View Full Version : Time estimate for mihec mold

12-21-2012, 01:33 PM
I'm in on my first Mihec group buy. The buy is now closed . Anyone have an estimate on how long between buy closed and notification to send cash? Thanks

tomme boy
12-21-2012, 02:10 PM
About a year

12-21-2012, 02:37 PM

12-21-2012, 03:13 PM
I guess I have been lucky then, never had to wait nearly that long.

12-21-2012, 03:22 PM
I have never waited a year. Maybe 1 to 3 months has been my experience.


12-21-2012, 03:26 PM
Mine was much faster than a year. Plus it is a very good mold.

12-21-2012, 03:39 PM
In my experience, after the group buy is closed and money is sent Mihec mould delivery is a couple of weeks depending on postal service.

The wait for Miha to catch up and actually make the mould can be a year or more but after the buy is closed he is machining and delivery is pretty quick.

12-21-2012, 03:59 PM
avoid Mihec molds because he doesnt have any kind of timeline unlike NOE, I dont like suprises so I trend away from him. Too bad too as I hear his RG molds are the berrys...

MT Chambers
12-21-2012, 09:26 PM
I am waiting for molds from Mihec and Noe and I think they will be 1 year for one and 1 1/2 years for the other, these will be my last group buys.

12-21-2012, 09:37 PM
Mihec doesn't make RG moulds, NOE does.

As for no time line, so? I get on the list and wait. I don't pay til he has the moulds ready and sends me an invoice. This is no different from NOE buys.

His moulds are well worth the wait and the money.

12-21-2012, 09:41 PM
The original post was asking once the buy closes how long is the wait. Not once he signs up how long will he wait.


12-21-2012, 09:51 PM
The guys who badmouth Mihec and NOE for long wait times were obviously not here for the year plus wait for crappy Lee group buy moulds that might or might not meet specs. You guys keep bashing NOE and Mihec, and I will continue to buy the best moulds (and designs) currently available. We are living in the Golden Age of Cast Boolit moulds and many just don't realize it.

white eagle
12-21-2012, 10:04 PM
I never understood the group buy thing annaway

12-21-2012, 11:46 PM
What is to understand? A group of people agree on a basic design and have a guy make the moulds. Pretty simple to me.

Both these guys tend to have a few extras from each run so they are available for people who didn't get in on the group buy.

The wait is our fault. We swamped a couple small shops. We are lucky to have that option.

12-22-2012, 12:08 AM
The wait is our fault. We swamped a couple small shops. We are lucky to have that option.

Imagine if they joined forces and started a full time production shop.

12-22-2012, 12:23 AM
Well that isn't gonna happen. One is in the us, the other in Slovakia.
I think NOE has also added a dedicated machine for mould production.

We can have fast or we can have good. Not gonna have both. I will take quality every time.

12-22-2012, 12:31 AM


12-22-2012, 12:46 AM
Group buys a a choice guys. If you don't want the wait don't sign up.

12-22-2012, 12:54 AM
Actually, Miha has recently (within the last few months) quit his "regular" job to make molds full time. I see him cutting down his lead times a little, but because demand is so high, it would take 5 or 6 Mihas to get things caught up and stay at less than 2 or 3 months. NOE has recently added new equipment that should help as well, but for either maker as long as the demand is so high you have to expect long delays. Those mills are not cheap and you don't want to get so many that you have to idle one or two.

12-22-2012, 01:39 AM
I don't see or understand the problem........if you don't want one of his molds, buy elswhere.....how hard is that. :roll:

If you go into one of these group buys without understanding how they work....you're not doing your homework.........

12-22-2012, 03:59 AM
Mihec doesn't make RG moulds, NOE does.

As for no time line, so? I get on the list and wait. I don't pay til he has the moulds ready and sends me an invoice. This is no different from NOE buys.

His moulds are well worth the wait and the money.

Eeh I meant the hollow point molds, if I am sending a decent amount of money to someone, i prefer them to be semi organized. I like looking at schedules and what not.

Besides I prefer to keep my money in the US if possible, these are just my beliefs if you are offinded... Tough...

