View Full Version : Taking it for granted

12-25-2012, 08:04 PM
"It" could be anything or anyone, it really dosn't matter.
Lately I've recieved a few reminder about life and just how quickly we can lose someone we care for or someone we never really met but now know it's a loss to us.
You all know about Sandy Hook and most by now know of the ambush set up for firemen in Webster NY.
I found out that I had met and talked to one of the victims a year or so ago, then today on the way back from a nice dinner at my daughters we were passed by a hearse being escorted by 2 Webster police cars. I couldn't help but tear up at the thought of the families. What are those families going thru? Christmas eve morning alls well then a phone call.
I know I'm just ramblin but it sure made me think about how lucky I am, I hope you are too! I guess I wanted to say don't take "it" for granted

John Guedry
12-25-2012, 08:08 PM
We have to stop and count our many blessings.

gray wolf
12-25-2012, 10:08 PM
Life of all kind is so precious, even the little birds and Squirrels, When I think of those little children I get a sick fealing, I saddens me so.

12-25-2012, 11:36 PM
Worked in law enforcement for 7 years before becoming a mechanical engineer/machinist. Never had to respond to a mass murder, but had enough exposure to death and violent crime to know that someone makes up the statistics. The worst can happen to any of us at any time. The idea that you can't or won't lose your life or the lives of your wife, parents, or children at any time, is an indication that you're not sufficiently connected with reality.

Be careful! Don't dwell on the worst, but consider it. grey wolf started a thread several months back that addressed the issue of "situational awareness"; this is a good time to revisit that. How accessible is your kid's school? Are they now beefing up security at your kid's school? Will the increased security be temporary (in response to the current headlines) or permanent? In China there have been at least 6 attacks on schools in the past 2 years (no firearms used). At least one of those attacks was a driver mowing down 20 or so children at a corner or bus stop. Bus stops are usually a weakness. Even if it's not intentional, accidents happen more often at intersections than in mid-block; is your children's bus stop at an intersection? I remember incidents of knife/machete attacks at a school(s) in Japan (no firearms) in the last 10 or 12 years. Ask your school district about armed security. Night clubs, stores, sporting events, political rallies, and many more venues have armed security, why not schools.

Take another look at your house. Look at the front, sides, back and roof of your house from the point of view of a burglar who knows you have something in your house that he wants.
It's always best to assume that you and your family might be the next victim(s); then hope you won't be.


12-29-2012, 02:39 AM
I learned long ago to never take anything forgranted and that life in general is a wonderfull thing that needs to be appreciated every day that we have same!