View Full Version : flux to use to add copper to alloy?

12-23-2012, 11:29 PM
What flux is used to alloy the copper with the babbit metal. I have tried several and can only get a small amount of copper into the alloy. Please don't say an acid based flux or a generic term. I need to know a specific flux and where it might be available. Also after alloying the copper in, my resulting alloy has a glitter like appearance to the surface after cooling. Is this normal?


12-24-2012, 03:05 AM
An earlier thread suggested using cupric sulfate CuSO4.
You must have tin in the mix either way with or without flux.
Several people said that regular old anything flux dissolved copper just fine
as long as tin was present.

Jim Flinchbaugh
12-24-2012, 12:49 PM
What flux is used to alloy the copper with the babbit metal.

I did not make my trial batch with babbit so I cant answer that.
I added my copper to pure tin, and used a 30 year old tub of acid flux
that we used for soldering copper pipes when building houses. Don't know the brand-
it's long wore off the can

12-25-2012, 02:43 AM
The brand I use is called rosey red soldering flux. It comes in a plastic margarine type tub. It is pepto bismol like in color and smells like a new urinal cake.

12-25-2012, 10:24 AM
I used what's called lead free tinning flux because that's what I had handy. Probably any paste flux will work.

12-30-2012, 01:08 AM
i have a lot of flux its a paste flux lead-free for silver &lead solders i have some in 8oz cans and some small 2oz jars
i ues it to flux copper water Pipe and outher thing and ever now and then my lead mix