View Full Version : A sign of things to come to a town near you

12-22-2012, 02:02 PM
Check out this bit of news about Brownells magazine sales recently


Evidently they sold three years worth of AR Mags in three days...

12-22-2012, 02:14 PM
if you haven't already stocked up, you might as well go buy another thurdy thurdy

12-22-2012, 02:33 PM
I happen to like them thutty thuttys.

12-22-2012, 03:05 PM
I've got a couple original 20 round Colt mags, really don't need any more but I think I may pick a few up just because!! People are doing this because they know whats coming down the road sad to say. O'bummer is gonna slam this thru as fast as he can, strike while the Iron is hot!! And use the Media to push his agenda!! Most non gun owners would view everyone rushing out buying these mags and weapons as being "PARANOID". They just don't understand the implications of new Anti Gun Laws.

12-22-2012, 03:29 PM
I suspect a lot of people are buying them to resell, if a ban comes they will stand to make a buck, if it doesn't they just may have to eat them by the boxfulls.

12-22-2012, 05:29 PM
Depending on how the ban is written they may not be able to sell them. In Calif if you owned them before the ban they are ok, but if bought after you are out of luck.

12-22-2012, 07:03 PM
They are going to seriously try for no Grandfathering. They and the guns will simply be illegal, turn them in or become a felon. Don't think they could ever get that passed or the courts would overturn it?....how did that Healthcare thing work out for you?

12-22-2012, 07:08 PM
They are going to seriously try for no Grandfathering. They and the guns will simply be illegal, turn them in or become a felon. Don't think they could ever get that passed or the courts would overturn it?....how did that Healthcare thing work out for you?

That's pretty much how I look at it. It is known Obummer has been waiting for his chance to get more gun legislation, and we've all seen how he works, and gets what he wants.

12-22-2012, 08:01 PM
A local sporting good store sold 54 AR's (all they had) in less than 4 hrs. last Monday. They sold more guns this week than in the past 3 months! They say that ammo sales have been high, but nothing like the gun sales. Seems kinda' odd that ammo is not selling as fast as guns. You may be right on the resale theory. The mall ninjas will buy them later at any price.

I've already had mine for years and plenty of ammo, so let 'em stock up now, I don't care. I saw this coming and stocked up long ago!

12-22-2012, 09:21 PM
Depending on how the ban is written they may not be able to sell them. In Calif if you owned them before the ban they are ok, but if bought after you are out of luck.

How they gonna know?? Other than manufacturer date. I mean I know of lots of percieved illegal mags that have wound up in cali since then.

12-22-2012, 09:28 PM
I just had a forehead slapper moment. What is the "AR Stimulus" going to do to the economy? You Know DA Who is fixing to have improved numbers that will not only *not* reflect the reason, but will appear to represent an upswing in confidence in the sock monkey. Ha, what are you gonna do?

12-22-2012, 09:44 PM
Lot's of stuff sliding by without much, oversight while all eyes are on this. Hillarious has a headache and can't testify, now after 2 months of just being too busy. Fast and furious is all but out of the news, even an agents personal gun turning up in MEXICO at a crime scene didn't revive it. What scares me is what we haven't even heard about.

12-23-2012, 12:03 AM
I'm reasonably stocked. There's always room for more. I'm just tryin' to stock up enough for some of my grandkids. They may be screwed when they reach the age to purchase something. I just need more primers and powder.

12-23-2012, 09:39 PM
I have a sinking feeling that if a high capacity magazine ban is passed,this time there will be language in it similiar to the machinegun act which gives you a certain amount of time to turn them in and after that it will be a felony, or they will tag them as a health hazard and make them illegal to either own or sell (except for police or military) banning them ouright. I hope I'm wrong but there are a lot of pro gun members of congress right now squirming and trying to figure out a way to vote for a ban on magazines and weapons and still stay in office. We need to let them know that a vote for this means no support from us, period.

tomme boy
12-24-2012, 12:48 AM
I don't think any of it will pass. Dems control one house, Rep. control the other. I just don't think the Rep. will let any of this pass. They know what happened last time. And so does the Dems. They are not going to risk their jobs to pass something that they know is not right. And if it doesn't, there is going to be a lot of mad people.

They are going to have to wait till the mid term elections are over if they can't get it passed now. So that is when I think we are going to be in the worst danger.

12-24-2012, 02:50 AM
I hope you are right, I have been listening to and watching all the news I can and I'm seeing an awful lot of caving being done by the Reubs.

12-24-2012, 09:03 AM
I don't think any of it will pass. Dems control one house, Rep. control the other. I just don't think the Rep. will let any of this pass. They know what happened last time. And so does the Dems. They are not going to risk their jobs to pass something that they know is not right. And if it doesn't, there is going to be a lot of mad people.

They are going to have to wait till the mid term elections are over if they can't get it passed now. So that is when I think we are going to be in the worst danger.

Wishful thinking on your part. Republicans are cowards. They'll give up their souls to be loved by the media and stay in power. Nice to see how they're willing to raise taxes..........

12-24-2012, 09:12 AM
they can't ban them outright.
what they will push thru is a beefed up version of the 1994 AW ban.
Existing guns grandfathered, same with mags. The American people will not stand for a total ban.

