krag. I will buy no other pistol in .45 ACP than a 1911 or 1911A1 variation. But I know some people that have said they have never shot ANY 1911A1 that could hit the broad side of a barn. I love the older Swede Mausers and German 98's. But..... I also love my Bushmaster. Sometimes I've thought about changing to a gas piston op system, but the old gas tube does good as long as I keep it clean. But, to defend the accuracy, and performance , it is like a lot of other rifles you probably own, it is only as good as you are.

Just my .02 cents that aint worth a nickle.

12-28-2012, 04:47 PM
I confess, I have very limited experience with an M4 platform rifle. The main reason for this is that it has too many parts.
Three to be exact.
These three:
Hey I'll work on them, and I'll certainly shoot them, but this is the only gun I know that needs a crutch like that.

12-28-2012, 05:51 PM
I don't have one but i would like one , just never had the money

I think we should take a different route , and build all of them we can train all the good people in their use and live in a better safer America

however far to may seem to need to put down a machine for what the operator did or does with it Illegally , and work hard to convince themselves but primarily others of their own lies .

before they ban guns we should ban cars that go faster than 65 or allow drunks to drive them. cause it makes about as much sense

12-28-2012, 06:48 PM
Well if we ban cars that go over 65, are we going to lower the speed limits to match the cars. LOL Going from 80 down to 65 is going to chap a few people. lol

Love Life
12-28-2012, 07:50 PM
When people usually broach the subject of their current manufacture AR being a Jam-o-matic I give them a look of disgust and label them a dirtbag for not cleaning their weapon.

Always remember weapon, then equipment, then yourself.

The AR is easy to build, maintain, and shoot. It is light weight and much better for all day carry. Throw in the M4 variant and it becomes an outstanding MOUT platform. Or you can shortstock the standard M16A4 for MOUT and CQB as well.

I often hear the M4 is inaccurate. That is BS. I have qualified as an expert 3 times in a row using the M4 out to 500 yds with iron sights. I have the fancy badge with bars to prove it. Many of my friends have as well.

A lot of the griped about issues of current production ARs can be traced right back to operator error.

12-29-2012, 08:49 AM
I've never really been interested in them, but if they're your thing, go for it. The older I get, the more I seem to like more antique stuff.

As to the M16, the old raggedy M16A1 I carried all through Desert Shield and Storm got broken opene and brushed out and a little fresh CLP on the bigger moving parts every day after stand to (this was like a three minute task). I kept a cover on the muzzle and a rag stuffed in the mag well when it wasn't loaded and I never had any doubts that it would rattle off every round I fed it, which it did on the couple of training ranges we managed to do during the wait for things to start.

Was issued a pistol when I went to Iraq in '04, but had an M16A4 the last time in '08. That one was a good rifle, grouped tighter on the zero range than any other 16 I had over the years. Since I was on a FOB that time and didn't go out of the wire much, it got broken down and cleaned thoroughly every Sunday morning, it just didn't get the sand and dust in it like when I was living outside.

I do respect them as battle rifles, but they just don't interest me much for recreation. I sure can't see where banning them is going to do any good for anybody, though.

41 mag fan
12-29-2012, 09:11 AM
I do respect them as battle rifles, but they just don't interest me much for recreation. I sure can't see where banning them is going to do any good for anybody, though.

Banning them will make the criminal stop and think, and not use one because they are banned.
Just like locking your door, only keeps the law abiding honest people, honest and law abiding.

12-29-2012, 10:56 AM
As an old supply Sgt. back in the early 60's, I had my hands on some of the first of the mil issues that the AF purchases. Thought they were ugly then, still think they are ugly. That said, they do shoot, are fairly easy to shoot, and have nothing against anybody who wants to shoot them. They are way way overpriced due to all of the paranoia right now, and the price will probably keep going up. As military weapons go, I agree with Patton! The Garand is the best battle rifle, followed by the M-14 in my opinion. They will do the job at long range. The 223 in my opinion has always been a varmint ctg, and I am to old to change my opinion now!

