View Full Version : Newest addition Smith Model 19

12-24-2012, 01:15 PM
My newest addition is a Smith & Wesson model 19-3. I traded a .44 special Taurus 4" and 300 gators for it. I got a Smith holster off of Ebay for around 20 bucks and a set of Herretts grips from the back room of local gunshop for about 20 dollars as well. I'm in love this is by far the nicest revolver I own. The gun is around a 67-69 model and shows almost no wear. It came with a set of Pachmeyer grips so those had to go. I also bought a pair of jay scott grips that I am whittling down to fit my smaller hands. The ol' Taurus was nice but due to some factory issues it wouldn't shoot Lead worth a durn through two holes, so she was expendable. Right now I'm shooting a 158 gr. GC with 6.2 gr. unique and it is very accurate. I would like to get a pair of factory smith target grips for it but they are just too durn expensive. I also loaded up a box of 158 gr JHC with 15 gr. of H110 for non target use. She leads a little and I may buy a .358 sizer and see if it stops. I'm getting a little on the front of the cylinder in two holes but she goes through a 100 rounds without losing accuracy so I am not worried.

12-24-2012, 01:43 PM
VERY nice looking Smith! I think you did well on the trade!

12-24-2012, 01:49 PM
Thanks Dan. I think so too. The Smith guys said it was close to even but the condition of this one put it over the top for me. They had a 6" stainless that I was trying to get but they shorted me on my trade so I went with this one and boy am I glad I did.

Dan Cash
12-24-2012, 02:16 PM
Arguably the finest revolver built by Smith if not the finest revolver built. You have a nice one.

12-24-2012, 02:24 PM
Thanks Dan.

12-24-2012, 04:37 PM
I have one that was my duty weapon when I was a LEO in the "70's & "80"s. and like Dan Cash, I think it is one of the finest firearms ever made. It is still my "go to" gun, but it is a tad large for CC so I have a .45 for that now. But if Texas ever passes "open carry", it will be my every day gun again.

Congratulations! You have a very nice example of a great gun.

12-24-2012, 05:04 PM
I also carried one as my duty gun in the 1970's and early 80's, until I switched to my S&W Model 57, when we got a gun savvy Sheriff.

I still have my original 6" Model 19 that I carried on duty, a 4" Model 19 that had been a department gun that I bought when I retired, and a 2.5" Model 19 that I "just had to have". They are fine firearms, without a doubt.

Enjoy yours.

Hope this helps.


12-24-2012, 05:06 PM
Thanks Ken, This was my first .357 and I am in love with it. It handles great and is quite accurate. I've really improved my double action shooting with it as well. I love my Kimber and all my other Rugers but there is just something about this gun that makes it hard for me to not have it in my lap.

12-24-2012, 05:09 PM
Fred, That sounds like a great line-up. I am currently looking for a Chief's special in nickel. I carried an auto when I was enlisted so I have never had the experience of carrying a nice hog-leg.

12-24-2012, 06:03 PM
I had a Model 36 and a Model 60, the Chief's Special in blue and stainless. I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with either one of them, so I traded them off for something I could hit with. They just didn't fit my hand. I've got numerous other S&W revolvers, and those were the only two I didn't like.


12-24-2012, 06:13 PM
Fred I'm not a huge guy, only 5'10" so I can shoot I's and J's alright. I've never tried an X but the N frames are little large for my hand.

12-26-2012, 08:33 AM
The K frame 357's are wonderful handguns. Find a good midrange load for it, get some grips that work for your hands, and you'll love it. Hogues are my favorite, they fit my paws well.

I think you did great.


12-26-2012, 01:07 PM

The nice thing about the S&W revolvers is you can change the grips easily. There are some many different grip configurations that you can find one that fits your hand pretty easily. I really like the K frames, and so do many other people, which is why Smith went with the K frame grip on the L frame revolvers. I've got big hands, so I usually put larger grips on my K and L frame Smiths, and the N frame fits my hand just fine.

When I was carrying my 6" Model 57, .41 Magnum, there was many a night when it was comforting having it on my hip when it was just me and it patrolling 600 square miles by ourselves... Oh, and an 870 shotgun, too. But that was a long time ago.........

Hope this helps.


12-26-2012, 05:05 PM
S&W K frame revolvers got a bad rap as having weak frames back in the 80's. This is not really true. If you stay away from the hot loads with 110 grain bullets you can shoot it forever. But the 110 gr hot loads will cause forcing cone problems and will loosen a good gun rapidly. Stay with the 140 grain and heavier loads and it will last. I cant begin to count the thouseands of rounds I have put through my two 4" guns and they are both still tight and strong.

12-26-2012, 06:43 PM
That is a beautiful gun and you made a great trade IMHO.

I have a 6" M66 in stainless that I love. But the Chief's Special is on my short list if I ever find one for a reasonable price. Joe

12-28-2012, 09:45 AM
I like the Herrett's grips. They fit my hand well and are relatively consistent. I do get some roll when shooting double action but it is manageable. Joe, The 6" M66 is what I intended on buying before they got stingy on my trade. I love the way the 4" handles and with medium loads it is really easy to shoot. This is my first .357 and had heard a lot of stories about 4" .357's being unmanageable. This is not the case with this gun. Even with full house jacketed loads it is much easier to shoot well than the .44 special I traded off. It's not as easy as a redhawk .44 but it is just fine.

01-05-2013, 09:25 PM
4" M19 with Herrett's grips :) I have its twin :) The best looking best fitting Revolver Smith ever came out with. Thanks Bill Jordan :)

01-05-2013, 09:31 PM
Thanks Irascible, I had some fun with it today in fact. She shoots as good as it feel and looks. Between it and my Kimber most of my shooting is handled.

01-05-2013, 09:39 PM
Those Herrett "Shooting Star" grips, as illustrated above, are one of the great secrets of "gripdom".

Whenever any of my amigos attend a Big Reno Show that I can't get to, I have them watching for just these grips....for MY OWN M19, among others.

They are remarkably comfortable and effective. I once put a set on an M34 .22 Kit Gun, and the difference from factory was astonishing.

01-05-2013, 09:43 PM
nice revolver you got there i was looking a model 19 with a 3" barrel this week
price was $490 but when i put my tape on it it was only 2 1/4 i passed on
it from what i read the 3" model 19 are worth a little money

01-06-2013, 12:53 AM

Did you measure from the FACE of the cylinder to the muzzle? In shortest factory length, the M19 measures 2.5", as far as I know. Never did hear of the 3" length There WAS a 3" M66, apparently, but not a 19.

Petrol & Powder
01-06-2013, 09:54 AM
Those old S&W's are great guns. I think you found a keeper.

01-06-2013, 10:01 AM
no just measured the barrel so it would be 2 1/2". yes they did make a 3" barrel
its worth a lot of money. but i was looking for a Carrie gun with a 3" barrel
but as it is the model 19 would be to big for me to CC. this was the first model 19
that i held in my hand

01-06-2013, 10:09 AM
Thanks for the replies guys, I do love the way she handles. I agree that a K is a little big, at least for me, to CC. Bruce, the grips are just fantastic. I have never been fond of the Pachmeyer combat grips, these are what it had when I bought it, maybe I should have grabbed up the other set of Herritts that they had. I was not aware of the popularity of this grip.