Hell i don't even know if i own any 10 rd mags for my Ar or ak !!

12-24-2012, 11:02 AM
I don't think any of it will pass. Dems control one house, Rep. control the other. I just don't think the Rep. will let any of this pass. They know what happened last time. And so does the Dems. They are not going to risk their jobs to pass something that they know is not right. And if it doesn't, there is going to be a lot of mad people.

They are going to have to wait till the mid term elections are over if they can't get it passed now. So that is when I think we are going to be in the worst danger.

You are exactly right. There will be no new laws or bans passed by this Congress. Our greatest worry will be things done by executive order and by the feds using existing law to expand their power by misapplying them. The rest of it, the media circus and the furious speechifying on both sides is just political theater. This is a red meat issue on both sides and much more likely to generate large sums on money to their fund raising efforts. It also makes a nice distraction from the fact that congress is such a dysfunctional institution that they can’t do the job they were elected to do. So rather than worry about the non threat from congress on guns, keep your eye on the DOJ where the real threat is likely to come from. As to congress a pox on both of the parties. I don’t like idealists of either stripe and wish that the American people would wake up and realize that the party system in this country has been hijacked by big money interests that don’t care about the welfare of the American people. End of rant.

Merry Christmas to everyone of you.


12-24-2012, 04:38 PM
Our fellow Americans in law enforcement would have to enforce these ban laws, that's not going to happen. So what's the worry?

One word.


A great number of people will follow orders regardless of what those orders are. They will rationalize why it is ok for them to follow orders to do things they would never have done on their own. Just have a look at the Stanford Prison Experiment


LEO's and military personnel will mostly follow orders, even ones that are illegal, as they have been trained to follow orders. Naturally there will be some exceptions but I would imagine any LEO or military member that refuses to stack up and enter some "Domestic Terrorists" residence, business, or other property to seize subversive literature, (Bill of Rights, Constitution, or anything written by James Wesley Rawles), arsenals of illegal assault weapons, caches of ammunition, hoards of food, water, or motor vehicle fuel, will be promptly dealt with.

Just wait until they see the stacks of lead ingots capable of producing thousands of bullets...

12-24-2012, 08:21 PM
Our fellow Americans in law enforcement would have to enforce these ban laws, that's not going to happen. So what's the worry?

Keep on dreamin'!

The article the OP linked said,.....

"Brownell's, the worlds largest supplier of firearms."

When did that happen? :veryconfu


12-24-2012, 09:18 PM
"Stacks of lead ingots" = stores of hazardous materials.

12-24-2012, 10:22 PM
The thing is...and these are numbers I made up. 30% are panic buyers, while the other 70% are trying to capitalize on the situation and selling $700-$800 AR's for $1400-$1700.
The 30% will pay that much because they can't find any for $700-$800 anymore.

12-25-2012, 01:31 AM
Hmm, wonder what I could get for my Obermeyer barreled 6x45. I wouldn't want to pack it, weighs more than my Garand with that heavy barrel. Yea, panic buying all right, and I'll bet that a lot of them are people not even familiar with the controls.

12-31-2012, 08:28 PM
DO NOT KID your self the leos will do there job .I say one more time they will be on your doors just doing there job.getting your guns and be happy to do it.....IT WILL BE THE LAW.

12-31-2012, 08:37 PM
One word about confiscation by LEO - KATRINA

01-01-2013, 12:16 AM
Our fellow Americans in law enforcement would have to enforce these ban laws, that's not going to happen. So what's the worry?

Which laws is it that they don't enforce now. lol

01-02-2013, 02:31 AM
Lets not forget the impending UN arms treaty. Obama can sign that without congress and then have the UN armed forces enforce it. At least there is a good chance we will be fighting foreigners rather than our own. If a foreign force goes to war with the american people will our military just stand by and watch...I think not. They have sworn an oath to protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Interesting times we are going to live in.

Stephen Cohen
01-02-2013, 04:09 AM
A bit off topic, but last week the news in Australia, showed people lining up to hand guns in for a $200.00 food voucher. I took it to be propaganda, as some guns were worth way more than that.

01-02-2013, 06:14 AM
Lets not forget the impending UN arms treaty. Obama can sign that without congress and then have the UN armed forces enforce it. At least there is a good chance we will be fighting foreigners rather than our own. If a foreign force goes to war with the american people will our military just stand by and watch...I think not. They have sworn an oath to protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Interesting times we are going to live in.
No he Cannot enter into a treaty by himself...

Wayne Smith
01-06-2013, 01:36 PM
Wishful thinking on your part. Republicans are cowards. They'll give up their souls to be loved by the media and stay in power. Nice to see how they're willing to raise taxes..........

Not quite so fast. Look at how the Virginia House delegation voted on the 'Fiscal Cliff' bill. With one exception they ALL voted against it! Bainer needs to go, I'll keep my congressman!

01-07-2013, 11:18 PM
Treaties are NOT valid until ratified by the Senate. Foreign armed forces are not
permitted in US - I suppose if invited it may be technically legal, not sure but
I cannot imagine Congress going along with foreign troops.

It would be very ugly if UN troops came to the US to try to do some sort of
enforcement action. Intersting in fiction, does not seem credible at this time or
in the near future.