12-29-2012, 11:08 AM
I have the itch and the scratch but cant find the weapon.It doesnt bother me much though.Like you all I have other guns I can use.I did buy a new rifle but it wasnt an AR 15.I got the Benelli MR1 because it looked like it would be fun to shoot and apparently no one else wanted it,so I gave it a home.I will probly get an AR later if possible but I not going to pay $2500 for a $1000 rifle.Things will settle down sooner or later.I hope.Happy Holidays.Mot

12-29-2012, 11:48 AM
I'm with the others. Before I lost my AR, all other guns, reloading supplies, and work ethic in a boating accident my AR was my 'Break glass in the case of an emergency' rifle.

I had a good bit of ammo loaded for it and just left it stored away.

I think I was in that same boating accident, but luckly left my reloading equipment and supplies at home that day.


Smitty's Retired
12-29-2012, 05:45 PM
I confess, I have very limited experience with an M4 platform rifle. The main reason for this is that it has too many parts.
Three to be exact.
These three:
Hey I'll work on them, and I'll certainly shoot them, but this is the only gun I know that needs a crutch like that.

And Usually that crutch is only needed for those who do not clean their rifle properly, or use some cruddy ammo. Don't get me wrong, I love the older Standard wood and steel feel. I have a M14s and an L1A1 that would take a lot of money and coaxing to get me to turn loose of. My Garand and 03A3 are my favorites. But as long as you keep it clean and proberly maintained, the AR15 / M16 series rifles do work. Many problems have been found to be operator maintenance.

But I do think Stoner should have looked at the gas piston system for the AR first. A lot of people are going to it now, because it runs cooler and your not blowing exhaust gasses and any residue into the gas system, or at the chamber and bolt. Cuts down the cleaning time for sure. I've got a Bushmaster XM15E2 H-Bar that I plan on changing to gas piston.

Love Life
12-29-2012, 05:52 PM
Magazine maintenance is huge for that AR/M16 family as well. You don't have to clean them every day, but down load them once a month and rotating loaded magazines goes a long way towards happiness with the weapon system.

12-29-2012, 08:31 PM
When Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House I decided it was time to buy my first AR. OK, I had it and was underwhelmed with the way it shot even after trying several types of ammo in the course of the manufacturer's barrel break-in. I tried every popular AR powder and several primers but it just wouldn't shoot better than 2.5"-3" groups. One day I decided to put some Sierra MatchKings in the cartridges instead of the bulk mil-spec bullets I had been using. Voila! Itty-bitty groups resulted with no other changes. It got a better trigger, a new scope and some more load tweaking. The better it shot the more I liked it. It will shoot well inside 1" at 200 yards. I have built some of my rifles with my own two hands and prefer polished blued steel and oiled walnut on my guns but I won't argue with the success of the AR-15. The reliability has been flawless and the forward assist has never been used. I don't get the rifle muddy, though. THere's not much mud in the desert.

I have a custom built .22-250 as well but the AR is handy, easy to maneuver and out to 300 yards I can't see that the .22-250 does anything better. Sure, it shoots flatter but as long as I know the scope dope that's not much of an advantage. I'll use more gun if hunting anything bigger than a coyote so either has adequate power for my applications.

I've gone from indifference to really appreciating the capability of the AR. I'll build another on a receiver I already have specifically for long distance tactical matches.


12-30-2012, 05:53 PM
I have never been a caliber .22 fan for anything bigger than red fox and then I rather had my caliber .243.
But since I bought a 300 ACC barrel for the Plastic Mattel I have learned to really like the things. A 125 grain caliber .30 GC boolit at 1900 fps will really do the kee-bash on a groundhog. Still await to connect to a howler dog out in a field.
Now if our Army would have had that short stubby caliber .30 round back in 1971 I might just have felt better carrying around the top handled plastic confidence breaker.
Mike in ILL

Love Life
12-30-2012, 06:10 PM
The 5.56 is a wild card on humans. Especially using FMJ with a penetrator.