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41 mag fan
12-18-2012, 10:18 AM
Just to break the monotony of everyone talking about Newtown.....
I was out on the deck this morning, across the road theres a pig nut tree. 2 huge branches on it. On each huge branch there was 2 sets of squirrels. Notice they were chasing each other, sows must be in heat.
But i seen the males, both at the same time mount the sows!! It was a, you got to be kidding me, never seen them breed before.

But what made it really weird, funny, comical...ect ect is both males did their deed at the same time...literally jumped branches and started breeding the females again.
It was a swap meet so to speak!! Either that or the sows were so worn out from getting bred, they didn't realize both males had swapped on them!

Squirrel porn...got me to thinking. Mommas in bed asleep, then that thought went out the window....I realized them evil eyes would open and I'd just pee right down my leg and have a mess to clean up.
So I'll go back out and watch the wildlife.....

12-18-2012, 11:27 AM
Now that's funny:-)

12-18-2012, 02:22 PM
What is a pig nut???

12-18-2012, 03:04 PM
It's not something that you would want to eat!

41 mag fan
12-18-2012, 09:27 PM
What is a pig nut???

A pig nut is one of those things in a sack that swings between the back legs on a male pig or boar!!! :kidding:

Seriously though,
Here in hillbilly beginning land, the pig nut tree puts out a nut similar to an acorn but bigger and shaped like a pigs nut. Smaller than a pecan but bigger than an acorn. Deer, turkeys and squirrels will eat them up when they fall around here.
There might be a more accurate name for them, but i've grown up hearing them called pig nut trees from several generations of family.

Around here pig nuts are usually the last trees to completely drop their mast for the year.

12-19-2012, 01:14 AM
Do you mean the Carya glabra?

It doesn't mention squirrel breeding maybe you should edit the Wiki.

12-19-2012, 01:18 AM
A pig nut is one of those things in a sack that swings between the back legs on a male pig or boar!!!

Ah, breakfast sausage. lol

12-19-2012, 02:47 AM
i believe to make it truly squirell porn they had to high five as they made the switch.
i think that's the rule, not gonna go check.

41 mag fan
12-19-2012, 02:06 PM
i believe to make it truly squirell porn they had to high five as they made the switch.
i think that's the rule, not gonna go check.

Oh man i'm gonna have to watch for that one!! One thing I did notice was after the servicing was complete, they disappeared into a hole in the tree and there was alot of smoke coming from it shortly after....probably after sex smoke and reminicing about the booty swap they did!!!

41 mag fan
12-19-2012, 02:07 PM
A pig nut is one of those things in a sack that swings between the back legs on a male pig or boar!!!

Ah, breakfast sausage. lol

Now that just aint right!!

12-19-2012, 02:19 PM
Now that just aint right!!

Mountain oysters doesn't just come on bulls. lol

41 mag fan
12-19-2012, 02:35 PM
Mountain oysters doesn't just come on bulls. lol

Back in '89, i worked on a 6500 head hog farm. At 2 weeks old we castrated, 1 week old we cut the eye teeth and gave iron shots. But we had a board we used to hold them in, used a scapel and cut, squeezed, pulled out and cut again. Squirt of iodine and back in the farrow crate they went. I bet i did between 2-300 weekly.
But a few months into working there, i had a dream, that i cut my nuts off, looked at them in my hand and put them back on and they stayed.
Thought it was so cool, i decided to show my ex wife now.....I cut them off, showed them to her and tried to put them back on. they turned black in my hand and fell to the floor when I tried to put them back on.
I woke up scared sh*tless, turned on the light and pulled my underwear up to look.....talk about a big sigh of relief..they were still attached!!

12-19-2012, 03:51 PM
At least she didn't put them in her purse.:smile:

12-19-2012, 04:00 PM
That would be called a nightmare NOT a dream. lol

When my son was 7 years old, (big and stout for his age) a local rancher lady that ran a ranch of several thousand acres mostly by herself came to my shop and ask if she could hire my son to help work the cattle. (it was branding cutting, and dehorning time) This lady expected you to work and had a hard time hiring or keeping a hand. lol
She brought my son back about 8 in the evening on his first day covered in blood. (among other things) I jokingly ask him in a stern voice if he had hurt her cows, his answer was WE CUT THEIR BALLS OFF. I will never forget that. lol

41 mag fan
12-19-2012, 06:26 PM
That would be called a nightmare NOT a dream. lol
When my son was 7 years old, (big and stout for his age) a local rancher lady that ran a ranch of several thousand acres mostly by herself came to my shop and ask if she could hire my son to help work the cattle. (it was branding cutting, and dehorning time) This lady expected you to work and had a hard time hiring or keeping a hand. lol
She brought my son back about 8 in the evening on his first day covered in blood. (among other things) I jokingly ask him in a stern voice if he had hurt her cows, his answer was WE CUT THEIR BALLS OFF. I will never forget that. lol

Poor kids scarred for life!!
Correction noted!!
Back then it was a nighmare....but then so was my marriage....now it's just a dream....it don't wake me up in cold sweats anymore!!

12-19-2012, 06:54 PM
Scarred for life. lol He wound up working weekends for that lady 4 years steady. By the time he was ten he worked the branding crews for nearly every ranch within 100 miles and made several thousand dollars while in school on account of it. Scarred for life, yea it made him greedy, to this day, he insists on working almost every day. lol

41 mag fan
12-19-2012, 11:44 PM
Scarred for life. lol He wound up working weekends for that lady 4 years steady. By the time he was ten he worked the branding crews for nearly every ranch within 100 miles and made several thousand dollars while in school on account of it. Scarred for life, yea it made him greedy, to this day, he insists on working almost every day. lol

lmao...thats what i think every kid needs. Start working on a farm like your boy did, and as I and alot of us on here did as a young kid. It'll make you a responsible, good, hard working law abiding person when you get settled into life. Kids just don't have that type of work to do anymore, or they don't want to work that hard anymore.

12-20-2012, 01:42 AM
Avert your eyes you voyeuristic squirrel watching pervert.

41 mag fan
12-20-2012, 11:27 AM
It was a sort of turn on :kidding:......I kept thinking of chasing the wife around the house, but those dang evil eyes :evil: kept popping in my head, scaring me to the point I was dribbling in my shorts!! I don't think even viagara could help when them evil eyes burn holes thru you!! :groner:

12-20-2012, 07:24 PM
do like the squirells and sneak up frooom err ummm,,,
hmm, on second thought maybe you shouldn't.

41 mag fan
12-20-2012, 08:40 PM
do like the squirells and sneak up frooom err ummm,,,
hmm, on second thought maybe you shouldn't.

that womans got evil eyes in the back of her head i swear, smoke rolls out of her ears and i swear therres bumps on the top of her forehead that looks like horns and when she speaks, it sounds like 3 or 4 voices speaking at once....brrrrsssss just the thought and writing of this sent chills down my spine and now my bladders full....I better beat it to the toilet before i gotta change my underwear again