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12-24-2012, 09:30 AM
...to bring you a special news bulletin.

When I was a kid, one of the local TV stations, WCSC, Charleston, SC, had a guy working there named Charlie Hall. Every Christmas eve, right dead in the middle of a heavily watched, prime time show, Charlie would break in from the TV studio and come on the screen with the statement I started this post with.

'Ladies and Gentlemen, we interupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin. We have received information from the Charleston Air force base that the radar watch has picked up an unidentified signal on the radar. If this becomes urgent, we will advise you concerning what you should..........stand by, please........"

"We are going to bring you the live transmission from the Charleston air Force Base at this time." At that point, you could hear the sounds of an obvious attempt at patching radio signals. In the background, you could hear the crackle of a radio and two or three males voices talking back and forth.

Charlie came back on and announced that the Air Base command had scrambled and launched two interceptor fighters.
"Charleston, India One, we have radar and are attempting visual at this time, over..."
"India One, Charleston, stand by to go to mission status, over...."
"Charleston, India Two, bearing one seven three, heading zero two zero, speed three two five knots, distance to intercept one five knots and closing, standing by on fire orders, over...."

I sat in front of the television, wide eyed and wondering what in the world was goin' on.
"Charleston, India One, we have visual. UAC appears to be a small airborne sleigh occupied by a single pilot, one blinking red light on nose of craft. Standing by to intercept."

"India One, Charleston, stand down from mission status. I say again, stand down from mission status! Do you read me? over"
"Charleston, India One, roger, standing down from mission status, target lock aborted. over"

Charlie came back on the screen and said something to the effect of "Ladies and gentlemen, the Charleston Air Force Base has advised us that this is not a threat. The aircraft has been positively identified as Santa Claus and he is approaching the Charleston area at this time. There is nothing to be concerned about. We apologize for the interuption and now return you to the regularly scheduled program."

God help you if you were between me and my bed.

12-24-2012, 09:34 AM
Thanks for the memory Jim. Radio station WABC out of New York did the same when I was growing up.


12-24-2012, 09:43 AM
It's a shame that many kids today are not taught to enjoy something as wonderful as that. I think all of us at a certain age had a similar message broadcast on Christmas eve. Truley a happy memory.

12-24-2012, 10:17 AM
Thats an awsome story. Oh to be young and innocent again! They would do something like that up here but they used the Weathermen Radar to track him! GREAT MEMORY!!

41 mag fan
12-24-2012, 10:35 AM
If we could only go back to them days. I remember the local station giving out a sherriffs report of an object flying thru the air, and then coming back in like 2 or 3 min with the announcement that santa claus has ben spotted going from roof top to roof top.

Those were the days when political correctness was "Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Santa Claus is real, and Christianity wasn't looked down upon, but was a part of everyones life

12-24-2012, 10:50 AM
I remember that well and even the one time or two they had the sleigh on radar and you could see the planes closing in on the unknown vehicle.
I wonder why today with all our technology that simple and yes pleasing stuff is gone? Oh I know Santa Claus is not politically correct, tells the truth and is a positive thing for our young people to look up. Sad we are becoming a bunch of stupid individuals that believe the **** that comes out of the beltway and are too stupid to realize the real goal is to make us subjects to a dictator that hates America.

12-24-2012, 11:07 AM
Jim..... Oh I know Santa Claus is not politically correct, .....

They can stick that PC stuff up their hee haw for all I care. Our leaders aren't politically correct, either.

I'm 'old school' and still a kid at heart. I still walk outside on Christmas Eve after dark and look up at the sky hoping to catch a glimpse of a little ol' man in a red suit in a tiny sleigh and eight reindeer with the hammer down.

If I ever stop believin' in Santa Claus, I'm done with livin' on this planet.

12-24-2012, 11:47 AM
Many years ago 1957-58-59 i was stationed on a large Naval communications base overseas. Every year we would get a "FLASH" msg from Norad to all stations stating a unidentified object (SANTA CLAUS)which went on to explain the sled etc. had been sighted by radar over the north pole.We made a game out of it to see how fast we could get the msg out to all stations and ships at sea. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERBODY and to you all the same KEN

12-24-2012, 12:00 PM
i am an old man with two small kids I get to see when the ex lets things happen. I miss them so much and when we are together it is all about what they want to do and explore.
I hated Christmas for a few decades after my first wife was murdered. It is these last two kids of mine that have dad again trying to enjoy Christmas. We did decorate the tree the last time they were with dad and yes it had to be a real tree.
The last two weeks have been hard as with so many going to remember Christmas like I did for so long and it should be a happy time of year.
As to looking for Santa on Christmas eve beware he has been known to throw a snow ball or two at those brave enough to look for him.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year and to all a good night

Smitty's Retired
12-24-2012, 01:41 PM
I'm right with you on that Jim. Nothing wrong in letting a child be a child a while. Too many people now try to say it is lying to your children and giving them false hopes in believing in something that isn't real. But in reality, you were giving them a joyful time, memories with family, and giving children goals, hope, , along with something to strive for. Gift giving from the heart, giving of one's self, and even if times were tough, you were taught that there were those who were worse off, and usually families would come together to help those have a good Christmas.

As for myself, Santa is still alive in a lot of Hearts. As long as we keep this, there is still a Santa. That part of childhood you need to always hold on to.

12-24-2012, 01:57 PM
Jim and all even adults who wonder where Santa is
http://www.noradsanta.org/en/track.html would do a hot link but I don't know how
Merry Christmas to all a peaceful time of year

12-24-2012, 02:15 PM
Thought this might be appropriate for this link!!


12-24-2012, 02:22 PM
Have you actually WATCHED that? Man, that dude is SMOKIN'!! I don't think you could catch him in a Blackbird!

12-24-2012, 02:52 PM
You know that he does have few miles to run and only one night to do it all in even. Wonder what the breeze is like in that open cockpit of his?
I wonder what is his max altitude if needed?

12-24-2012, 02:54 PM
I just live 12 miles from north pole and Santa Clause house. I have met him and he is an alright guy, in fact he was a trucker until he got this gig. lol

12-24-2012, 03:00 PM
Explains why he can pull an all nighter and still be awake at the end of the trip. ha ha

12-24-2012, 03:36 PM
My kids watch the norad santa tracker on the internet. Glad to see our military men and women participate. We spread grain on the front lawn for a snack for the reindeer. Santa AKA Dad eats the danish butter cookies and a glass of milk. Leaves a note with a section for each child both the good they did, and their bad.


12-25-2012, 06:58 PM
Here in Oz Airservices Aust do a similar thing as Norad. http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/santa

12-25-2012, 10:21 PM
Jim: sounds more WKRP! LOL.

We used to get a Santa alert call from either Alaska (Glenn) or Sweden (Jeff) but both have moved now. The girls used to love the calls.

DIRT Farmer
12-25-2012, 10:37 PM
The three generations of Santa, There is a Santa, There is no Santa, You are Santa.

Merry Christmas.