41 mag fan
12-22-2012, 10:02 AM
Thats the beauty of the U.S., you have a choice of sending your money to an overseas person or buy in the U.S. and the profits stay in the U.S. But Miha is a good person as is Al. It's not like your sending your money to a coutry that belittles the U.S. all the time. I.E. Russia, China ect.
Al and Miha make some awesome molds out there, and the group buys when they started, really swamped Al and Miha. Miha quit his full time job and went into mold production exclusively, thats how much in demand he is.

Sad thing with Miha though, is the shipping times. My 1st mold from him took 6 weeks to get here, whereas some people have them in their hands within a week. But this is the postal delivery not Mihas fault.

If you don't want to wait for a group buy, you can always go to Tom at Accurate molds. He notorious for fast mold delivery. His molds are some of the best out there.
I would love to see a mold competition between the 3 on whose got the best of thhe best, but we all have our preferance....mine is I prefer all 3

12-22-2012, 10:09 AM
I have bought moulds from both NOE and Mihec. Both do outstanding work. In my opinion, it's worth the wait. But that's just the perspective of an old guy who has learned patience. Excellent work is worth it. Just my two cents...

12-22-2012, 10:21 AM
Eeh I meant the hollow point molds, if I am sending a decent amount of money to someone, i prefer them to be semi organized. I like looking at schedules and what not.

Besides I prefer to keep my money in the US if possible, these are just my beliefs if you are offinded... Tough...

I'm not offended. Thanks for not participating in any of these buys. They already have to much commitments as it is and any more just slows them down and delays production of the mould I want. Also chronic complainers drag one's spirits down and can make it difficult to concentrate on the job at hand. As a customer of NOE and Miha, I would appreciate it if those who have decided not to buy from them would keep their snide, uninformed, and petty comments to themselves. If you are offended at that, please stop talking about things you shouldn't.

To the original question, delivery should be less than two weeks after you pay the Paypal invoice, at least that's my experience.

12-22-2012, 10:23 AM
The guys who badmouth Mihec and NOE for long wait times were obviously not here for the year plus wait for crappy Lee group buy moulds that might or might not meet specs. You guys keep bashing NOE and Mihec, and I will continue to buy the best moulds (and designs) currently available. We are living in the Golden Age of Cast Boolit moulds and many just don't realize it.


12-22-2012, 10:26 AM
Both moulds I got from Miha took less than 2 weeks to arrive.

I don't mind the wait as I am out no money until he invoice is sent. That is after the moulds are completed. Beats the old Lee buy where the money was sent in then we waited. And hoped it was right. And waited. And hoped.

I will buy from Miha as he makes a beautiful brass mould in designs I like. NOE also has some designs I like so I buy them too.

Never bought from Accurate but should change that soon.

12-22-2012, 10:40 AM
What is to understand? A group of people agree on a basic design and have a guy make the moulds. Pretty simple to me.

Both these guys tend to have a few extras from each run so they are available for people who didn't get in on the group buy.

The wait is our fault. We swamped a couple small shops. We are lucky to have that option.

Two problems I see as far as delivery times are brought on by us. It was nice when we could get a group buy of a design that was only moderately popular. That option seems to be gone. I understand both makers not running the smaller interest molds in favor of the high count buys, but I still miss the small run options. Re-runs are killing delivery along with demands for yet another design. Personally I'd love it if all molds were run according to their beginning interest date, regardless of the quantity ordered (provided the base number was say 20 or 25). I have seen designs wallow on the list for well over a year which is not any better than the Lee group buys. What is better is quality and we don't have an investment in a mold that sits in the wings for a year or more. Like I said, I'd love to see a first come, first served scenario. Quit pushing re-runs in front of other molds that have a minimum order count that is reasonable.

Just my thoughts.


big dale
12-22-2012, 12:55 PM
I have been in on several group buys from Miha. There was only one time when it took over a couple of weeks from when we did the paypal thing. That one time was a time when insane overaction to terror threats had all movement of freight screwed up in the world for a while. I would say you don't have to worry about it...just be happy and sure that you will be getting one of the best molds in the world.

Have fun with this stuff.

Big Dale

12-22-2012, 01:31 PM
I have 7 Mihec moulds, none took a year to get here, most were well under 2 weeks turn around time. Had one problem with lengthy delivery due to terror threats as listed above. The best made moulds I own and made by H&G, Mihec and NOE.

12-22-2012, 01:55 PM
Anyone have an estimate on how long between buy closed and notification to send cash? Thanks

Only once did I wait more than a couple of weeks once I got the invoice to pay and that was as already mentioned due to a world wide freight shipping fiasco when nothing could go by plane. Everything shipped to and from EU had to go by slow boat. Wow, was it ever a slow boat but that certainly has nothing to do with Miha, I seriously doubt he liked it any better than the rest of us that were waiting. Once it arrives you will have full appreciation of just how worth the wait was.

About a year

I don't think you read the OP's question correctly.

avoid Mihec molds because he doesnt have any kind of timeline unlike NOE, I dont like suprises so I trend away from him. Too bad too as I hear his RG molds are the berrys...

Pretty sad how un-informed some people are. Also sad is you depriving yourself of the finest mold ever made but what the hey . . . That is 100% your loss.

if I am sending a decent amount of money to someone, i prefer them to be semi organized. I like looking at schedules and what not.

Besides I prefer to keep my money in the US if possible, these are just my beliefs if you are offinded... Tough...

Again, 100% your loss for being so un-informed.

I am not offinded . . . I'm not offended either. I'll coninue to enjoy the incredible craftsmanship & skill required to make these molds & you should continue enjoying being un-informed & completely missing out.


12-22-2012, 11:08 PM
Well, I enjoy using my MP and NOE molds. I get on a list and forget about it. When the mold is ready, they'll send me a note. Not like I sit here wringing my hands waiting for the mold. Then, when it shows up, it's like a pleasant surprise. Hey, look what I got !!! Lighten up, kids. You want some Lee molds, go get some - in a week !! enjoy Mike

12-22-2012, 11:12 PM
Been on a list for almost 2 years once, I have learned to be patient. That mould was worth the wait and it was a Lee!
I am on a list for a Mihec mould now. List started in June, if I get it by June I will be happy.

12-23-2012, 12:37 AM
Once the Buy closes the wait is about a month maybe two for delivery.
The buy will close, Miha will cut the molds and send an invoice.
From the time you pay the invoice until the mold is in your hand is not often less than 5 days and rarely more than 2 weeks.
They ship quick but are at the mercy of US customs - which operates on it's own unfathomable timetable.

The wait for the Buy to close can be in excess of a year. THAT is not MiHec's fault. it can take that long to get enough people on the list to make a 'Buy".
Just because it's in the forum as 'active' doesn't mean it's being cut.

MiHec keeps the buy Open until it's next in line.

I'd FAR rather have a one man operation cutting molds instead of making/updating lists of when he will cut molds.

12-23-2012, 03:42 AM
I like lists for a simple reason, I have to budget for a mold. I set aside money every month for molds and a rough schedule helps me be able to pay. I can tell how long I have to "pay it off" I have a feeling that some here could pay off all the molds I would ever want PLUS there molds and dont mind a *suprise* bill of 100+ dollars. I cant afford that so I stick with NOE for the schedules and the American made status.

Some of yall acted like I slapped your mother earlier... Tone it down, in the end we cant take em with us anyway.


12-23-2012, 04:22 AM
I like lists for a simple reason, I have to budget for a mold. I set aside money every month for molds and a rough schedule helps me be able to pay. I can tell how long I have to "pay it off"

I think your reason is hogwash, but assuming it isn't why not save up $100 then get in a Buy if it is going to be more than you only have to save a little more.
Although if money is THAT tight maybe you shouldn't buy custom high end stuff at all. LEE is made in the USA.

12-23-2012, 08:33 AM
If you need to budget for a mould then the list makes no difference. Put the money aside. Putting a drawer. That way it is there when the mould is ready. If you have the money now does it matter if the mould won't be done til next June? Set the money aside.

Like Frozone said, I would rather have Miha spend his time in the machine shop than on his computer. He can make moulds or he can make lists. I don't buy lists from him, I buy moulds.

If you must know when it can be made then go to Accurate Moulds. He can make it whenever you want it. His website even has a list of things he makes. He is in the US.

The majority of us understand the time it takes to make these moulds. It's labor we can appreciate. We also understand that quality can't be rushed. Like they say, good things come to those who wait. Waiting patiently is even better.

12-23-2012, 08:37 AM
If money is set aside then its there when the mold is ready to ship. That's a pleasant surprise! I'm in on my first Mihec group buy, and waiting like everyone else. It will be like Christmas when he sends the invoice. Merry Christmas everybody!

12-23-2012, 09:15 AM
I gotta say, I'm in on a MIHEC GB that's been going over a YEAR...........and I don't mind a bit. Miha will not make you pay up front and then take a year or MORE to make the mold like some GB "Honchos" do -- THAT is a load. Ride on my money for over a year? No thanks.

Besides, if I really want a custom mold, there are makers out there that will deliver in less than a month at reasonable prices, Accurate Molds comes to mind. I've bought two of his molds in the last six months and never did it take over a month and they are NICE molds too. Only issue I have with Accurate is he can't HP them. You have to send the mold out to Eric at hollowpoint mold to have that done but I'm OK with that.

I have two Mihec molds in my collection and they are the BERRIES! His cramer type HP design is simply AWESOME and they are PERFECT. Sooooo you do have a choice here.

I also have half a dozen NOE molds -- same quality but I usually wait until he has some available in his store and then buy them, Al is a great guy to do business with.

Bruce from BRP was also a good guy to deal with and he was from Michigan also -- you still out there Bruce???

One of the reasons I've waited over a year now for the Mihec buy I'm in on is I can't get THAT mold in THAT configuration ANYWHERE else at all..........choice is yours guys!


12-23-2012, 09:58 AM
I have a feeling that some here could pay off all the molds I would ever want PLUS there molds. I stick with NOE for the schedules and the American made status. Josh

I can't afford to buy all the molds I would like to have much less all the molds someone else wants. When Miha sends an invoice for a mold there is something else that will wait. That's well worth it to me to have the pleasure of using such an astonishing well made mold. One thing at a time is my entire loading room and gun collection. I often need to save up to get the item I want as opposed to getting cheaper and knowing up front that I will not be happy with it. Miha's molds are no different.

"American Made" is extremely important to me and always has been, I buy American whenever possible. The exception to that is when there is no "American Made" and there is from some place else.

I agree completely that the wait is far and away the most difficult part of group buys, I'm waiting on two molds from Miha right now. Between the discussion thread and the active group buy thread it's been about a year now and I'm biting at the bit for these molds. Once I have those brass works of art in my hands the waiting will seem insignificant and I'll have custom molds made by a true artisan just for me. Rick will be a mighty happy camper and extremely glad I got in on the buy. :mrgreen:


41 mag fan
12-23-2012, 11:26 AM
You do realize somone like Al from NOE will take your money up front on the group buy and when the molds run he'll ship it out to you.

Besides I prefer to keep my money in the US if possible, these are just my beliefs if you are offinded... Tough...

I like lists for a simple reason, I have to budget for a mold. I set aside money every month for molds and a rough schedule helps me be able to pay. I can tell how long I have to "pay it off" I have a feeling that some here could pay off all the molds I would ever want PLUS there molds and dont mind a *suprise* bill of 100+ dollars. I cant afford that so I stick with NOE for the schedules and the American made status.

Some of yall acted like I slapped your mother earlier... Tone it down, in the end we cant take em with us anyway.


You know, there is some of us on here that can buy all the molds they want, me for one can do that. But theres only been one post on here where they were glad you're not in on the group buys. but everyone else on here has been helpful on the timeline of Mihas molds and the reasoning behind the year long delays, and if you think thats bad, you should of been on here when Lee was the primary group buy supplier, they'd take your money up front, so no surprise there, and maybe a year, sometimes it was 2 yrs you'd get your mold and then you'd get a surprise, as it wasn't what you wanted or it was out of specs or just a plain lousy made mold.

But for someone thats been here barely a year to post that if we are offended.... tough because you want to keep your money in the U.S. and for us to tone it down is just not right.
The people on here thats been here for years are the best at helping fellow members out with questions and are some of the most generous people out there, on helping other members and their families whether it be monetarily or informational help or in prayers.

But to come on here and start posting words like that, is just not right, and just an outright sign of disrespect towards everyone on here.
Posting disrespectful things like that will eventually make the members on here ignore your posts and when you're in a time of need or seeking help, the members on here will sound like a bunch of crickets chirping in the middle of the night.

12-23-2012, 11:42 AM
Thanks Frozone! That's exactly the info I wanted. Merry Christmas!

12-24-2012, 05:14 PM
They are worth the wait